China’s obsession with a South Korean televisionshow about a 400-year-old Harvard-educated alienwho falls in love with an arrogant actress reached such a frenzy last year that online streamingcompanies here began racing to snap up licensing rights for other South Korean televisionprograms, inflating their prices almost tenfold。
Then China’s entertainment regulators stepped in, imposing greater limits on foreigntelevision content as part of a broader campaign to rein in China’s fast-growing market foronline video, which has become a popular alternative to Chinese broadcast television. (According to official statistics, there were 433 million viewers of online video — TV showsincluded — in China by the end of 2014, making it the largest streaming market in the world。)Many in the online video industry in China suspect the new guidelines were issued at leastpartly because of the popularity of “My Love From Another Star。
Faced with the limits, popular streaming websites like Sohu, iQiyi and Youku want to developtheir own Korean-inspired content to sate the country’s appetite for the programming, partof a broader fascination with Korean popular culture. That has meant trying to tap into SouthKorea’s secret sauce — the magic formula that has turned the country into a pop-culturejuggernaut that churns out viral exports like the singer and rapper Psy, the singer Rain andhits like “My Love From Another Star。
“We share the same culture and cherish similar social values, said Sophie Yu, director ofinternational communications for iQiyi, the online video streaming website affiliated with thesearch giant Baidu. “So Korean content naturally is easy to be understood and accepted by theChinese audience。
“我们有着共同的文化,珍惜类似的社会价值观,因此韩国的节目很容易被中国观众理解和接受。爱奇艺的国际传讯总监索菲·于(Sophie Yu)说。爱奇艺是搜索巨头百度旗下的一个流媒体视频网站。
For Chinese companies, part of the strategy includes making Chinese versions of popularSouth Korean fare, particularly variety and reality shows. Some of the hottest Chineseprograms, like Zhejiang Television’s game-variety show “Running Man and Hunan Television’sreality show “Where Are We Going, Dad?, were based on South Korean formats. Nearly all ofChina’s top online video websites have signed agreements with South Korean television stationsand production companies to co-produce television shows tailored for Chinese audiences。
But after the success of “My Love From Another Star, Chinese companies are setting theirsights higher. Millions of viewers in China last year tuned in to watch the 21-episode mini-series, which originally aired on the Seoul Broadcasting System, a leading South Koreannetwork。
但《来自星星的你》大获成功后,中国公司把目光投向了更高的地方。去年,数以百万计的中国观众收看了这部21集的韩剧,它最初是在知名韩国电视台首尔放送(Seoul Broadcasting System)播出的。
The show ignited a nationwide frenzy. Fans were hospitalized for binge-eating fried chicken andbeer (the star actress’s favorite food on the show), and even the first lady of China, PengLiyuan, became swept up in the fever. She was quoted by the state-run People’s Dailycommenting on the physical resemblance between the lead actor, an extraterrestrialheartthrob with a mop of jet-black hair, and her husband, President Xi Jinping, in his youngeryears。
The target audience for dramas like “Star, as is it known, consists mostly of women in theirteens to early 40s who prefer to watch shows known as naocanju, or “brain-dead dramas,instead of popular series from the United States, like “Game of Thrones and “House ofCards。
Maggie Xiong, senior director of international acquisitions at Youku, the streaming service,said the show “brought Korean content to the mainstream。 It was streamed more than 2.5billion times in the first three months after its premiere in December 2013.
“ ‘My Love From Another Star’ was a very exceptional show, just like ‘Friends’ in the 1990sand early 2000s, said Grace Guan, who manages Sohu’s Korean content strategy. “We wouldall love to make a show like that, but there are so many elements involved。
For years, entertainment industry observers in China have sought to explain Koreantelevision’s foothold in China. They say it comes down to packaging。
“The Koreans continue to do well because of the details, said Fan Xiaojing, a Chinese journalistand long-term analyst of the Korean entertainment industry. “China just can’t capture theromance。
Unlike in China, where experts say up to 70 percent of a production’s budget can be spent onactors’ salaries, both Korean and Chinese producers say that Korean shows tend to spendmore on production sets and screenwriters, avoiding fake props, brands and backdrops in favorof the real things. And since in Korea shows are broadcast soon after they are filmed,scriptwriters and directors can get feedback quickly, allowing them to make tweaks according toaudience demands。
Actors in Korea are also groomed from a young age and taught how to walk and dress, said Ms.Guan, who previously worked at an artists’ management agency in Seoul. They are taken in forplastic surgery, and as part of their training are instructed on how to “let just one teardropfall。
The Chinese are catching on, producers on both sides say, as they also learn what contentresonates most with Chinese audiences. According to producers, the show must be fast-paced,and if it is a drama, it should be a love story。
“Chinese people think the good dramas are ones with nonrealistic themes, said Ma Xue, acultural critic and producer. “All involve a Cinderella who falls in love with a prince。
As for love, the expression of it is usually restrained. In “Star, when the alien character, DoMin-Joon, and the star actress, Cheon Song-yi, even so much as kiss, Do Min-Joon fallsviolently ill。
According to the new regulations, which were issued in September, foreign television showscannot constitute more than 30 percent of TV content on Chinese online video-streamingsites. In addition, all foreign television shows must be reviewed by censors before they can bestreamed。
Korean production companies are still finding ways to take advantage of the fast-growingonline market in China. HB Entertainment is partnering with a Chinese company to produce twonew dramas similar to “Star specifically for the Chinese market, one in Chinese and one inKorean with subtitles。
韩国的制作公司仍在想办法利用中国快速发展的网络市场。 HB娱乐公司正在与一家中国公司合作,特别针对中国市场制作两部与《来自星星的你》类似的新剧,一部是中文的,一部是韩语的,但都会加上字幕。
“China is a big part of our strategy now, said Bomi Moon, head of the Korean company HBEntertainment, which recently opened a Beijing office. “Many Chinese companies want to workwith Korean partners because we’re good at writing scripts。
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