The death last week of Prince Saud al-Faisal, the respected statesman who had been foreignminister of Saudi Arabia for 40 years until this spring, prompted comment about the kingdom’sapparent transition from diplomacy behind the scenes to a policy of confrontation withIran, the Sunni Arab realm’s Shia and Persian rival for regional hegemony.
费萨尔亲王(Prince Saud Al-Faisal)担任沙特外交大臣长达40年,直至今年春季才卸任。这位备受尊敬的政治家于近日病逝,外界随即评论称,沙特明显正从幕后外交转向与伊朗正面对抗。两国是争夺地区霸权的对手,沙特王国是逊尼派掌权的阿拉伯国家,而伊朗是什叶派掌权国家,人口以波斯人为主。
There is some truth in this. Prince Saud was by instinct a bridge-builder. Saudi foreign policy atthe moment seems to be burning a lot of bridges. King Salman, who succeeded the late KingAbdullah in January and recentralised power around himself and his family, served notice inMarch that he would fight Shia fire with Sunni fire.
上述说法有几分道理。费萨尔亲王天生是一位“修桥人。目前沙特的外交政策似乎正在烧掉大量的桥梁。萨勒曼(Salman)在今年1月接替阿卜杜拉(King Abdullah)出任沙特国王,他将权力重新集中在他本人及他的家族周围。萨勒曼国王在3月份宣称,逊尼派将对什叶派以牙还牙。
The ruling House of Saud, legitimised by the kingdom’s absolutist strain of Wahhabi Islam, hadwatched in appalled paralysis as Iran and its proxies exploited the mayhem unleashed acrossArab lands — from the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 to the Arab spring after 2011 — toforge a Shia axis from Baghdad to Beirut.
In March the Saudis launched an air war in Yemen, claiming Iran was behind an attempt by ShiaHouthi fighters to overrun the country. Three months of futile and indiscriminate bombinglater, this multi-sided contest for a failed state is no closer to resolution. The Saudis, whohave never managed to do much about their ungovernable southern neighbours except bribea varying combination of tribes, know full well that Tehran has played little more than aperipheral role in their recent protagonism. The war in Yemen is more a signal of deepunhappiness at the deal the US and world powers have struck with Iran over its nuclearprogramme. The bombing started in late March just as the two sides worked on a frameworkagreement in Lausanne.
In the interim, the regional menace of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (known as Isis)has not stopped the Saudi government fixating primarily on Iran and the Shia — but that wastrue long before the death of Prince Saud.
The veteran Arab diplomat had warned the Bush administration what would happen in Iraqand the region if it went ahead with the 2003 invasion. But it was also Prince Saud, Arabofficials say, who told John Kerry, US secretary of state, last summer after Isis surged backfrom Syria into Iraq, that “Daesh [an Arabic acronym for Isis] is our [Sunni] response to yoursupport for the Da’wa, the Shia Islamist party that has dominated Iraq since the fall of SaddamHussein’s minority Sunni regime — with varying degrees of support from Washington andTehran.
阿拉伯资深外交官曾警告布什政府称,如果推进2003年的入侵行动,伊拉克和中东地区将会陷入混乱。但阿拉伯国家的官员们表示,在ISIS从叙利亚杀回伊拉克之后,去年夏天费萨尔亲王曾向美国国务卿约翰克里(JohnKerry)表示,“达伊沙(阿拉伯语对ISIS的首字母缩略词)是我们(逊尼派)对你们支持达瓦党(Da’wa)的回应。达瓦党是自萨达姆侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)的逊尼少数派政权倒台以来在伊拉克占据主导地位的伊斯兰什叶派系,获得了华盛顿和德黑兰不同程度的支持。
Isis is, of course, a physical threat to Saudi Arabia, where online polling suggests it hasalarmingly high support. But the main fear of Saudi rulers is of being outflanked on the religiousright by the jihadi extremists. The competition, therefore, is between Wahhabi absolutists andthe Sunni supremacists of Isis as to which of them is a more credible scourge of the Shia —branded in both ideologies as polytheist heretics and rafidah (“rejectionist).
The speeches of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-declared Isis caliph, are often marinated inpieces of Islamic lore ripped from their context and always threatening. But they repayexamination. In mid-May, he labelled the Yemen operation, which the Saudis called Storm ofResolve, “the kick of a dying person.
ISIS自封的哈里发阿布贝克尔巴格达迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)在演讲中往往夹杂着断章取义的伊斯兰教义,始终在危言恫吓。但这些演讲值得研究。今年5月中旬,巴格达迪将空袭也门行动称为“垂死之人的挣扎——沙特称为“决心风暴。
He mocked the Saudi air strikes as “a storm of delusion and spoke of “the Muslim public inthe Arabian Peninsula rallying around the Islamic State since it defends them against therafidah.
Picking up on reports that Saudi Arabia had held meetings with Israel to discuss theconsequences of an Iran nuclear deal, the Isis leader said the al-Saud were “not people of warbut “people of luxury and extravagance, people of intoxication, prostitution, dances andfeasts...愠挀挀甀猀琀漀洀攀搀 to the defence of the Jews and Crusaders.
Isis has a record of following up such rants with action. It bombed two Shia mosques in SaudiArabia’s eastern province in May and then sent a Saudi suicide bomber to kill Shia in a mosquein Kuwait City. This sectarian carnage shows that, while the Wahhabis marginalise the “rafidah,Isis exterminates them. Such attacks also show the limits of Saudi control, in the part of thekingdom that contains most of its Shia and nearly all its oil. But if the authorities move towardsconciliating the Shia, that plays very well for Isis too.
Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy dependent on the Wahhabi clerical establishment, ispurportedly a vital ally in the fight against Isis. Yet the kingdom is hoist with its own petard ofreligious absolutism at a time when the crumbling region around it needs the emergingdetente with Iran to become eventually an entente — something Saud al-Faisal wouldinstinctively have grasped.
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