Three scant years ago, Shanghai celebrated the100th birthday of one of history’s most famous junkfoods — the Oreo biscuit — with fireworks on the Bund and multi-storey neon advertsprojected on to skyscrapers. But now China has put Oreo on a diet.
This is a country where, within living memory, millions starved to death. People will, to this day,tell you how they ate roots or shoots or even dirt to stay alive. Little wonder the Chinesemarket was a pushover for the ubiquitous black-and-white sandwich cookie.
Foreign treats were seen as healthier than local snacks, because they were imported from placesthat did not have such a vigorous tradition of poisoning residents with tainted ingredients, aswas the fad in China. When I moved here in 2008, it took a while to get used to the notion thatMcDonald’s was a healthy option, purely because it was less likely to be toxic. Here, whenmainlanders tell you something is “healthy, they often mean that it won’t be immediately fatal.
But in the past few years, China has begun to discover that heavy metals are not the onlythings to avoid in snack foods. There is that small matter of fat and sugar, too. Last week,Chinese media carried stories saying that Mondelez, the maker of Oreo, was shutting downsome Shanghai production because people were going right off biscuits. The US companywaffled a bit about “optimising our supply chain and shifting production elsewhere, but thecompany had made clear in the past that Oreo was in trouble in China. Figures fromEuromonitor show that, since the sound and light of its centenary celebration, the biscuit haslost one-third of its market share in China, from nearly 9 per cent of the market in 2012 to 6per cent now.
So that is how Oreo ended up watching its waistline: Mondelez introduced a new “Oreo Thin,just to woo Chinese consumers, and it did so well that they last month announced thatAmericans will be able to opt for the skinnier cousin too. All because of a revolution in eatinghabits that took decades in the west — and only a handful of years in China.
因此,这就是奥利奥如何最终注意到自己的“腰围的:亿滋推出了一款“奥利奥巧轻脆(Oreo Thin),专为迎合中国的消费者,而且这款饼干卖的相当不错,因此亿滋上个月宣布,美国人也将可以选择更为纤细的同款饼干。这一切都是因为一场已经在西方进行了数十年的饮食习惯革命——在中国这场革命才经历了寥寥数年。
That’s not Oreo’s only problem: many of the world’s most successful brands made it to Chinaearly and had a long run almost unrivalled, but are losing their first-mover advantage. (KFChas that problem too, compounded by a spot of bad publicity on the food quality front.)
Meanwhile, mainlanders have developed one of the most fickle palates on earth: Americans maywant the same cookie Mum gave them with their milk after school; but Chinese want somethingnew every day. Local companies are often nimbler than multinationals at introducing green teaor purple sweet potato alternatives to traditional flavours.
And cookie companies are facing competition from an even more unlikely source: homebakers. When I moved here, ovens were rare in normal homes: I figured that was why minedidn’t work too well. But now many a Chinese bride insists on having one. Sales of thecountertop ovens preferred on the mainland have more than quadrupled since I started wieldinga flour sifter on Chinese shores, and a 318-piece everything-you-could-ever-need baking setcan be had on Alibaba’s Taobao for only 137 devalued renminbi.
For, given that the vast majority of Chinese under 30 have never known an hour of hunger intheir lives, let alone survived on roots and shoots, just filling the tummy is no longer the point.They cook for fun — and for health reasons, says Qian Zhaoli, a 27-year-old marketing managerin Shanghai. She’s started baking her own rusks because her first child is teething. “I wantedher to have the healthiest ones, without any additives, she says, adding that shop-boughtrusks have such a long shelf life, and “who knows how many artificial colours andpreservatives they contain? Plus, western-style baking is far easier than cooking any ofChina’s complicated cuisines, she says, noting that in Shanghai most cooking is done by men.
This is not just a tale of Oreos and ovens. It is a parable for a new type of Chineseconsumption: more finicky, more fickle — potentially less profitable. Anyone selling almostanything here should watch it closely. May the best rolling pin win.
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