To fully grasp the prescience of Mihael Mikek, a co-founder of Celtra, the advertising technologycompany, requires an exercise of mental time travel.
要完全理解广告科技公司Celtra联合创始人米哈尔•米凯克(Mihael Mikek)的先见之明,就得先来场思想上的时光穿越。
Return, for a moment, to 2005. The iPhone is stilltwo years away and most of us are talking onBlackBerrys or flimsy flip phones. The biggestmoney to be made in mobile is in the sale ofringtones and screen wallpaper.
But Mr Mikek, then a first-year MBA student atBabson’s Olin Graduate School of Business, seesan industry with enormous potential. Although it would be a few years before he and his co-founders — his wife, Maja Drolec, also a Babson MBA and the company’s chief financial officer,and Matevz Klanjsek, Celtra’s chief product officer — begin to focus on ways to make mobileadvertisements more effective, they all saw the budding power of mobile.
但当时还是巴布森学院奥林商学院(Babson Olin Graduate School of Business)一年级MBA学员的米凯克,看到了一个潜力巨大的行业。尽管他和其他合伙创始人在几年后才致力于提高移动广告的有效性,但他们全都看到了移动业务崭露头角的力量。米凯克的合伙创始人包括他的妻子马娅•德罗克(Maja Drolec),她同样是巴布森的MBA学员,现在担任Celtra首席财务官;以及公司首席产品官马特兹•克兰烈塞克(MatevzKlanjsek)。
“We were looking for ideas and we all believed mobile was interesting, says Mr Mikek. “But tocatch a wave like this — to catch an industry that has disrupted so many things — that wasbig.
Founded in 2006, Celtra’s software AdCreator — now in its fourth iteration — helps businessescreate rich media ads that use animation, audio, video or other interactive elements, optimisedfor different devices and formats. Using data, other signals and triggers such as a mobile user’slocation, Celtra’s platform also ensures marketers deliver relevant ads to their intendedaudience.
Ad tech is a booming industry. According to eMarketer, the internet market research group, theglobal mobile advertising market is projected to surpass $100bn in 2016, of which mobile willaccount for more than 50 per cent. Celtra has a tiny but growing sliver of that market. Thisyear the company, which is based in Boston, will serve more than 50bn ads and earn aprojected revenue of $37m, nearly double what it earned in 2014.
The rise of programmatic advertising, which uses automated computer systems andsophisticated algorithms to deliver ads across the internet, is another boon to Celtra.
In some ways, the three founders make for an unlikely team. Mr Klanjsek studied architectureand design and previously worked in advertising. “I never had a desire to be anentrepreneur, he says plainly. “I just wanted to do advertising.
Ms Drolec also admits to being a reluctant entrepreneur and still talks enthusiastically aboutone day pursuing a career in social work. She also had reservations about starting a companywith her husband. “To be frank, I didn’t think that us working together would be [for] thebest, she says.
However, Mr Mikek, the unabashed visionary of the group, insists: “We complement eachother. Maya was always really good with numbers, Matevz wanted to change advertising for thebetter and I wanted to build a big business. When you put those things together, it becomespretty powerful.
The founders all grew up in Slovenia and came of age when the country gained independence. “After [that] the world started to open up a little bit more, says Mr Mikek. “Many people in ourgeneration started to go out and study abroad.
Mr Mikek was the first to enrol at US-based Babson, where he won a place in the school’ssignature class — the Entrepreneurship Intensity Track — a specialised elective for those whoplan to launch a venture shortly after they graduate. His class project was a mobile paymentscompany, which Bill Bygrave, professor emeritus at Babson, admits he was dubious about. “Itwasn’t obvious to me that there was a great market for it. But along came the smartphoneand that changed the world, he says.
米凯克是首批进入美国巴布森学院学习的学生,并赢得了进入该校“特色班——“创业强度追踪项目(Entrepreneurship Intensity Track)——的一个名额,这是为那些计划在毕业后不久就创业的学员准备的专业选修班。他的班级项目是一个移动支付公司,巴布森学院荣誉教授比尔•贝格雷夫(Bill Bygrave)承认,他曾对此感到怀疑。他说:“我看不清这是否是一个大市场。但后来出现了智能手机,改变了世界。
After they graduated, Mr Mikek and Ms Drolec toyed with a range of mobile-related businessideas. They later met Mr Klanjsek on a trip to London and began to hatch the company thatwould eventually become Celtra.
Their initial idea was to create a web-based marketing platform for entertainment clients,mainly Hollywood studios, to publicise their films via social channels. “Quite honestly, we knewnothing, recalls Mr Klanjsek. “In the early stage we had the freedom to explore. It was toughbut it was magical in a way.
Having raised a modest round of seed money from their families, Ms Drolec and Mr Mikekworked from their flat in Cambridge and Mr Klanjsek worked from his in London and later SanFrancisco. They also commissioned a small group of developers in Slovenia to write code andhustled for every scrap of business. “We probably did 15 campaigns but we pitched hundreds,says Mr Mikek. “We went to literally every company in Hollywood.
Eventually big name studios, including 20th Century Fox, New Line Cinema, and Warner Bros,signed on to use Celtra’s service for movie release campaigns such asSex and the City andWhat Happens in Vegas.
最终,包括20世纪福克斯电影公司(20th century Fox)、新线电影公司(New Line Cinema)以及华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)在内的大型电影公司,在《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)和《情迷拉斯维加斯》(WhatHappens in Vegas)等电影的发行活动中签约使用Celtra的服务。
In 2009, RSG Capital, a Slovenia-based venture capital fund, invested $1.2m in Celtra. Twoyears later, as Celtra expanded its client roster to include other companies such as Viacom,Pandora, and Shazam, it raised $5m from GrandBanks Capital and Fairhaven Capital, bothBoston-based VC firms.
2009年,总部位于斯洛维尼亚的风投基金RSG Capital向Celtra投资了120万美元。两年后,随着Celtra将其客户名单扩大至维亚康姆(Viacom)、潘多拉(Pandora)和音乐雷达(Shazam)等其他公司, 它从GrandBanks Capital和Fairhaven Capital这两家波士顿风投公司那里筹集了500万美元。
It was “really tough to get the first believers, says Ms Drolec, but their Babson roots helpedpave the way for investment. “Business school gives you a passport to US business, she says. “We’re immigrants, so venture capitalists and institutional investors can’t just call up three oftheir friends to check on us. [Babson] gave them a reference point. It made us legit.
The investment meant the business became much more real. “Everything needed to be done bythe book: we needed structure and employment contracts, says Ms Drolec, who found thefinancial skills she learnt at Babson useful. “Up until three years ago, I put together ourconsolidated financials. I needed to understand every line.
In 2013, Celtra received another $4m in venture funding led by SoftBank Capital, and todayCeltra has 140 employees and more than 400 clients.
2013年,Celtra收到了软银资本(SoftBank Capital)领投的400万美元风投资金,现在Celtra有140名员工,以及逾400个客户。
For now, the company is focused on “maximising shareholder value and “constantly deliveringon its plans, says Mr Mikek.
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