He only had himself to blame, Mike Weston thoughtruefully as he strapped a Fitbit to his wrist one coldFebruary morning. His company was about to starttracking him 24 hours a day, gathering data oneverything from his sleep quality and heart rate tohis location and web browsing habits.
在今年2月的一个寒冷的早上,迈克•韦斯顿(Mike Weston)把一个Fitbit手环套在手腕上,沮丧地想这只能怪自己。他将受到自己公司全天候的追踪,并被采集从睡眠质量和心率到所处位置和上网习惯等各种数据。
“I was really quite grumpy about it, I didn’t want toput myself on display like that, he says. But as chief executive of Profusion, a data scienceconsultancy, he had been urging his team of number crunchers to plan more ambitiousinternal projects — and this was the one they had come up with.
For 10 days, Profusion’s data scientists used Fitbits and other apps to track 171 personalmetrics for 31 staff who volunteered (including the somewhat reluctant Mr Weston). Combingthrough the data, the analysts found they could group the staff into clusters, based on sharedpatterns of behaviour. They labelled one group “Busy and Coping; another “Irritated andUnsettled.
Technology has made it possible for employers to monitor employees more closely than ever,from GPS trackers for delivery drivers to software that tracks which websites office workersvisit. Companies such as Profusion think wearable gadgets could open a new frontier inworkplace analytics, albeit one that would further blur the lines between our work and privatelives.
“I think there’s an inevitability that it will gain ground, and there’s a backlash risk that willfollow if the data get abused, says Mr Weston.
For employers, the simplest way to use wearable gadgets (and so far the most common) is togive them to staff and try to nudge them into healthier lifestyles — a financially worthwhilegoal if the company is on the hook for their health insurance. BP, for example, gives Fitbits toworkers in North America and offers them rewards if they meet activity targets. Indeed, one ofFitbit’s five strategic goals is to “further penetrate the corporate wellness market, accordingto its IPO prospectus. Wearables could also be straightforward tools.
But the bigger prize is to use the data from such devices to make the workforce safer or moreproductive. Some warehouse workers already wear wristbands or headsets that measuretheir productivity and location in real-time.
Kronos, the “workforce management company whose customers include Apple, Starbucks andIkea, makes annual revenues of more than $1bn by selling scheduling and real-time data toolsthat minimise salary bills and maximise productivity. Brenda Morris, who runs Kronos’s UKbusiness, says the company sees applications for wearables in blue and white collar work.
Kronos是一家“工作场所管理公司,它的客户包括苹果(Apple)、星巴克(Starbucks)和宜家(Ikea),销售可以最小化薪资成本和最大化生产效率的排班和实时数据工具,年收入超过10亿美元。Kronos英国业务主管布伦达•莫里斯(Brenda Morris)表示,该公司看到在蓝领和白领职员身上应用可穿戴设备很有效。
“If you’re monitoring where people are, what their stress levels are, what their fatigue levelsare . . .[that’s] really important when operating machinery . . . Or [in an office] you can see thatperson’s getting stressed because they’ve been working on that legal contract for too manyhours and they don’t have enough support.
Chris Brauer, a senior lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London, who runs experimentswith workplace wearables, predicts a future in which managers have dashboards showing real-time employee biometrics such as sleep quality that are leading indicators for performance. “It becomes a predictive tool and possibly also a prescriptive one.
伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths, University of London)高级讲师克里斯•布劳尔(Chris Brauer)负责有关工作场所可穿戴设备的试验,他预计未来经理们将会用仪表盘显示员工睡眠质量等实时生物指标,这些是预示业绩表现的先行指标。“它会成为一种预测性工具,可能也会成为一种规定性的工具。
But that vision is a long way off — and there are a number of practical, legal and ethicalhurdles in the way.
First, no one seems to have worked out yet how to analyse or draw useful conclusions fromwearables data. Profusion plans to do more trials in larger companies, overlaying the personalmetrics with workplace performance data. But so far, the experience of Rob Symes, co-founder of a London start-up called The Outside View, is typical. He tracked all his employeeswith wearables last year, only to realise: “Right, I’ve got all this data, what the hell does itmean?
首先,似乎还没有人研究出,如何对可穿戴设备产生的数据进行分析,或者如何从中得出有用的结论。Profusion计划在较大型公司开展更多试验,将个人指标和整体工作场所业绩表现数据叠加起来。但到目前为止,通常会看到的情况是伦敦初创公司The Outside View的联合创始人罗布•赛姆斯(Rob Symes)的经历。去年他利用可穿戴设备追踪了所有员工,最后意识到:“好吧,我掌握了所有数据,但这些数据到底意味着什么?
Meanwhile, wearable devices crossing over corporate “digital perimeters every day are anobvious target for hackers, says Dave Palmer, who spent 13 years at GCHQ and MI5 beforejoining cyber security company Darktrace as head of technology. “You might think that’s a bitalarmist — what are the chances of my watch or heartrate monitor getting hacked — but thisidea of the ‘internet of things’ is racing farther ahead in terms of functionality than in terms ofsecurity.
另一方面,每天穿越企业“数据边界的可穿戴设备明显会成为黑客的目标,在英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)和军情五处(MI5)工作13年后加入网络安全公司Darktrace担任技术主管的戴夫•帕尔马(Dave Palmer)表示。“你可能会认为这有点危言耸听——我的手表或者心率监测器被黑客入侵的几率能有多大呢——但‘物联网’这个概念在功能性方面已经走在了安全性的前面。
The gadgets are also easy to game. Adam Miller’s employer gives him cash rewards if his Fitbitshows he has taken a certain number of steps a day. But it registers “steps when jolted, so ifhe has not met his daily target, “I might watch TV and wave my arm around . . . or my kids willgrab it and start shaking it to see what the numbers get to.
这些小玩意也很容易糊弄。对于亚当•米勒(Adam Miller)来说,如果Fitbit显示他一天走到了一定的步数,他的雇主就会给予他现金奖励。但Fitbit是在摇晃的情况下记录“步数的。因此如果米勒没有完成每日的目标,“我可能一边看电视一边挥舞我的手臂……或者我的孩子们会抓着它摇晃,看上面的数字会到多少。
For Dane Atkinson, chief executive of tech company Sumall, this highlights a serious problemwith workplace metrics. “It has a law of physics — as soon as people know it’s being observed itchanges the outcome. His solution as a young CEO was to come up with a secret metric hisemployees did not know about: he tracked the volume and length of their work emails, which hefound a surprisingly good indicator of who was in “professional distress.
科技公司Sumall的首席执行官戴恩•阿特金森(Dane Atkinson)认为,这凸显了工作场所指标存在的一个严重问题。“这其中存在物理法则——一旦人们知道一个指标在被观测,结果就会改变。作为一名年轻的首席执行官,阿特金森的解决方案是提出一个他的员工不知道的秘密指标:追踪员工工作邮件的数量和长度,他发现在显示谁处于“职业困难期方面,这种指标效果好得惊人。
“I was struggling with empathy . . . the data really helped me catch up, he says. “In watchingthose patterns I could start a conversation and say, hey, what’s going on, and there wasalmost always a huge unload.
He thinks it is reasonable for an employer to monitor work emails, “but there’s a moral linethat’s not been navigated by public conversation yet.
The legal line has not been navigated yet, either. Lawyers say companies would have to gainthe explicit informed consent of employees before gathering personal data from wearables —and further consent to correlate it with other data, such as performance metrics.
Even then, there is a risk employees would feel implicit pressure to agree, says Daniel Cooper,head of the data privacy team at the law firm Covington.
科文顿•柏灵律师事务所(Covington and Burling)数据隐私小组主管丹尼尔•库珀(Daniel Cooper)表示,即使如此,还存在员工因感到隐性压力而勉强同意的可能性。
“Historically European regulators in the data protection area have been very sceptical you canever get a valid employee consent — they feel that for existing employees, [the relationship] isalmost inherently coercive.
How many workers would say yes, uncoerced, and under what conditions? PwC asked 2,000people recently: 40 per cent said they would wear a workplace wearable, rising to just over halfif they knew it would be used to improve their wellbeing at work.
Employers and employees might share the same goals (less stress in the workplace, say) butthen again, they might not. Many of those who said “no way did not trust their employer notto use the data against them. A promise to anonymise the data and only analyse them inaggregated form would help win people over, PwC found.
For Mike Weston of Profusion, the reaction of his staff to their wearables experiment was asinteresting as the data it produced. Some found it enlightening and useful, while others foundit “quite disturbing. One ended up “the most stressed I’ve ever seen her.
As for him? “I still don’t know if I love it, but I haven’t taken it off.
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