Here, in 140 characters or less, is some free advicefor Twitter’s next chief executive: Focus on liveevents. People never tire of gabbing about what’sgoing on right now. Twitter could be the best placefor that. Do it fast.
That may sound a bit simplistic. The news that DickCostolo will resign at the end of this month is sureto elicit a raft of doomsaying commentary about the company. Mr. Costolo, who since 2010has been chief executive of Twitter, the service that lets people post 140-character messages,helped take the company public in 2013 and built it into a Silicon Valley force.
这听起来可能有点过于简单化了。迪克·科斯特罗(Dick Costolo)将在本月底辞职,这个消息一定会引发一些评论,说Twitter末日将至。科斯特洛自2010年以来一直是其首席执行官,在他任内,这个让用户发布140字符信息的服务在2013年上市,并且成为一支硅谷的主要力量。
Along the way, however, Twitter’s audience growth stalled, and its advertising business looks tobe cooling. From afar, Twitter can sometimes look dysfunctional, especially compared with itsrobotically disciplined competitors in the social networking business, among them Facebookand Pinterest, whose fortunes all burn brighter.
Among some investors and users, there is now a more straightforward and optimistic caseto be made for the rebirth of Twitter under a new chief. That case involves focus. Twitter, as aservice, is many things to many people at different times. It is one of the world’s best sourcesfor news and for jokes about news, a playground for professional networking, and a havenfor that most human of pastimes, idle gossip.
But because the service offers so many uses, Twitter, as a company, has had trouble focusingon one purpose for which it should aim to excel. The lack of concentration has damaged itsprospects with users, investors and advertisers. Choosing a single intent for Twitter — andworking to make that a reality — ought to be the next chief’s main task.
Among the many uses that Twitter fulfills as a social network, there is one it is uniquely suitedfor: as a global gathering space for live events. When something goes down in the real world— when a plane crashes, an earthquake strikes, a basketball game gets crazy, or Kanye Westhijacks an awards show — Twitter should aim to become the first and only app that people loadup to comment on the news.
作为一个社交网络,Twitter拥有众多用途,其中有一个用途,没有谁比它更适合:实时事件的全球聚会空间。Twitter的目标应该是:当现实世界中发生什么事情——飞机失事、地震来袭,一场篮球赛打得非常精彩,或者坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)抢了一场颁奖晚会的风头——它是人们打开的第一个、也是唯一一个应用,来对资讯发表评论。
We live in an era dominated by time-shifted media. Just about everything worth watching can bewatched later, when it’s more convenient. Even so, many of us find experiencing mediacommunally to be a deeply meaningful experience — much more meaningful than watching itlater. The desire for communal experiences explains why the Super Bowl is still a mega TVevent, why ESPN has grown to become one of the most valuable media properties on theplanet, and why HBO has turned Sunday nights into a marquee time for television.
Twitter is well-positioned to take advantage of this desire. It is already among the best placesonline for consuming news and commentary about live events. It would be ridiculous formany fans of the N.B.A. or of “Scandal to watch TV without having Twitter nearby. Yet thatbehavior still remains a niche. Twitter’s next chief could change that, adding a few simplefeatures that might transform the service into a required accessory for experiencing anythinglive.
Twitter完全有条件去利用这种意愿。在消费实时活动的资讯和评论方面,它已经是最好的网上服务之一。对于很多NBA球迷或《丑闻》(Scandal)的粉丝来看,看电视的时候不打开Twitter是很可笑的事。然而,这种做法尚未成为主流。 Twitter的下一任首席执行官可能会改变这种状况,添加几个简单的功能,让Twitter成为一个体验实时事件必不可少的应用。
How should Twitter do that? Tech journalists and tech investors have spilled thousands oftweets over the years in attempts to account for the general unpopularity of Twitter. ThoughTwitter has brought out an accelerating set of improvements over the last year, it remains apunishingly difficult service to get accustomed to and use. Twitter may be alone among largesocial networks in turning away more people away than it attracts. About 300 million peopleuse it every month, but more than a billion have signed up and quit.
Last week, in an extremely detailed post on his blog, the venture capitalist Chris Sacca, oneof the earliest and larger investors in Twitter and an inveterate fan of the service, outlined themost straightforward recipe for Twitter to own live events. Much of what he called for couldbe easily done now. For every live event that generates tweets — whether it be news or asporting event or a TV show — Twitter could create a dedicated section of the app.
风险投资人克里斯·萨卡(Chris Sacca)是Twitter最早也较大的投资者之一,而且还是该服务的超级铁杆粉丝。上周,他在博客上发表了一篇非常详细的文章,对于Twitter如何直播实时事件,列出了一些简单直接的方式。他建议的很多东西,现在都是可以轻松办到的。对于每一个可以产出推文的实时事件——无论是资讯、体育赛事,还是电视节目——Twitter都可以在应用中创建一个专门的板块。
Say the N.B.A. finals are heating up (which they are), and Twitter knows you like basketball. Theapp would send you a notification, tap to see the best tweets timed to the moment — withphotos, videos, commentary and, of course, jokes all focused on that event. In other words,an instant community talking about something you are interested in, and one that you can’thelp getting glued to, because it’s about something happening live.
Twitter does some of this now, but not nearly as well as it could. When the Golden StateWarriors were playing the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 3 of the N.B.A. finals on Tuesday night, Isaw people tweeting about the game when I loaded up the Twitter app. I’m not usuallyinterested in basketball, but the tweets suggested this was an amazing game, so I stayed fixedto the screen.
这方面的工作Twitter目前也做了一些,但没有它本应有的那么好。本周二晚上,金州勇士队(Golden StateWarriors)和克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers)进行NBA决赛的第3场比赛时,我打开Twitter应用,看到人们在发关于这场比赛的推文。我通常对篮球不怎么感兴趣,但推文里说这场比赛打得很精彩,所以我决定看一看。
Twitter made the experience difficult. I couldn’t see a running score, I didn’t know whoseaccounts to follow for the best stuff about the game, and basketball tweets were mixed in withordinary posts about everything else. Tapping on some N.B.A. hashtags created a morefocused feed, but it was still a messy experience, with lots of repetition, and, worse, boringtweets. The only reason I stuck with it is because I’m already a Twitter addict. Most peoplewould have bailed.
Mr. Sacca offered many obvious improvements to Twitter’s problems with live viewing. Twitter,he suggested, should hire human editors to create curated feeds for special events. It shouldoffer these specialized feeds to users who don’t check in to the service very much, withoutrequiring them to log in or to follow certain accounts permanently.
“Done right, live Twitter will have sports scores and TV listings front and center and will be theplace everyone visits first to see how the game is going or when the show starts, he wrote.
The best analog for Mr. Sacca’s vision is a digital-era version of television or radio — a globalcoming together in an otherwise lifeless, anodyne digital world. Twitter’s next chief could buildsuch a thing. And it could be glorious.
萨卡的设想,就好比是打造一个数字时代的电视台或电台——在一个原本缺乏生机、平淡无奇的数字世界中,让大家聚集一堂。 Twitter下一任首席执行官可以打造出这样的东西。那将是非常出彩的。
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