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发布时间:2015-09-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


There are no atheists in foxholes; is there any differentiation in an emerging market meltdown?Emerging market policymakers have had their strenuous efforts to reduce vulnerability stress-tested to the extreme by the market panic this week.


There have been myriad attempts to sort EMs into different categories susceptible to differentshocks, the most recent being the Morgan Stanley typology reproduced here. But the history ofprevious episodes of market turmoil, most particularly the taper tantrums of last year andearly this year, is that all EMs can get drawn into the maelstrom.

人们已很多次尝试把新兴市场区分为易受不同冲击的不同类别,比如最近重新被运用的摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分类法。但是,以往多次市场混乱、尤其是去年和今年初的“缩减恐慌(taper tantrum,即美联储缩减量化宽松引起的恐慌),表明所有新兴市场都可能被拉入大漩涡中。

It is obviously way too soon to draw firm conclusions about how much EM assets will all suffertogether from the latest asset price turmoil — not least because the People’s Bank of Chinastepping in with a rate cut on Tuesday helped to reverse some of the falls. But the history ofprevious episodes of emerging market turmoil, plus some tentative signs in recent monthsand days, suggest that EMs that have done their policy groundwork may be rewarded.


In the Asian and Russian crisis in 1997-1998, investors picked off countries one by one byshorting their currencies without differentiating much on the basis of their various currentaccount and debt positions. It was (and is) an issue of lingering resentment in South Koreathat first investors (and then the International Monetary Fund in its rescue lending) treated acurrency mismatch as though it had been a full-blown solvency crisis. Before the crisis, Koreahad a budget that was forecast to be in surplus, low internal and external sovereign debtrelative to GDP, a narrowing current account deficit and a fairly-valued or undervaluedexchange rate. Nonetheless, pressure on its currency because of borrowing abroad by itsbanks forced it into the arms of the IMF.


During the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, however, EMs were in general much betterprepared and investors showed themselves more willing to discriminate. Even traditionallycrisis-prone countries like Brazil came through reasonably well as long as they were inmoderately good economic shape (in Brazil’s case, those were the days) and had built up largeforeign exchange reserves. Unlike the Asian crisis, where a series of pegged currencies couldbe attacked, there was no one obvious way in which all EMs were vulnerable.


And with the crisis being essentially one of the rich world, investors proved themselvescapable of distinguishing those EMs with very direct exposure and those that did not. TheBaltic states, pegged to the euro and with strong banking links to the eurozone countries, cameunder much more pressure than even neighbouring economies like Poland with itsindependent currency and a low debt to GDP ratio.


More recent evidence is tentatively positive for the differentiators. During the falls in EMcurrencies before the PBoC disrupted markets by depreciating the renminbi this month, therewas some evidence of discrimination based on fundamentals. Currencies performed betteragainst the dollar if their economies were less dependent on short-term capital inflows. TheIndian rupee in particular appeared to benefit from the strengthening of the country’smacroeconomic framework, falling by much less than other EM Asian currencies including therupiah and ringgit, let alone problem children like the Brazilian real and Turkish lira.


And even in the turmoil created by the PBoC allowing the renminbi to fall last week and thencutting interest rates on Tuesday, currencies in well-run central and eastern European countries— which have small direct links to China and relatively good fundamentals — have held up prettywell. In contrast to the sharp falls in the Turkish lira and rouble, the Czech koruna, Hungarianforint and Romanian leu have held on to most of their gains against the euro since mid-year andhave risen against the dollar. Central and eastern European equities have fallen along with stockprices elsewhere in EM, but are still well up on the year to date.


And — although this is getting into the realm of micro-evidence — trading on Monday beforethe PBoC cut interest rates suggested investors were prepared to distinguish between Chinaand the rest. EM equities across Asia recovered from their falls of the previous week, whileChinese stocks continued to slide.


In the longer term, the actual impact on EM economies from recent market turbulence will notnecessarily match the price movements. Commodity exporters with strong inflation and crisis-fighting credentials are likely to benefit rather than lose from depreciations.


The impact of stock price movements on the real economy depends on how exposedhouseholds are to equity markets — a point many observers have made with respect to China— and how dependent companies are on them to raise capital. (It is notable that EM bondprices have often moved less in recent weeks than currencies and stocks.)


Just as worrying to EMs as market turbulence should be the fact that, when investors comelooking for good stories in periods of calm, they will find all too few.


Even in the recent turbulence of the markets, there have been some signs that investors aredistinguishing within the increasingly dissimilar EM world. This may not survive a truemeltdown, but the initial signs are that superior economic fundamentals and policymakingcredibility are gaining some reward.



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