Why would you buy a processed food that tastesworse than what it was designed to replace, doesn’texist in nature, and helps kill you?
Either because you had no choice or had beenmisled about its essence. And that’s exactly thesituation most Americans find themselves inregarding partially hydrogenated oils and the transfats they contain.
The good news is that — finally — the Food and Drug Administration is banning food containingtrans fats, although really only sort of, and really only after overwhelming evidence (andmore than one lawsuit) made their dangers impossible to ignore. And in typical pro-industryfashion, the F.D.A. is not only allowing companies three years to get trans fats out of mostfoods, but will consider manufacturers’ petitions to keep them in.
好消息是,美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)终于禁止了在食品中添加反式脂肪的做法,尽管只是某种程度上禁止,而且已经有无从辩驳的证据(以及至少一宗诉讼),令反式脂肪的危险让人无法忽视。FDA从其一贯支持产业界的立场作出决定,不仅允许企业花三年时间将反式脂肪从大部分食品中剔除,而且还会听取制造企业要求保留反式脂肪的陈情。
Partially hydrogenated oils were invented 100 years ago, and quickly became popular in theform of margarine and vegetable shortening, like Crisco; their inclusion in thousands of otherproducts and use as frying oil or coffee “whitener is more recent. Thanks to their extension ofshelf life, cost benefits to the processed food industry and the unfounded notion that theywere healthier than the fats they replaced (asserted even by well-intentioned healthorganizations), they became ubiquitous. And they remain in many processed foods,supplanting real ingredients like butter, lard and less processed oils.
But partially hydrogenated oils have benefited no one except their manufacturers and theproducers of the junk that includes them. And the three-year phaseout means more deathsfrom people consuming a substance that should have been taken off the market at least adecade ago. (Studies finding that trans fats were worse than animal fats were published in theearly 1990s.)
The F.D.A. knows this: Its acting commissioner, Stephen Ostroff, said that eliminating transfats “is expected to reduce coronary heart disease and prevent thousands of fatal heartattacks every year.
FDA了解这一点:代理局长斯蒂芬·奥斯特洛夫(Stephen Ostroff)表示,消除反式脂肪“预计可以降低冠心病发病率,每年避免数千人死于心肌梗塞。
Why wait three years? Why not get these heart-stopping products off the shelves now, as wedo when food is contaminated with E. coli? If the evidence is that trans fats are more harmfulthan other fats, and other fats exist, why delay? Protecting Big Food’s profits is the onlypossible answer.
那为什么要等三年?为什么不现在就让这些扼杀心脏的产品下架,就像食品受到大肠杆菌(E. coli)污染后所做的一样?既然证据表明反式脂肪比其他脂肪更有危害,而且又存在其他脂肪,为什么还要延迟?唯一可能的答案就是保护大型食品企业的利润。
It may be really expensive for Big Food to replace partially hydrogenated oils — the F.D.A.itself estimates the cost at $6 billion — mainly because trying to mimic their performance isgoing to be tricky. Tough luck. No one can possibly estimate the profits that these oils havegarnered or their damage to the public. The agency’s analysis also estimates that health careand other costs will decline by $140 billion in the next 20 years as a result of declining transfat consumption.
The so-called alternatives already exist: you make croissants with butter and you use half-and-half, not “creamer, in your coffee; anything else is a waste of calories anyway. Chronic diseasesaside, it’s impossible to estimate how much good eating we’ve missed because misinformedpeople told us that Crisco is better than lard, margarine is better than butter, partiallyhydrogenated soybean oil is better than olive oil. (Yes, of course you can fry in olive oil.) I’vemade my best pie crusts with a mixture of butter and lard (some people insist all butter issuperior), yet for 30 or 40 years I’ve had to listen to people tell me about the benefits ofCrisco.
Once again it’s clear that too often the primary concern of government watchdog agencies is toprotect corporate profits rather than public health. Otherwise we’d know how much sugar wasin processed food, we’d have long since banned the routine use of antibiotics in animalproduction, we’d have salmonella-free chicken and we’d have forbidden the marketing and saleof soda and other liquid candy to minors.
Instead, people sicken and die from eating “food that’s known to be unhealthy. We letindustry buy time — at our expense — while they research and develop alternatives that mightbe no better than the stuff they’ll replace, and whose safety still won’t be guaranteed by theF.D.A.
Lard is not the “healthiest food in the world but at least no one tells you it’s “better thanother naturally occurring fats, as was claimed about trans fats. No one with a palate ever saidthat partially hydrogenated oils tasted better than naturally occurring fats.
And as everyone should know by now, a well-made pie, a beautifully frosted cake and perfectlycrisped fried food are treats, occasional indulgences. Let’s make them as well as we can, ratherthan take short cuts using phony ingredients that don’t taste good and are unhealthy. Thatshould be a one-two punch that clears the market of many “alternative fats — and, for thatmatter, of many other ultraprocessed “foods that benefit industry and harm consumers.
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