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发布时间:2015-07-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Is eating sushi safe?


During a recent meal with a Wall Street financial adviser, he mentioned that he eats sushiseveral times a week because he believed it to be the most healthful and convenient way todine while continuing to work at his desk. I was left wondering if that was as healthful as hesaid, given the recent concern about mercury in fish.


All around the financial centres in London and New York, shops which once featured only simplesandwiches now stock different types of sushi and sashimi, including those made from varioustypes of tuna. This despite the well-publicised concern when Richard Gelfond, CEO of the UScinema group Imax, reported that he had been diagnosed with mercury toxicity after eatingsushi on a daily basis.

在伦敦和纽约的金融中心周边,原本只供应简易三明治的店铺现在都售卖各种各样的寿司和生鱼片,包括用各种金枪鱼制作的食品。尽管自从美国影院集团IMAX首席执行官理查德嬠尔方(Richard Gelfond)自称因每天食用寿司而被诊断出汞中毒后,媒体已对这一问题进行了广泛报道。

In addition, the actor Jeremy Piven, star of ITV’s Mr Selfridge franchise, also was reported tohave been hospitalised for mercury toxicity from eating sushi.

此外,有报道称,英国独立电视台(ITV)《塞尔弗里奇先生》(Mr Selfridge)电视剧中的主演杰里米皮文(Jeremy Piven)也因食用寿司导致汞中毒被送往医院。

While the European Food Safety Authority issued a new advisory notice on fish consumptionearlier this year, it said that the types of fish consumed in Europe and fish-eating habits wereso different across the continent that it was up to the individual countries to give specificadvice.

尽管欧洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority)今年早些时候就鱼肉摄入发布了一项新的建议性通告,该局称欧洲各国食用的鱼肉种类和食用习惯相差极大,应该由各国提供具体建议。

Britain’s NHS has advice about canned tuna but not about sushi. The US Food and DrugAdministration recently set its first minimum fish consumption target , emphasising the benefitsof eating more low-mercury fish.


Given this confusion, I asked Michael Gochfeld, who has studied mercury toxicity for 30 years,what his best advice is about fish consumption.

考虑到这种混乱的状况,我询问了研究汞中毒长达30年的迈克尔戈克费尔德(Michael Gochfeld),他对摄入鱼肉有什么好建议。

Dr Gochfeld, an adjunct clinical professor in the Environmental and Occupational HealthSciences Institute at New Jersey’s Rutgers University, said most people do eat too little fish, anexcellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown in some studiesto be protective against heart disease and cancer. But he acknowledged that there can be toomuch of a good thing.

戈克费尔德博士是新泽西州罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)环境和职业健康科学研究所的客座临床教授。他表示大多数人鱼肉摄入量太少。鱼类是理想的蛋白质和omega-3脂肪酸的来源。一些研究表明,这种脂肪酸能够预防心脏病和癌症。但他坦言,好事做过了头就成了坏事。

“If you eat fish rarely, such as less than once a month, it’s likely that your health will benefitfrom eating more fish, Dr Gochfeld explains. “If you eat fish frequently, more than twice aweek, you have to pay attention to eating low mercury fish if you don’t want to get foodpoisoning.


Among the fish that have been found to have the highest mercury content are swordfish,shark, marlin and albacore tuna. “If you go to a high-end sushi bar in New York, the chancesare the tuna sushi will be bigeye tuna with high mercury levels, he says, adding that in Japan,sushi is a prized delicacy but eaten only once a month. Sushi is often made from fish otherthan tuna, which can be safe to eat in larger quantities.


This mercury warning is especially true for pregnant women. “Having even one meal with highmercury fish, like one swordfish serving, at the wrong time could have an impact on adeveloping foetus, Dr Gochfeld cautions.


While he loves tuna sushi himself, he restricts his consumption to once a month and eats lowmercury fish such as salmon a couple of times a week.


That advice is similar to the counsel from the British government, which says that pregnantwomen and young children should not eat swordfish, shark or marlin, and that other adultsshould limit their intake to one portion a week. As for me, I love salmon so that is my dietarymainstay, but also eat other low-mercury fish.



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