As a state-run programming contest gets under wayin a modernist glass building close to Seoul, a fewdozen 20-somethings roam the venue, clad in blackor white T-shirts and hoping their coding skills willwin them a share of the Won27m ($24,000) prizemoney.
The event is hosted by the creative economy centreat Bundang, south of South Korea’s capital. It is one of a network of 17 such institutionsbeing rolled out across the country that offer workspace, funding and advice to start-ups andbudding entrepreneurs.
Along with a new ministry of future planning, the centres are the most visible manifestation ofthe government’s “creative economy agenda — President Park Geun-hye’s drive to fosterstart-ups and ease the country’s economic reliance on a small number of large businessgroups, known as chaebols, such as Samsung and Hyundai.
The push follows four consecutive years of growth below 4 per cent — unusually slow by SouthKorean standards — sparking concern that the country may struggle to close the gap with theworld’s richest economies. Attention has focused on the weakness of the small and medium-sized business sector, which has fallen steadily behind the country’s manufacturing giants interms of productivity.
Half a century ago, the president’s father, military ruler Park Chung-hee, put the chaebols atthe heart of his transformative industrial policy. Now, in a twist that demonstrates the lingeringinfluence of the state over the conglomerates, Ms Park has enlisted the country’s leadingbusiness groups in her own signature economic push: this time aimed at curbing theirdominance by fostering a new generation of businesses.
半个世纪以前,朴槿惠的父亲、军事统治者朴正熙(Park Chung-hee)把这些财阀列为其工业政策改革的核心。如今,朴槿惠动员韩国领先企业集团配合她的标志性经济计划:这一次的目标是通过培育新一代企业来削弱财阀的霸主地位,这突显出韩国政府对这些综合企业仍有影响力。
The centre at Bundang, for example, is run by telecoms group KT, which is providing most ofthe operation’s Won6.2bn annual budget and has deployed experienced staff to run it. “Thatone costs $40,000, that one costs $50,000 . . . that big one is $100,000, says Ju Young-beom,one of those staff, pointing to 3D printers provided for the seven start-ups enjoying rent-freespace in the building.
举例来说,设在盆唐的创新中心由韩国电信(KT)管理,在该中心62亿韩元的年度预算中,韩国电信提供了其中的大部分资金,并派出有经验的员工管理。其中一名员工Ju Young-beom指着为7家在这座大楼享受零租金待遇的初创企业提供的3D打印机说:“这台价格为4万美元,那台5万美元……大的那台是10万美元。
Each of the other 16 centres has been put under one of the country’s leading chaebols.Samsung Electronicshas set up two centres in the southeastern cities of Daegu and Gumi, whileHyundai Motorhas done so in the southwestern city of Gwangju. Ms Park has attended thelaunch of each of the 12 opened so far.
其他16家创新中心也都由韩国领先财阀之一运营。三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在东南部城市大邱和龟尾开设了两家创新中心,现代汽车(Hyundai Motor)也在西南部城市光州设立了创新中心。朴槿惠参加了目前已开设的全部12家创新中心的开业仪式。
But critics of the scheme question whether the business culture of the chaebols — whichemerged as state-fostered, largely heavy industrial concerns — makes them best placed tonurture the sort of creative, dynamic start-ups able to compete with those emerging fromSilicon Valley.
“Hierarchy and habit are very important parts of Korean corporate life, says Chung Yeon-woo, a professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology who was previously asenior car designer at Hyundai.
韩国蔚山科学技术大学(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)教授、曾经在现代担任高级汽车设计师的Chung Yeon-woo表示:“等级制度和习惯是韩国企业界非常重要的组成部分。
The network could end up undermining its stated goal by hardening the grip of the chaebolson the economy, he warns. “In the end, all the small companies with good ideas will be boughtby the big companies, Mr Chung says, “and those left will not be the really good ones.
Such acquisitions would “not necessarily be a bad thing, says Lee Je-joon, the official taskedwith overseeing the creative economy centres at the future planning ministry.
韩国未来规划部负责监督创新经济中心的官员Lee Je-joon表示,此类并购“不一定是坏事。
In a recent report on South Korean start-ups, the consultancy McKinsey cited the chaebols’ lackof interest in acquiring small companies as a major factor deterring investment in the latter andslowing “the circulation of capital and human resources. Among South Korean start-upowners who sold equity in their companies in 2013, only 0.4 per cent did so throughtakeovers, compared with 61 per cent in the US, it said.
Rallying investor interest is a major plank of the creative economy agenda. Seoul has rolledout new funding schemes, including a state-backed fund with about $4bn in capital, with muchof the cash dispensed through mechanisms that “match venture capital injections up toseven times over.
This appears to have helped spur significant growth in the sector. Venture capital funds inSouth Korea raised Won2.5tn last year, triple the amount in 2012, according to the KoreaVenture Capital Association.
此举似乎帮助推动了韩国风投行业的大幅增长。根据韩国风投协会(Korea Venture Capital Association)的数据,去年,韩国风投基金募资2.5万亿韩元,是2012年的3倍。
Government financial support has also helped drive a proliferation of start-up incubators andaccelerators in Seoul’s upmarket Gangnam area — some of which are competing with the state-backed centres to support budding companies.
The latest was launched by Google, which this year set up Campus Seoul, providing workspacefor eight of the 150 local start-ups that applied. The companies — some of which havebenefited from the government’s funding schemes — receive advice and support from Maru180, a non-profit venture established by the shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries before MsPark came to power.
最新项目是由谷歌(Google)发起的,今年谷歌创建了首尔创业校园(Campus Seoul),为提出申请的150家本地初创企业中的8家提供办公场所。这些公司(其中一些已受益于韩国政府的融资计划)获得了由非盈利风投机构Maru 180的建议和扶持,Maru 180是由造船企业现代重工(Hyundai Heavy Industries)在朴槿惠上台之前创建的。
“We believe that investing in these economies is going to produce financial return for us downthe road, when more companies are created, coming online, using the internet, using Google,says Mary Grove, head of Google for Entrepreneurs, a unit of Google that supports start-ups inmore than 100 countries.
在100多个国家支持初创企业的谷歌旗下部门Google for Entrepreneurs主管玛丽•格罗夫(Mary Grove)表示:“我们认为,投资于这些经济体未来将为我们带来经济回报,届时会有更多的企业创建、上线、利用互联网、使用谷歌。
South Korea already ranks among the top five producers of mobile apps for Google’s Androidsmartphone system, she says, with the number of IT start-ups increasing by an average of 10per cent a year over the past four years.
South Korea’s conglomerates, by contrast, showed little interest in supporting start-upsbefore the new policy push, says Ryu Jung-hee, chief executive of FuturePlay, an acceleratorproviding funding and technical support to start-ups in Seoul. “It’s not organic, not natural[for them], he says.
向首尔初创企业提供资金和技术支持的加速器机构FuturePlay首席执行官Ryu Jung-hee表示,相比之下,在政府发起新的政策努力之前,韩国企业集团对于扶持初创企业没什么兴趣。他表示:“(对他们来说),这么做不自然,不正常。
But attitudes have changed. Ihm Jong-tae, who heads the creative economy centre run by SK,the country’s third-biggest chaebol, in the western city of Daejeon, says: “There aren’t manythings that SK can do alone any more. The group needs to change its portfolio, and openinnovation is one of the most feasible ways to do that.
但这些大企业的态度已发生变化。为韩国第三大财阀SK在韩国西部城市大田执掌创新经济中心的Ihm Jong-tae表示:“SK依靠一己之力能做的事情不是很多了。集团需要改变其业务组合,而开放式创新是最可行的方法之一。
Mr Ihm leads the way to a 3D printer room at the Daejeon centre and points out a prototypecamera case printed by The S, an action camera maker that is one of 10 start-ups hostedthere.
Ihm Jong-tae把记者带到了大田创新中心的一个3D打印室,指着一个由运动型摄像机制造商The S打印的相机包原型。该公司是入住该中心的10家初创企业之一。
“Traditional Korean culture is that the big companies are the kings and the small ones are theirservants, says Lee Min-gu, co-founder of The S, which is hoping to win a grant of Won200mfrom SK in exchange for 1.5 per cent of its revenue over the next five years. “But I think it’schanging, it’s getting better.
“在韩国传统文化中,大企业是国王,小企业是仆人,The S联席创始人Lee Min-gu表示,“但我认为情况在发生变化,变得更好。The S希望从SK获得2亿韩元的拨款,作为交换,SK将获得该公司未来5年收入的1.5%。
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