The renminbi has come a long way in the past twodecades. As recently as 1994, foreign visitors toChina were still consigned to using special “foreignexchange certificates rather than local currency.Only select stores and restaurants were permittedto accept them.
Progress has been even swifter since July 2005,when the Chinese government announced it was removing the currency’s tight peg to the USdollar.
Since then the renminbi has appreciated more than 30 per cent against the dollar and thecentral bank has scaled back its intervention in the foreign exchange market. Rmb tradesettlement is rising, with 20 per cent of China’s merchandise trade settled in its own currencyin 2014.
Yet the recent boom-bust cycle in the Chinese stock market has renewed doubts amongforeign investors about the wisdom of allocating large sections of their portfolios to renminbiassets.
While most investors can accept market volatility, the government’s heavy-handed response,which has included a ban on sales of equities by big stockholders and trading suspensionsaffecting thousands of listed companies, has reminded investors that investing in China comeswith political as well as financial risks. The prospect of being trapped in an unwantedinvestment due to ad hoc administrative intervention is not an enticing one.
Yet the long-term trend is still towards increased foreign acceptance of the renminbi for bothtrade and investment.
Trade settlement has also facilitated the accumulation of renminbi outside China. Offshorerenminbi centres, led by Hong Kong, have sprung up in financial areas such as Singapore,London and Frankfurt, allowing governments and a broad range of companies to issuerenminbi bonds.
Capital controls restricting portfolio investment into and out of China have also been on aloosening trend, notably through the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect lastNovember. Even as the International Monetary Fund considers whether to endorse therenminbi as an official reserve currency, more than 60 central banks have already invested inrenminbi assets, according to Standard Chartered.
限制组合投资进出中国的资本管制也已经进入逐渐放松的趋势,特别是借助去年11月“沪港通的开通。渣打银行(Standard Chartered)表示,虽然国际货币基金组织(IMF)还在考虑是否将人民币纳入官方储备货币,但目前已经有超过60家央行投资了人民币资产。
In July, the central bank widened access to its vast domestic bond market for foreign centralbanks, sovereign wealth funds and multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank.These institutions no longer require licences to invest in Chinese interbank bonds, as well asmoney market instruments such as repurchase agreements. Total foreign participation will still,however, be subject to a quota.
7月,中国央行向外国央行、主权财富基金和世界银行(World Bank)等多边金融机构,扩大了进入中国国内庞大债券市场的通道。这些机构投资中国银行间债券、以及回购协议等货币市场工具时,不再需要特许证。然而,外国机构的整体参与仍然受制于配额。
Outbound foreign direct investment is now subject to greatly reduced regulation, as Chinaencourages domestic companies to “go out. Foreign mergers, acquisitions and greenfieldinvestments by Chinese companies below a certain threshold, typically $100m, no longerrequire approval from the foreign exchange regulator.
For inbound FDI, many sectors of the Chinese economy remain restricted to foreigners, or offlimits entirely, but the approval process is easier than before for sectors where investment isallowed.
In addition, China is using the Shanghai free-trade zone to experiment with a “negative listapproach to foreign investment. Rather than stipulating specific areas as “encouraged, “restricted, or “forbidden for foreigners, the negative list will specify those that are closed.Any sectors not on the list are assumed to be unrestricted.
Despite such progress, by many measures the Rmb remains a middling player in the globalcurrency markets. In terms of global foreign-exchange turnover, it still trails the Mexican pesoand Canadian dollar.
Interest and exchange rates, though freer than before, remain subject to governmentcontrol. China has pledged to complete both interest-rate liberalisation and “basic capitalaccount convertibility by the end of 2015. But it is clear that Beijing’s definition of these termsstill leaves plenty of room for government interference in the market.
The market also lacks derivatives that would allow investors to hedge risk or make bearishbets. The interest-rate swaps market is relatively liquid, but more sophisticated tools such ascross-currency swaps remain thinly traded. Equity derivatives are still in their infancy, withfutures and options only available on broad indexes, not individual shares.
Capital controls still severely restrict investor access to China’s onshore bond market. Theincreased access that central banks now enjoy does not extend to private-sector assetmanagers, who can only obtain access to the onshore market through the Qualified ForeignInstitutional Investor Programme (QFII) or its renminbi-denominated cousin, RQFII. Even once aQFII license is obtained, each asset manager is subject to a separate quota from the foreignexchange regulator. And for individuals, the domestic bond market remains completely offlimits.
For the bond market, access is easier. Foreign investors buying into the Chinese stock marketusing the stock connect do not need a licence, but many stocks remain off limits and quotaslimit daily flows and overall investments. Moreover, the Chinese stock market’s recent bull run,followed by its sudden downward correction, has made many foreign investors wary ofparticipating, even where regulations allow it.
Global index provider MSCI recently declined to add Chinese onshore stocks, known as Ashares, to its benchmark emerging market indexes. Though they cited technical concernsabout the ownership status of shares bought through the stock connect programme, manyobservers privately believe that MSCI’s decision was also motivated by investor concernsabout the stock market’s reputation as a casino.
The addition of A shares to the indices would have triggered billions in fund inflows via fundsthat passively track them. Even before the share crash that began in late June, such aprospect made many of MSCI’s fund manager clients nervous.
As China proceeds cautiously but inexorably with financial reform, the importance of therenminbi is bound to increase. But whether the currency will ever take on an importancecommensurate with China’s status as the world’s largest economy (at purchasing powerparity) is still an open question.
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