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发布时间:2015-07-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Greece, the weak link in the eurozone, is inchingcloser to defaulting on its debt. The country hasbeen in a long standoff with its European creditorson the terms of a multibillion-dollar bailout. If thecountry goes bankrupt or decides to leave the 19-nation eurozone, the situation could createinstability in the region and reverberate around theglobe.


what is the latest?




The European Central Bank said on Sunday that it would not expand the emergency loanprogram that has been propping up Greek banks in recent weeks. But at the same time, thebank did not cut off support entirely, giving the Greek government some extra flexibility in thecoming days.

欧洲央行(European Central Bank)周日表示,它不会扩大最近几周来为希腊银行业提供支持的紧急贷款计划。但与此同时,欧洲央行并未完全切断援手,所以会在未来数日里为希腊政府提供一些额外的灵活性。

Meanwhile in Greece, the Parliament approved a request from Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for apublic referendum on Greece’s debt negotiations, to be held next Sunday. Mr. Tsipras said hewas calling the referendum because Greece’s creditors — the International Monetary Fund, theEuropean Central Bank and the eurozone countries — had refused to negotiate in good faithand present a fair compromise.

另一方面,希腊议会批准了总理亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)的请求,同意下周日就本国的债务谈判举行全民公投。齐普拉斯表示,他之所以诉诸公投,是因为希腊的债权人——国际货币基金组织(IMF)、欧洲央行和欧元区其他国家——拒绝进行真诚的谈判,不愿做出适当的妥协。

The approval came after eurozone finance ministers rejected Greece’s request to extend itsexisting bailout program past a deadline this Tuesday.


How did Greece get to this point?


Greece became the epicenter of Europe’s debt crisis after Wall Street imploded in 2008. Withglobal financial markets still reeling, Greece announced in October 2009 that it had beenunderstating its deficit figures for years, raising alarms about the soundness of Greek finances.


Suddenly, Greece was shut out from borrowing in the financial markets. By the spring of 2010,it was veering toward bankruptcy, which threatened to set off a new financial crisis.


To avert calamity, the so-called troika — the I.M.F., the European Central Bank and theEuropean Commission — issued the first of two international bailouts for Greece, which wouldeventually total more than 240 billion euros, or about $264 billion at today’s exchange rates.


The bailouts came with conditions. Lenders imposed harsh austerity terms, requiring deepbudget cuts and steep tax increases. They also required Greece to overhaul its economy bystreamlining the government, ending tax evasion and making Greece an easier place to dobusiness.


If Greece has received billions in bailouts, why is there still a crisis?


The money was supposed to buy Greece time to stabilize its finances and quell market fearsthat the euro union itself could break up. While it has helped, Greece’s economic problemshaven’t gone away. The economy has shrunk by a quarter in five years, and unemployment isabove 25 percent.


The bailout money mainly goes toward paying off Greece’s international loans, rather thanmaking its way into the economy. And the government still has a staggering debt load that itcannot begin to pay down unless a recovery takes hold.


Many economists, and many Greeks, blame the austerity measures for much of the country’scontinuing problems. The leftist Syriza party rode to power this year promising to renegotiatethe bailout; Mr. Tsipras said that austerity had created a “humanitarian crisis in Greece.


But the country’s exasperated creditors, especially Germany, blame Athens for failing toconduct the economic overhauls required under its bailout. They don’t want to change therules for Greece.


As the debate rages, the only thing everyone agrees on is that Greece is yet again running outof money — and fast.


Why do Greece and Europe disagree?


With Greece nearly bankrupt, the government struck a deal with European officials on Feb. 20to extend the bailout program for at least four months and give Athens 7 billion in funds, if Mr.Tsipras made structural changes. But creditors say the plans Greece has submitted fall short,and they accuse Mr. Tsipras of trying to roll back the austerity measures unilaterally.


Greece needs a deal to keep paying its creditors and to finance government operations. Athensseems to be betting that its creditors will want to reach a compromise to avoid the hugeunknowns that could arise if Greece defaults or possibly leaves the euro.


If things are so bad, shouldn’t Greece just leave the eurozone?


At the height of the debt crisis a few years ago, many experts worried that Greece’s problemswould spill over into the rest of the world. If Greece defaulted on its debt and exited theeurozone, it could create global financial shocks bigger than the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

几年前希腊债务危机达到顶峰时,很多专家担心该国的问题会波及世界其他地方。如果希腊出现债务违约并退出欧元区,会给国际金融领域带来比雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破产更大的冲击。

Some people argue that if Greece were to leave the currency union now, it wouldn’t be such acatastrophe. Europe has put up safeguards to limit the financial contagion, in an effort tokeep the problems from spreading to other countries. Greece, just a tiny part of the eurozoneeconomy, could regain financial autonomy with its own economy, these people contend —and the eurozone would actually be better off without a country that seems to constantly needits neighbors’ support.


Others say that’s too simplistic a view. Despite the frustration of endless negotiations,European political leaders see a united Europe as an imperative. At the same time, they stillhaven’t fixed some of the biggest shortcomings of the eurozone’s structure by creating a morefederal-style system of transferring money as needed among members — the way the UnitedStates does among its various states. They also worry that if Greece were to default and leavethe eurozone, it could ignite turmoil in the financial markets that might stall the buddingrecovery in Europe and impede the United States’ rebound.


What happens next?


That’s the billion-euro question.


Mr. Tsipras has said he doesn’t want to take Greece out of the euro currency union. ChancellorAngela Merkel of Germany, Europe’s paymaster, says the eurozone must stay together — butnot at any cost.

齐普拉斯一直表示,他不想让希腊退出欧元区。欧洲的金主德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)则称,欧元区必须保持统一,但不应不惜一切代价。

Right now, Greece must work out a deal to get some of the 7 billion to meet looming debtpayments. It also has billions more in additional payments coming due later this year to theI.M.F. and the European Central Bank. As a result, Greece might need to try securing yetanother multibillion-euro bailout package — its third since 2010.


Next week’s referendum could test whether Greek citizens want to stay in the eurozone. Newelections could also be held if Greece’s financial situation worsens. Or Greece could test thewillingness of Russia or China to help should talks with Europe falter.

下周举行的全民公投可以检验希腊民众是否想要留在欧元区。倘若希腊的财政状况进一步恶化,该国也可能会举行新的选举。或者, 如果与欧洲的谈判破裂,希腊可以试探俄罗斯或中国是否愿意提供帮助。

The heavy betting is that Greece and Europe will find a way to muddle through the mess yetagain — even if many people might be quietly drawing up emergency plans.



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