Whether you kick back with a glass of wine, immerse yourself in a novel or strike up aconversation with the person seated next to you on a plane can be determined by whichnationality is listed on your passport, a survey has claimed。
According to the results of an international passenger investigation, Australians are the biggestboozers on board with 36 per cent choosing to down the hatch, compared to 35 per cent ofAmericans and 33 per cent of Brits。
The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) spoke to around 1,500 people, ages 18and older, who have travelled by plane at least once during the last three months and wereliving in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Singapore, Australia orBrazil。
The results found Chinese travellers are most likely to nod off once the seatbelt sign switchesoff. They are also the first to reach for their credit card for some in-flight shopping and thebiggest fans of gaming。
Americans on the other hand like to use their time in the air more productively – when notdrinking - opting to work while flying at 35,000 feet。
Meanwhile, Brits and Germans are the best at making chit chat with random strangers –spending 50 per cent more time than any other nationalities schmoozing。
Contrastingly, Brazilians conduct their conversations online via email, messaging apps or socialmedia。
Despite plane food having a bad reputation, seven out of 10 respondents said they werehappy to chow down on the selection of in-flight snacks and meals。
In-flight magazines were also popular with four out of five passengers claiming to read them。
The international flyers, who travelled on eight major airlines, did however express their desirefor better in-flight entertainment and 36 per cent wanted improved connectivity。
‘The industry has greatly improved the comfort, ambience, connectivity and entertainmentonboard aircraft, and this data underscores that passengers are embracing thoseimprovements,’ said Russell Lemieux, APEX executive director。
‘At the same time, passengers are demanding more from their air travel experiences which willdrive more innovations touching all aspects of the journey,’ he added。
英语短剧 小精灵与鞋匠
英语短剧小剧本 羊肉串和纳税人
小学英语短剧视频 老虎拔牙
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