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发布时间:2015-08-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BERLIN — Germany’s Parliament on Wednesdayoverwhelmingly approved a bailout of 86 billion euros, or $95 billion, for Greece, withChancellor Angela Merkel and her finance minister failing to curb a revolt among their ownconservative lawmakers who opposed more help for the heavily indebted government inAthens.


After just over two hours of debate, the 584 lawmakers at a special session of Parliamentvoted 453 to 113 for the package, with 18 abstentions. (Parliament officials had initiallyreported 454 votes in favor, and a total of 585 lawmakers present).


Even taking into account that the session interrupted the summer recess, the number oflawmakers in the 631-seat legislature who stayed away, 47, was remarkably high, suggestingthat at least some conservatives who opposed the package avoided the vote.


Last month, 60 of the 311 conservative lawmakers voted against even opening talks on whatwould be the third bailout for Greece since 2010, and five other conservatives abstained, aresult that was seen as a political blow for the highly popular chancellor.


On Wednesday, 63 conservatives voted against the new bailout deal, and three othersabstained. The result suggested that Ms. Merkel and her even more popular finance minister,Wolfgang Sch甀戀氀攀, would find it hard to get more help for Greece through Parliament.

周三,63名保守派议员对新的援助协议投了反对票,另外三人弃权。这个结果显示,默克尔及比她还更受欢迎的德国财长沃尔夫冈·朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Sch甀戀氀攀),在试图让议会批准对希腊给予更多帮助时,可能会遇到困难。

In an unusual move, Ms. Merkel did not lay out the government’s case before the German vote,giving that task to Mr. Sch甀戀氀攀, who last month publicly questioned whether Greece shouldstay in the 19-member eurozone.


He has strong standing among conservatives, having served in Parliament since 1972, and heldalmost every senior post in the German government except that of chancellor.


On Wednesday, Mr. Sch甀戀氀攀 acknowledged his own doubts about a new program forGreece. But he said that the government in Athens had proved that it was serious aboutenacting overhauls, meaning that it was worth offering further assistance and proving thatEurope could stick together.


“Of course, after the experience of the past months and years, there is no guarantee thateverything will work, and doubts are always allowed, Mr. Sch甀戀氀攀 told his fellow lawmakers. “But in view of the fact that the Greek Parliament has already passed a large part of themeasures, it would be irresponsible not to use the opportunity now for a new start inGreece.


“For many, many reasons, we need a strong Europe capable of action, Mr. Sch甀戀氀攀 added.


“I have fought for these decisions to help Greece, he said, “and I must ask you to approvethe proposal of the government.


Another leading conservative lawmaker, Volker Kauder, argued that European solidarity wasneeded on Greece, in part because Europe faces an even bigger challenge with the risingnumber of refugees coming from war-torn regions in the Middle East and Africa.

另一位著名的保守派议员福尔克尔·考德(Volker Kauder)则表示,欧洲需要在希腊问题上团结起来,这在一定程度上是因为,随着来自中东和非洲交战地区的难民人数的增加,欧洲面临着一个更大的挑战。

“Where we have found togetherness for Greece, that is the starting point to find togethernesson the refugees, said Mr. Kauder, who had come under fire over the past 10 days after heappeared to threaten conservative lawmakers who opposed the Greek bailout with loss ofparliamentary positions or influence.


The aid package is subject to the approval of eurozone finance ministers, acting as membersof the board of governors of the European Stability Mechanism, the agency that woulddisburse the money.

这项援助计划还需要得到欧元区财长的批准。这些财长充当着“欧洲稳定机制(European StabilityMechanism)的理事会成员,该机构负责拨付资金。

If, as expected, the ministers approve the package at a meeting Wednesday evening, Greececould have the money in time to pay back by Thursday the 3.2 billion it owes on bonds held bythe European Central Bank.


The Dutch Parliament was also scheduled to debate the Greek bailout on Wednesday. Thegovernment of Prime Minister Mark Rutte was expected to face a call for a vote of confidencefrom the right-wing populist Geert Wilders.

荷兰议会也定于周三讨论面向希腊的援助计划。右翼民粹主义政治人物海尔特·维尔德斯(Geert Wilders),预计会呼吁对荷兰首相马克·吕特(Mark Rutte)领导的政府提起不信任案。

On Tuesday, the parliaments of Austria, Estonia and Spain voted to support the bailout.


Separately on Wednesday, the German government said that more than 37,000 asylumapplications were made in July alone, and the Interior Ministry was due to release the latestprojections on the number of asylum seekers expected to arrive this year.


Politicians and journalists suggested on Tuesday that the figure would be around 700,000 to800,000 — the largest number in Europe. Germany has the biggest economy and populationof the 28 European Union nations.


Ms. Merkel set the tone on Sunday night, when she noted that the refugee challenge wouldoccupy Europe far more than even Greece and the status of the euro. She reiterated that newarrivals must be treated humanely, even if they do not eventually earn the right to stay inGermany.


The government has expressed horror at more than 200 attacks on asylum shelters andmigrants so far this year, compared with 198 in all of 2014. These attacks “are not worthy ofour country, Ms. Merkel said on Sunday.



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