Introduction:Not again! the servants might have cried, as they scrambled to knock on doors throughout the palace realm. Your majesty, King Nebuchadnezzar, has ordered all the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers to come at once! Hurry, for he has had another troubling dream. He will expect you to show him the meaning of the dream.
引子:又来了!当那些仆人忙着敲遍宫廷里的门时,他们可能都快哭出来了。尊贵的尼布甲尼撒王命令所有的术士、用法术的、迦勒底人、观兆的都进来!快点儿,因为王又做了一个恼人的梦。他期望你们会告诉他那梦 的意思。
But Daniel 4:7 says Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and the king told them his dream, but they did not make known the meaning of it! Why couldnt they?
但是但以理4:7 说, 于是那些术士、用法术的、迦勒底人、观兆的都进来,我将那梦告诉了他们,他们却不能把梦的讲解告诉我。但是他们为什么不能呢?
Gospel:Because they didnt know the true and living God Who had sent the dream! The Creator of the whole world and all that is in space is a holy God, and everything He does is right. And although God lives in a beautiful perfect place called Heaven, He sees and knows everything that goes on in His world. He knows the heart of every person, whether they believe in Him or not. Those who do not believe in God are separated from Him forever but not because God desires that. He wanted King Nebuchadnezzar and all his wisemen to believe in Him. That was why God had sent the king the first dream about all the kingdoms of the world.
福音:因为他们不认识赐给这梦 的又真又活的神!宇宙和其中万物的创造者是一位圣洁的神,他所做的尽都公义。虽然神住在美丽完美的天堂,他却知道世上进行 的所有事情。他知道每个人的心,知道他们是否信他。那些不信神的人与神是永远隔离的,但这并不是神所想要的。神要 尼布甲尼撒王和他所有的智者都信他。这就是神要赐给王第一个梦的原因,那个梦是关于世上各国的。
God created you too! And although He knows every good and bad thing about you, He loves you. Gods love was shown in the greatest way possible when He sent His perfect Son Jesus to take your punishment for sin. Jesus willingly died on the cross to take your place, so that you could one day have a place in Heaven! John 20:31b says, that believing you might have life through his name . When you believe that you are a sinner and that Jesus died for you, you can ask Jesus to come into your life and save you. Hell do it, and Hell give you His everlasting life, the kind you need to live in Heaven. If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, God wants you to believe in His Son Jesus. And God wanted King Nebuchadnezzar to believe in Him. Thats why He kept sending those troubling dreams.
神也创造了你!虽然神知道所有关于你的或好或坏的事,但是神爱你。神派他的完美的儿子耶稣为你担当了罪的刑罚,那时神就显明了他的大爱。耶稣愿意为你死在十字架上,好使有一天你也能在天堂里。约翰福音20:31b说:并且叫你们信了他,就可以因他(耶稣)的名得生命。当你承认自己是个罪人并相信耶稣已经为你死,你就可以邀请耶稣进入到你的生命中来救你。他就会那样做, 他会赐给你他永远的生命, 就是你住在天堂里所需要的生命. 如果你从没有信过耶稣, 神要你来信神的儿子耶稣.神要尼布甲尼撒王来信他.这就是神不断赐下那些恼人的梦的原因。
But do you think the kings wisemen asked the true and living God about the dream?No, they did not believe in Him. They worshipped idols. But there was one man in the kingdom that did believe in the true and living God. Daniel 4:8 says, But at the last Daniel came in before the king. Dont you wonder why the king called Daniel last, when it was Daniel who had given the understanding about the kings other dreams?We dont know why Daniel was last, but we do know that God showed Daniel the clear meaning of the dream.
你觉得王的智者会询问真神关于这梦的事吗?不会的, 他们不相信神。他们敬拜偶像。但是王国中有一个人信这位又真又活的神。但以理4:8说:末后,那但以理来到王面前。你可能会奇怪为什么王最后一个叫但以理呢?正是但以理帮助王解开了以往其他的梦。我们不知道为什么但以理是最后一个, 但我们知道神清楚地给但以理显明了梦的意思。
The king told Daniel that in his dream he had seen a tree in the middle of the earth, and it grew so tall and strong and wide that it reached to heaven and could be seen all over the earth. The leaves and fruit from the tree fed all the creatures, birds and people of the world. But suddenly a messenger from heaven came down and said, Cut down the tree, cut off the branches, shake off the leaves and scatter the fruit. But leave the stump of the tree with a band of iron and brass. The stump will be out in the tender grass of the field. The king went on with the details of the dream. As he told the dream, he could see Daniels face changing as if he had seen a horrible picture. The king said, Belteshazzar dont let the dream trouble you! But the truth is, the dream troubled Daniel deeply, for he knew it meant trouble for the king.
王告诉但以理在他的梦中他看见地当中有一棵树,极其高大。那树渐长,而且坚固,高得顶天,从地极都能看见; 叶子华美,果子甚多,可作飞鸟, 走兽和众人的食物;但是突然见有一位守望的圣者从天而降,大声呼叫说:伐倒这树!砍下枝子,摇掉叶子,抛散果子,树墩却要留在地内,用铁圈和铜圈箍住,留在田野的青草中。王继续讲诉梦的细节。当王讲诉时, 他看见但以理的脸色在变, 就好像他看见了可怖的景象。王说:伯提沙撒啊,不要因梦和梦的讲解惊惶。但是真实情况是但以理为这梦大为惊慌, 因为他知道这梦对王意味着什么。
O king, Daniel said sadly, If only that dream could be for your enemies and not for you. You saw a tree growing strong and tall whose height reached to the heaven, and it could be seen by all the earth. You saw it provided food for all. That tree is you, O king, for your kingdom is grown and become strong, and you rule to the end of the earth. Then you saw a messenger from heaven who said, Cut the tree down , and destroy it, yet leave the stump of the roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and the stump will be wet with the dew of heaven. This is you, O king, and this is the decree of the most High. Your kingdom will be cut down, and they will drive you from men, and you will live with the beasts of the field. You will eat grass like an ox, and you shall be wet with the dew of heaven and seven times shall pass over you, til you know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever he will.
Does this sound dreadful?Daniel then pleaded with the king, Please accept my counsel now:break off your sins and start doing right; start shewing mercy to the poor, and maybe God will give you peace a little longer. Daniel knew King Nebuchadnezzar was a proud king who did not acknowledge the true and living God. He knew God was resisting the proud king, and planned to judge him. Daniel begged the king to say no to pride and humble himself to do the right thing.
这些是不是听起来好可怕?然后但以理请求王说:王啊,求你悦纳我的谏言,以施行公义断绝罪过,以怜悯穷人除掉罪孽,或者你的平安可以延长。 但以理知道尼布甲尼撒王是一个骄傲的王, 他不认识这位又真又活的神.但以理知道神抵挡这骄傲的王, 并且神计划审判他. 但以理乞求王弃绝骄傲, 谦卑自己秉行公义。
Main Teaching:If you know the Lord Jesus as Savior, say no to pride! Pride is bragging on yourself and not God. It is thinking too much about yourself. Our Bible verse for today reminds us of the danger of pride. I Peter 5:5 says, clothed with humility; for God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Do you ever feel upset because you didnt make the best grade in your class?Do you pout if you are not chosen for the part you wanted in the school play?Do you ever feel that you are better than someone else?Those are all signs of pride. If you know the Lord Jesus as Savior, say no to pride!
主要教导:如果你认主耶稣为救主, 就要弃绝骄傲!骄傲就是自夸而不是夸耀神. 那也就是考虑你自己太多了.我们今天的圣经经节提醒了我们骄傲的危险.彼得前书5:5说: .....你们众人也都要以谦卑束腰,彼此顺服,因为神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。 你是否曾经为没有考到班上的最高分而郁闷呢?你是否曾为在学校演出中, 没有被选到你想要的角色而不悦呢?你是否曾经觉得你比别人都强呢?这些都是骄傲的迹象.如果你认主耶稣为救主, 就要弃绝骄傲。
Daniel was trying to help the king understand his need to put away his pride and be humble before God. With the terrible warning of the dream, do you think Nebuchadnezzar will listen and humble himself before the true and living God? The months went by, and it seems nothing changed. Nebuchadnezzar was still doing fine, his kingdom was prospering, nothing had changed. Perhaps the dream was forgotten. One day about a year after the dream, the king was walking around in his palace admiring his splendid house and gardens and looking out over his kingdom. He said, Is not this great Babylon that I have power, and for the honor of my majesty? Oh, the king was filled with so much pride in himself!
但以理在帮助王看到他的需要, 好使他能放下骄傲并在神面前谦卑下来.面对这梦所带来的可怕的警告, 你觉得尼布甲尼撒王会听进去, 并在这又真又活的神面前谦卑下来吗?几个月过去了, 看起来什么都没变.尼布甲尼撒王都还好, 他的王国也还繁荣昌盛, 什么都没变.或许那个梦已经被遗忘了.过了十二个月,他游行在巴比伦王宫里, 四处观看, 为他的豪华宫殿和花园而自得.他说:这大巴比伦不是我用大能大力建为京都,要显我威严的荣耀吗? 哇, 王真是为自己大为骄傲啊!
Main Teaching:If you are a child of God, say no to pride! Pride is the opposite of being humble. The Lord Jesus showed us how to be humble when He was here on earth.He served others instead of Himself, and He always gave glory to His Father in Heaven.Philippians 2:8 says, ...he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. The Bible also says, Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again. Even when the Lord Jesus, King of Heaven, was cursed and mocked, He did not rise up in pride or anger. If you have believed on Jesus as your Savior, let Jesus be your example. When you know you are feeling pride rising up inside, ask yourself, What would Jesus do?
主要教导:如果你是神的孩子, 要向骄傲说不! 骄傲就是谦卑的相反.主耶稣向我们显示了他在地上时是何等谦卑.他总是服事别人, 他总是归荣耀给神.腓利比书2:8 说: ....就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上.圣经还说:他被骂不还口。(彼得前书2∶23)主耶稣, 身为天国的王, 即使在被咒骂和嬉笑的时候, 也没有骄傲或生气而起来.如果你已经接受耶稣为你的救主, 就让耶稣为你的榜样吧.当你觉得心中已有骄傲升起的时候, 就问自己:如果是耶稣, 他会做什么?
How would Jesus react if He were not chosen by the teacher? What would Jesus do if He only had old clothes when others had new ones?What would Jesus say if He made the best grades in the class?Pray, asking God to clothe you with humility, and then do what you know Jesus would do. Jesus would say no to pride.
如果是耶稣没有被老师选中, 他会做何反应? 如果是耶稣只有旧衣服而其他人有新衣服, 他会怎样呢?如果是耶稣取得了班上最好的成绩, 他会说什么呢?祷告吧, 求神为你穿戴谦卑, 然后做耶稣将会做的.耶稣会向骄傲说不 。
King Nebuchadnezzar had been warned about his pride, but he chose not to humble himself. While he was right in the middle of bragging on himself and saying, Is not this great Babylon that I have built by my power... the Bible says ...there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king, to you it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from you. And they shall drive you from men, and you will live with the beasts of the f ield:they shall make you eat grass as an ox, and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will.
尼布甲尼撒王已被警告过他的骄傲, 但他却没有选择谦卑自己.正当他在自夸说:这大巴比伦不是我用大能大力建为京都......圣经说 有声音从天降下说:尼布甲尼撒王啊,有话对你说:你的国位离开你了。你必被赶出离开世人,与野地的兽同居,吃草如牛,且要经过七期。等你知道至高者在人的国中掌权,要将国赐与谁,就赐与谁。
Sure enough that same hour Nebuchadnezzar was driven out of his palace into the open field. Can you imagine this proud king suddenly acting like an animal, getting down on his hands and knees, putting his head down and munching on grass?No wonder he was put out of the palace. Everyone must have said, The king has gone insane. But it was even worse than that. The Bible says his hair grew out like eagles feathers, and his nails like birds claws, and his body was wet with dew. God resists the proud , our memory verse said. If we do not humble ourselves, God has His way of breaking our pride!
确实就在那时刻尼布甲尼撒王被赶出王宫, 到了野地里.你能想象这个骄傲的王突然行动如野兽, 手足并行, 低头大口吃草.难怪他被赶出王宫.每个人一定会说:那王一定是疯了.但实际上更糟.圣经说他的身被天露滴湿,头发长长,好像鹰毛,指甲长长,如同鸟爪。我们所背的经节说神阻挡骄傲的人 , 如果我们不谦卑自己, 神自有办法打破我们的骄傲!
We dont know how many days it was, but the Bible says, the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honored him that lives for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion. And all the inhabitants of the earth nothing:and he does according to his will...At the same time my reason returned to me; and...I was established in my kingdom. Now I praise and honor the King of heaven...Those who walk in pride He is able to bring down.
我们不知道过去了多少时日, 但圣经说, ....日子满足,我尼布甲尼撒举目望天,我的聪明复归于我,我便称颂至高者,赞美尊敬活到永远的神。他的权柄是永有的,他的国存到万代。世上所有的居民、都算为虚无。在天上的万军和世上的居民中,他都凭自己的意旨行事。......我的聪明复归于我,....我又得坚立在国位上,至大的权柄加增于我。现在我尼布甲尼撒赞美、尊崇、恭敬天上的王,.....那行动骄傲的,他能降为卑。
Now the king was bragging on God, and not himself! God restored Nebuchadnezzar to his position, and even allowed him to have more honor. The king had learned his lesson on humility!
现在王以神为夸耀的, 而不是他自己.神恢复了尼布甲尼撒王的位子, 甚至给他更多的尊容.王已经学到了谦卑的功课!
Challenge:If you know the Lord Jesus, will you this week say no to pride?This week you will be tempted with pride. Maybe someone will make a better grade or beat you in sports. It may be that your teacher or parents will embarrass you by correcting you in front of others. Pride is also when you feel inside that you are better than others because you make better grades, or look nicer. When you feel pride rising up in you, will you say, What would Jesus do? Then pray, asking God to clothe you with humility and to help you think, say, and do what Jesus would do.
挑战:如果你已认识主耶稣, 你这一周会向骄傲说不吗?这一周你会被骄傲试探.也许有人比你成绩更高或在体育运动中超过你.也许你的老师或父母会在别人面前纠正你而让你难堪.当你因为你比别人成绩好或漂亮而心中得意时, 这也是骄傲.当你觉得心中有骄傲升起时, 你会问耶稣会怎样做吗? 那就祷告吧, 求神为你穿戴谦卑, 并帮助你言行和意念都象耶稣那样。
Invitation:If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, it is probably pride that is keeping you from admitting your sin and your need of Jesus to save you. Why not humble yourself right now, realizing that you will be lost from God forever if you do not come to the Lord Jesus. God has made no other way for your sins to be forgiven. Go now to How To Be a Child of God.
邀请:如果你从没有相信过耶稣, 可能就是骄傲在阻挡你承认自己的罪和让耶稣拯救你.为什么不现在就谦卑下来, 要知道如果你不就近耶稣, 你就会与神永远隔离.神没有为你的罪得赦免提供其他的路.现在就去看一下怎样成为神的孩子吧。
The Two Brothers
英文名著精选阅读:《傲慢与偏见》第11章 第4节
The Magic Moneybag
The Ass and the Lapdog
【留美日记】暖人心的Buddy Walk
英文名著精选阅读:《小妇人》第二章:圣诞快乐 第5节
The Glass Axe
Story of the Seven Simons
美文背诵:芭蕾 舞之女王
Niels and the Giants
Don Giovanni de la Fortuna
I Want Her to go Nuts
The Thoughtful Warden故事
The Magic Swan
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The Farmer and His Sons
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