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发布时间:2015-07-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


If you have a headache, it is a good idea to stopbanging your head against the wall. That is whatMicrosoft chief executive Satya Nadelladid this week when he cut back his company’s strugglingsmartphone division, writing off almost all of the $7.9bn (net of cash) that Microsoft paid forNokia’s phone business only 15 months ago.

如果头疼,别再用头撞墙是个好主意。上周,微软(Microsoft)首席执行官萨蒂亚纳德拉(Satya Nadella)就是这么做的。他削减了微软旗下正在苦苦挣扎的手机部门,近乎一笔勾销仅仅15个月前微软收购诺基亚(Nokia)手机部门时支付的79亿美元(剔除现金后)。

However, the strategic overhaul at Microsoft looks incomplete, even counting other recentmoves. While Mr Nadella has lessened the pain, there is still more to be done. The headbangingwas the fault of his predecessor, Steve Ballmer.

然而,即便考虑到近期其他举措,微软的战略重组看来也不到位。尽管纳德拉减轻了微软的痛苦,但需要做的还有很多。“以头撞墙是他的前任史蒂夫贠尔默(Steve Ballmer)的过错。

The former chief executive’s main justification for buying the Nokia division seemed to be,without better ideas, why not give it a go? It turns out that this is not a basis for soundstrategic thinking. Taking on Apple in high-end smartphones and the entire Androidecosystem in every other part of the market were non-starters.


It is notable that Microsoft’s two biggest acquisitions — and, now, its two biggest write-offs —have come from Mr Ballmer’s failed attempts to chase Apple and Google. In digital advertising,the $6.3bn purchase of aQuantive was followed by a $6.2bn writedown in 2012. The remnantsof the display advertising business were shed to AOL last month. Seldom has a companyadmitted such total failure twice over.


The disasters are revealing. For better or worse, Apple relies on selling hardware for most ofits revenues, while Google is almost entirely dependent on advertising. Microsoft hasconspicuously failed at both.


This is where Mr Nadella’s housecleaning looks incomplete. In the Xbox gaming console he hasa giant hardware business that does not do much to advance either Microsoft’s profits or itsstrategy. The Bing search engine, supported by advertising, has also accounted for plenty ofred ink over the years, though the Microsoft boss promises it will soon break even.


By dealing with his most glaring problem — the Nokia acquisition — Mr Nadella has removedsome of the distractions to focus on what is important. Microsoft’s own way of making money— selling software licences — is under long-term threat from the internet. Shoring up existinglicensing revenues and supplementing them with new subscription-based services are the jobsthat require full attention.


A successful launch of Windows 10 later this month is essential to achieving the first of theseobjectives. This may be the post-PC era, but the device will still be a significant platform —particularly in the corporate world — and the foundation of Microsoft’s business for years tocome.

本月晚些时候Windows 10的成功推出,对于微软实现上述前一个目标至关重要。当今或许是“后个人电脑(post-PC)时代,但PC仍将是一种重要的平台(尤其是在企业界),也将是未来多年里微软业务的根基。

After the disastrous attempt to merge the PC and the tablet experiences in Windows 8,Microsoft looks on track to straighten things out with a software release that no longerforces uncomfortable compromises on users.

在灾难性地企图把PC和平板电脑两种体验融合到Windows 8之后,微软似乎理清了思路,即将发布一款不再让用户别扭的软件。

With almost no presence on smartphones, the new Windows will not be able to meet some ofthe main requirements of a modern operating system: to help users navigate a multiscreenworld and give application developers a single platform that runs on multiple devices. But MrNadella has to play the hand he was dealt, and the best he can do is a multiplatform approachthat tries to extend the reach of Microsoft’s own services (as well as those of developers whopick the Windows ecosystem) on to iOS and Android handsets, alongside devices that runWindows.


Exactly which services he will choose to invest in has become another test of strategic focus.By making the puzzling purchase of Minecraft his first significant acquisition, he has sentconflicting signals. Owning a game that is popular on mobile platforms gives Microsoft a way toreach into the iPhone and Android worlds — but unless it can use this foothold to sell extraservices, it is unclear what the company gets from the deal. Minecraft seems distant fromMicrosoft’s core “productivity services such as Office.



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