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挺过失败 一家剧院集团的创业心路

发布时间:2015-07-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


We’re standing in a remote cornfield somewhere inIreland, on a weekend away from our office in theWest End. There isn’t a person in sight. We are uncomfortably close to the cliff edge.


“The business can’t afford us both. One of us has got to go.


I wonder exactly what my partner (in business and life) has in mind. It’s the last thing I wantto hear but he is right. It was the early 1990s. We were a small production company with justone theatre. We were extremely vulnerable. Our imperative was not about dreaming upgreat shows but keeping the business alive. Hence our al fresco review of the salaries budget.


At this point it seemed that my new career as an entrepreneur was about to come to an end.


We had lured John Malkovich away from Hollywood to star in Dusty Hughes’ A Slip of theTongue. A megawatt star and a writer with impeccable pedigree. What could go wrong? Butthe ideal playhouses were unavailable and we were pressured into presenting it at theShaftesbury Theatre, a musical house where the play felt lost. Despite decent reviews, it limpedthrough a limited run and we lost our investment.

我们曾吸引约翰氠尔科维奇(John Malkovich)离开好莱坞,领衔主演剧作家杜斯泰休斯(Dusty Hughes)创作的《口误》(A Slip of the Tongue)。大牌明星,大牌剧作家。怎么可能出错?但我们找不到理想的剧院,因此不得不在沙夫茨伯里剧场(Shaftesbury Theatre)上演这部话剧,而那是音乐剧场,不太适合这部话剧。尽管评论还不错,但它仅仅勉强上映了几场,我们的投资打了水漂。

Add to this a new theatre in Woking, launched at the height of summer in the teeth of arecession. The box-office sales reports made grim reading.


Right content, right theatre, right time — easy to say, so hard to achieve when you don’tcontrol all the variables. It wasn’t enough to be a great creative producer, it was clear in thatcliff-edge moment that our success was dependent on factors outside our influence. So weset out to take control: to run a business across the three industry segments of production,venue ownership/management and ticketing. This allowed us to shorten the odds; toengineer the right conditions for creativity to flourish.


“You can’t produce a hit show to order. It has to grow organically, it has to be nurtured, saidour creatives, but dark theatres eat money and staff have to be paid, a constant juggle of cashflow and overheads. It was essential to balance creativity and pragmatism, and my role wasenabler.


Being a start-up was all about trying things out. We gave our creatives the freedom to developwork with leeway to experiment but not carte blanche to spend up to the max. Sometimesfinancial constraints brought about more imaginative work. And failure is part of the creativeprocess. What we had to do was make sure it was not catastrophic, that we could learn thelessons and move on fast.


Start-up finance came from like-minded individual investors who shared our appetite forcontrolled experimentation. The most valuable lesson we took was to confront failure andanalyse it — often a painful thing to do — to gather evidence of customer behaviour and thefactors influencing the decision to buy.


Our growing database gave us a unique insight into theatregoing in the UK — a valuableasset.


We decided to expand our own creative assets by forming a number of subsidiarycompanies. This allowed us to retain key creative people who wanted a separate brand,independent recognition for their work, and who were happier and more productive workingat arm’s length.


Sonia Friedman Productions, our first partnership, resulted in a string of hits. As parentcompany, Ambassador Theatre Group provided an environment for this producer to flourish.We used a similar model with First Family Entertainment, a pantomime production company,and with Jamie Lloyd Productions to inject creative dynamism into Trafalgar Transformed.

Sonia Friedman Productions是我们的第一个合作伙伴关系,它产生了一系列重磅作品。作为母公司,大使剧院集团(Ambassador Theatre Group)为这家制作公司提供了蓬勃发展的环境。我们采用了类似的模式与第一家庭娱乐(First Family Entertainment,一家哑剧制作公司)和Jamie Lloyd Productions的合作,为Trafalgar Transformed注入创意活力。

We have been able to grow the business exponentially, largely thanks to investment fromprivate equity. There have always been preconceptions surrounding theatre as a stable growthopportunity but fortunately we found partners with the imagination to make that conceptualleap.


Risk is now spread: we own or operate more than 40 theatres worldwide, have a number ofticketing brands and a creative resource that is the sum of our production division and itspartner companies.


International expansion will bring challenge — another essential component of creativity —as exposure to other markets and new partners such as recently acquired BB Group (aEuropean producer/promoter) bring new ideas and ways of working into the business, andhuge opportunities.

国际扩张将带来挑战(这是创造力的另一个关键因素)和巨大机遇,因为进入其他市场和新的合作伙伴(比如最近收购的一家欧洲制作/推广公司BB Group)带来了新的创意和业务处理方式。


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