What are the Russians up to in Syria? Nothingunusual, says the Kremlin. Russia, it reminds us,has been providing Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad with weapons and advisers for quite sometime. But Washington sees something bigger going on. Anonymous US officials have toldReuters that Russia has sent aircraft, tank landing ships and naval infantry forces to thecountry in recent days. It would not be the first time President Vladimir Putin has dispatchedtroops and weapons that he won’t acknowledge.
俄罗斯人在叙利亚干什么?克里姆林宫说,没什么不寻常。俄罗斯提醒我们,他们向叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)提供武器及顾问已经有很久了。但华盛顿看出了更大的动静。不愿透露姓名的美国官员对路透社(Reuters)表示,俄罗斯近日向叙利亚派出了飞机、坦克登陆舰及海军步兵部队。这不会是俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(Vladimir Putin)第一次在不肯承认的情况下向海外派遣军队和武器。
It appears the Russians are preparing to play a bigger role in Syria because they want tobolster Mr Assad and ensure that future talks on the country’s future do not include westerndemands for him to be ousted. After all, Syria is Russia’s best foothold in the region. Historicties make it a reliable ally, and the Assad government provides Russia with a Mediterraneannaval base. Mr Putin also means firmly to set Russia’s position as an indispensable player inMiddle East politics, and he knows he will get away with this power play.
Should Washington worry? Yes, but not about Mr Putin.
It’s time for the Obama administration to accept some cold hard facts. Its Syria policy is afailure. Mr Assad remains in power. He is probably still using weapons and tactics that violateinternational conventions. The nuclear deal with Iran will bring Tehran more revenue to bolsterhis rule. Nearly a quarter of a million Syrians have been killed, refugees are on the move, andthe Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as Isis) continues to gain ground and newrecruits. It’s the worst of all possible worlds.
The failure of the US administration’s Syria plan is exceeded only by the senselessness of itsRussia policy. The primary lesson that Americans should have learnt in Vietnam, Iraq andAfghanistan is that, no matter how powerful you are, it is hard to defeat an enemy that caresmuch more about the outcome than you do. The Obama administration stumbled intoconflict with Russia over Ukraine, a country that will always matter much more to Moscow thanto Washington, and Mr Putin is now reminding the world that Russia is too big to isolate.
That’s the past. It’s now time to focus on the future of the increasingly unstable Middle East.Following the final withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, President Barack Obama has workedhard to minimise American involvement in the region. That is the right approach. He knowsthere is little US public support for extended commitments of US troops and taxpayer dollarsto try to manage this unmanageable neighbourhood.
这些都是过去式了。现在应该聚焦于越来越不稳定的中东的未来。美军撤出伊拉克之后,巴拉克攠巴马(Barack Obama)总统努力尽量减小美国对该地区的介入。这是正确的做法。他知道,美国公众不支持长期投入美军以及纳税人资金来管理这个管不好的地区。
But less involvement does not eliminate the need to set policy priorities. The primary UScommitment in the Middle East should be to destroy Isis. This band of nihilist militants is nowthe best-equipped, best-funded terrorist organisation in history. It demands US andinternational attention. It is Isis that threatens to destabilise countries across the Middle East. Itis raising alert levels everywhere by attracting recruits, imitators and allies around the world.The violence it generates is now filling refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. It isflooding Europe with swelling numbers of desperate migrants.
The Obama administration, and a majority of the American people, want to avoid sendingAmerican soldiers back into Iraq yet again, and Isis cannot be destroyed from the air.Washington will therefore need friends to help. Nato allies (including Turkey), Iran, Iraqi militiagroups (Sunni and Shia) and Russia all have good reason to want to put Isis on its back. All willbe needed.
That means swallowing the idea that Iran, soon to be freed from sanctions, is now a regionalpowerbroker, that Mr Assad will remain in power and that Russia will play a larger and lastingrole in the Middle East. Mr Assad will use Iranian cash and Mr Putin’s military support to sidelinethe Syrian rebels that Washington wants to help. A strengthened alliance of Russia, Iran andSyria will put Israel, the Saudis and other US allies on edge. European sanctions on Russiawon’t last for ever. The US will act in the Middle East only to defend its core national interests.
Accepting this new reality requires an exceptionally painful climb down for the US president.Some will attack him for increasing US involvement in the Middle East. Others will attack himfor limiting that involvement and for relying on an undeniably ugly collection of partners. Butunless and until the Obama administration comes up with a better plan to defeat Isis, there isno good alternative. Leadership requires tough choices. Syria is an excellent place to start.
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