Emperor Akihito has expressed “deep remorse forJapan’s wartime actions, marking the 70thanniversary of the end of the second world war withlanguage that deviated from previous years.
日本明仁天皇(Emperor Akihito)对日本的战时行为表示“深刻反省。天皇在纪念第二次世界大战结束70周年时所用的措辞与往年有所不同。
The 81-year-old emperor‘s words of regret weredelivered following a minute’s silence at noon. At thesame moment in 1945, his father Hirohitoannounced Japan’s surrender.
“Reflecting on our past and bearing in mind the feelings of deep remorse over the last war, Iearnestly hope that the ravages of war will never be repeated, the emperor said on Saturday.The ceremony in Tokyo to remember the war dead was also attended by Empress Michiko andPrime Minister Shinzo Abe.
“在回顾过去、对先前战争深刻反省的基础上,我殷切期盼战争惨祸不再重演,天皇在上周六表示。美智子皇后(Empress Michiko)和安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)首相也出席了在东京举行的纪念战死者的仪式。
The emperor’s words were closely watched this year as Mr Abe is seeking to reinterpret Japan’spacifist constitution to make it easier for its armed forces to fight. On the eve of the 70thanniversary, Mr Abe issued a statement in which he stopped short of giving his own clearapology. He upheld the forms of past statements of remorse, but said the country did notintend to keep apologising for ever.
Every year on Aug 15, the emperor has stuck to the same script using the phrase “deepsorrow. But it is believed to be the first time that he used the word “remorse for the annualspeech. His statement was also longer this year with new wording on the public’s commitmentto peace.
“Seventy years have passed since the end of the war, and our country today enjoys peace andprosperity, thanks to the ceaseless efforts made by the people of Japan towards recoveryfrom the devastation of the war and towards development, always backed by their earnestdesire for the continuation of peace, the emperor said.
While the emperor is forbidden by constitution from having a political role, he has on severaloccasions expressed remorse for the war and used language that appeared to be moreconciliatory to China and South Korea.
On Saturday, three cabinet ministers visited the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, which honoursJapan’s war dead including some convicted of war crimes. Mr Abe did not visit the shrine andonly sent his ritual offering in an apparent bid to avoid causing tension with neighbouringcountries.
上周六,三位内阁部长级官员参拜了东京的靖国神社(Yasukuni shrine),这里供奉着日本的战争亡灵,包括一些被判有罪的战犯。安倍本人没有参拜靖国神社,只是向靖国神社献上了“玉串料(祭祀费),显然是为了避免造成与邻国的紧张局势。
South Korean president Park Geun-hye said on Saturday that Mr Abe’s speech left much “to bedesired and contained “regrettable elements. Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for theChinese foreign ministry, said “Japan should have made an explicit statement on the nature ofthe war of militarism and aggression and its responsibility on the wars.
韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)上周六表示,安倍的讲话有很多地方“不够好,并含有“令人遗憾的元素。中国外交部发言人华春莹表示,“日本理应对那场军国主义侵略战争的性质和战争责任作出清晰明确的交代。
In his statement, Mr Abe did not refer directly to the suffering of so-called comfort womenwho were forced into prostitution by Japan’s army during the war, but he did make a freshacknowledgment of the sexual violence that accompanied the war.
Isao Tokoro, professor emeritus at Kyoto Sangyo University and an imperial family expert, saidthe emperor’s words were not meant to have any political implications. But he added the 70thanniversary marked a “turning point where the emperor felt compelled to use clearer languageto express his feelings for the war.
京都产业大学(Kyoto Sangyo University) 名誉教授、皇室专家所功(Isao Tokoro)表示,天皇的话本意不是要具有任何政治含义。但他补充说,战争结束70周年标志着一个“转折点,天皇觉得不得不使用更清晰的语言来表达自己对那场战争的感想。
“The emperor wanted to mark this turning point with his deepest hope that people will reflecton the war with remorse and think seriously about peace, Mr Tokoro said.
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