LONDON — In a recent episode of Showtime’s hitseries “Homeland, the former C.I.A. officer CarrieMathison is escorted by a Hezbollah militant past a wall in a fictional Syrian refugee campcovered with Arabic graffiti.
伦敦——在Showtime热播剧《国土安全》(Homeland)的最新一集中,前中情局(CIA)特工凯莉·马西森(Carrie Mathison)在一名真主党(Hezbollah)武装分子的护送下,走过了虚构的叙利亚难民营的一道围墙,墙上有一些阿拉伯文的涂鸦。
Attentive viewers who read Arabic, however, might have noticed something awry. Among themessages spray-painted on the walls: “ ‘Homeland’ is racist, “There is no ‘Homeland’ and “ ‘Homeland’ is not a show.
The subversive messages seemingly escaped the notice of the producers of the televisionseries.
On Wednesday, an Egyptian artist, Heba Y. Amin, and two other artists, Caram Kapp andStone, took credit for the graffiti, saying it was a subtle protest of false and misleadingstereotypes in the series, which has been heavily criticized for its portrayals of Muslims.
周三,埃及艺术家何贝·Y·阿明(Heba Y. Amin),和其他两位艺术家卡兰姆·卡普(Caram Kapp)和斯通(Stone)自称是这些涂鸦的创作者。他们表示,此举是对这部剧集中传达的那些虚假的、有误导性的刻板印象的微妙抗议。该剧对穆斯林的刻画已经遭到一些人的严厉批评。
Ms. Amin said she and her colleagues had been hired by the show’s producers to addauthenticity to the camp depicted in the episode — Season 5, Episode 2 — aired in the UnitedStates on Sunday and filmed on the outskirts of Berlin.
The three, who call themselves Arabian Street Artists, said they had used the opportunity tovent their “political discontent with the show.
三个人自称是“阿拉伯街头艺术家(Arabian Street Artists),他们表示,自己利用了这个机会来发泄对该剧集的“政治不满。
“The series has garnered the reputation of being the most bigoted show on television for itsinaccurate, undifferentiated and highly biased depiction of Arabs, Pakistanis and Afghans, aswell as its gross misrepresentations of the cities of Beirut, Islamabad — and the so-calledMuslim world in general, the artists said in their statement on Ms. Amin’s website, assertingthat they had “hacked the series. “For four seasons, and entering its fifth, ‘Homeland’ hasmaintained the dichotomy of the photogenic, mainly white, mostly American protector versusthe evil and backwards Muslim threat.
Alex Gansa, co-creator of “Homeland, acknowledged the ruse. “We wish we’d caught theseimages before they made it to air, he said in a statement. “However, as ‘Homeland’ alwaysstrives to be subversive in its own right and a stimulus for conversation, we can’t help butadmire this act of artistic sabotage.
《国土安全》的主创之一亚历克斯·冈萨(Alex Gansa)承认被捉弄了。“要是在播出之前发现这些画面就好了,他在一份声明中说。“不过,《国土安全》始终致力于成为一部颠覆性的剧集,引发大家的交谈,因此我们也不禁佩服这种艺术性的破坏行为。
Claire Danes has won two Emmys and two Golden Globe awards for her portrayal of Ms.Mathison, an intelligence officer who struggles with bipolar disorder. But the series itself hasbeen consistently criticized for inaccurate and inconsistent portrayals.
马西森是一位患有躁郁症的特工,克莱尔·戴恩斯(Claire Danes)因扮演这个角色荣获了两项艾美奖和两项金球奖。但一直有人批评这部剧集本身的描绘不准确、前后不一致。
The three artists criticized the first season for suggesting that Al Qaeda was an “Iranianventure that had sought revenge against the United States on behalf of Iran. Al Qaeda is aSunni Muslim extremist network, which Shiite Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, have inrecent years treated as, in some ways, a more imminent danger than Israel.
这三位艺术家批评,该剧集的第一季曾暗示基地组织(Al Qaeda)是“伊朗策划的,试图代表伊朗报复美国。基地组织是一个逊尼派穆斯林极端主义组织,而最近几年,从某种角度而言,属于什叶派的伊朗,以及伊朗在黎巴嫩的代理人真主党,把基地组织看成是比以色列更加迫切的威胁。
In October 2012, Lebanon’s tourism minister at the time, Fadi Abboud, threatened to sue themakers of the series for their depiction of Beirut, the Lebanese capital. The program’sportrayal showed a group of terrorists meeting on Hamra Street, which was depicted as acenter for militia violence; in real life, the street is a cosmopolitan road with a Starbucks,outdoor cafes and women in outfits ranging from skimpy to fully veiled. Mr. Abboud wasparticularly angry that the episode had been filmed in Israel, which is officially at war withLebanon.
2012年10月,黎巴嫩时任旅游部长法迪·阿布德(Fadi Abboud)威胁要起诉该剧的创作人员,原因就是他们对黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的描绘。在该剧中,一群恐怖分子在哈姆拉街(Hamra Street)碰头,那条街道被塑造成了一个武装暴力的中心。而在现实生活中,那是一条国际化的马路,能看到星巴克(Starbucks)、露天咖啡馆,街上的女性有的衣着暴露,也有的遮得严严实实。阿布德特别愤怒的是,该剧是在以色列拍摄的。理论上,黎巴嫩和以色列还处于交战状态。
Ms. Amin and her colleagues said the show demonstrated its insensitivity by “naming a keyterrorist character after the former real-life Pakistani ambassador to the United States. (Thecharacter is Haissam Haqqani; the ambassador, Husain Haqqani, who served from 2008 to2011, is an eminent scholar who has written frequently — and highly critically of the Pakistangovernment — for The New York Times and other publications.)
阿明和同事称,该剧“让一名关键恐怖分子的角色和现实生活中的前巴基斯坦驻美大使同名,这显示出该剧缺乏敏感。(剧中的角色叫海赛姆·哈卡尼[Haissam Haqqani],现实生活中的人物叫侯赛因·哈卡尼[HusainHaqqani],从2008年到2011年担任驻美大使,他是一位知名学者,常常为《纽约时报》和其他刊物撰文,对巴基斯坦政府持很强的批评态度。)
In a phone interview, Ms. Amin said she was particularly aggrieved by what she called theshow’s misleading distortions of reality in the Middle East. “The framing of events andbrainwashing about the region has a real impact on foreign policy because millions of people aregetting their information from the show and can’t differentiate between facts and fiction, shesaid. “No doubt that it looks good and is well acted, but I had boycotted the show as it is sofrustrating and insulting to watch it.
The artists said they were first contacted in June by a friend who was active in the street artscene in Berlin. It was then that their plan took root. “It was our moment to make our point bysubverting the message using the show itself, they wrote. Ms. Amin said that the series waseasy to dupe, as there did not seem to be stringent fact-checking, and that she had noticedmany linguistic Arabic inaccuracies in the past.
The three said that they had been given a set of images of graffiti supporting President Basharal-Assad of Syria to emulate at the set of a fictional camp on the Lebanese-Syrian border,and they were instructed to make theirs apolitical. They said they were given two days tocomplete the task, and speculated that the set designers were too busy to notice the what theyhad written or did not understand Arabic.
他们三人说,在一个虚构的位于黎巴嫩和叙利亚边境的难民营的布景现场,有人给了他们一系列支持叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的涂鸦作品用来模仿,并吩咐他们要让自己的作品没有政治倾向。他们说当时只给了他们两天时间,因此猜测布景设计师太忙,没有留意他们写的内容,或者是不懂阿拉伯语。
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