“You know what I’m going to devote the rest of mylife to? David Letterman said on his last night as thehost of the “Late Show on CBS. “Social media.
Mr. Letterman ended his 33-year career in late-nighton Wednesday as he had started it — with theirreverence, self-mockery and mischief that madehim such an iconoclastic talk-show host.
His farewell was much better than the usual mawkish television send-off: He mixed favoritesegments like his Top 10 list with clips of classic skits and a few restrained fillips of sincerityand humility. His final show was not at all like the Pharaonic and mushy last bow JohnnyCarson took when he left “The Tonight Show in 1992. As could be expected, it was a bracingantidote to the weepy extravaganza that ushered his rival Jay Leno into retirement last year.
他的告别节目比通常自作多情的电视送别好得多:他在节目中穿插了最受喜爱的部分,例如他的10大名单,包括经典小品片段,以及几个有诚意、谦逊的、有克制的时刻。他在最后的节目里一点也不像约翰尼·卡森(Johnny Carson)1992年最后一次主持《今夜秀》时那样以法老自居、且多愁善感。正如所预想的,最后一集《深夜秀》是去年送别他的对手杰·雷诺(Jay Leno)退休时,那种伤感而又铺张华丽表演的清新宜人的解药。
Mr. Letterman’s retirement has gotten an extraordinary amount of focus — a frenziedoutpouring of fan devotion, celebrity tributes and nonstop media attention — perhapsbecause he was so important to the last generation of viewers who grew up watching shows ona television set, and not on a smartphone.
Mr. Letterman’s crack about younger performers who use Twitter and Facebook was a shout-out to the talk-show host’s core audience, the late-night viewers who decades ago definedthemselves as the insurgents who preferred Mr. Letterman to Mr. Leno.
All Mr. Letterman had to say was the date, June 17, 1996, and the studio audience beganlaughing appreciatively. He then showed a clip of one of his more famous pranks when heposed as a server at a drive-through Taco Bell and tormented customers with terrible service.
莱特曼只需要说出那个日子,1996年6月17日,现场观众就开始会意地发笑。然后,他播放了一段自己比较著名的恶作剧片段之一,他假装塔可钟(Taco Bell)的不必下车即可购买食物窗口的服务员,用极为糟糕的服务折磨顾客。
The clips of his absurdist gags, riffs on conventional television comedy, were fun, but theywere also a reminder of how inventive and seditious Mr. Letterman was in his heyday, andhow much his successors in today’s late-night constellation owe him. One acolyte, JimmyKimmel, the host of his own late-night talk show on ABC, was so worshipful he ran a rerun onWednesday so as to not pull focus from Mr. Letterman.
他的荒诞噱头以及对传统电视喜剧即兴模仿的片段很逗乐,但它们也让人记起莱特曼在其鼎盛时期多么具有创意和煽动性,也提醒人们在当今深夜秀星空闪烁的他的后继者们欠了他多少东西。其中一位后继者吉米·金梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)在美国广播公司主持自己的深夜脱口秀节目,金梅尔是如此地崇拜莱特曼,以至于他在周三夜间,为了不把观众的注意力从莱特曼那里吸引走,重播了一个旧集子。
On his show, Mr. Letterman demanded a lighter touch. In the Top 10 list, “Things I’ve AlwaysWanted to Say to Dave, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, a “Seinfeld alumna, said, “Thanks for letting metake part in another hugely disappointing series finale.
在自己的节目中,莱特曼要求更轻的手法。在以“我一直想对大卫说的事儿为题的10大名单部分,曾担任《宋飞正传》演员的朱莉娅·路易斯-德雷福斯(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)说,“谢谢你让我参加又一个非常令人失望的电视系列的结局。
Mr. Letterman joined CBS in 1993, a year after HBO introduced “The Larry Sanders Show, abehind-the-scenes parody of “The Tonight Show that starred Garry Shandling as aninsecure, self-absorbed talk-show host.
莱特曼于1993年加盟CBS,一年后,HBO推出了《拉里·桑德斯秀》(The Larry Sanders Show),那是对《 今夜秀》幕后情节的滑稽模仿剧,由加里·赡德令(Garry Shandling)扮演缺乏信心、又自我陶醉的脱口秀主持人。
But Mr. Letterman’s onstage persona, as host of “Late Night at NBC, and later at CBS, was aone-man sendup of the talk-show genre. Even after more than 30 years, Mr. Letterman neverlost his arch, ironic self-awareness; he did not sink into the easy, quid pro quo conventionsof late-night talk shows, but kept defying them.
Over the last few weeks, a parade of celebrity guests including Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts andGeorge Clooney have paid their respects to Mr. Letterman. On Wednesday, he described all theencomiums as “over-the-top and said he found it “flattering, embarrassing and gratifying.
在过去的几个周中,包括汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)、朱莉娅·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)和乔治·克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)在内的名人嘉宾纷纷对莱特曼表示敬意。周三,他把所有这些颂辞描述为“过头了,并说他觉得那些话“令人荣幸、尴尬、满足。
Mixed feelings make sense in a comedian who was always paradoxical — a winning, witty andsupremely confident performer who offstage was practically a hermit and riven by self-doubt.
Fans are devoted to Mr. Letterman in part because they know his psyche so well: He is anintensely private celebrity who kept processing his personal life in front of the camera. Hehelped the nation heal after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by movingly expressing his feelings ofsadness and helplessness. He brought his medical team onto his show after his 2000 quintuplebypass, and he even described his affairs with women in his office as “creepy in an unnervingmea culpa in 2009.
On Wednesday, Mr. Letterman said that one of the worst things about retiring was that, as heput it: “When I screw up now, and Lord knows I’ll be screwing up, I have to go on somebodyelse’s show to apologize.
He mixed jokes about his future with serious references to pivotal moments in his past. Hechose as his last musical guests the Foo Fighters because the band canceled a tour in SouthAmerica to play on his first show after the heart surgery.
他开着关于自己未来道路的玩笑,也同时会严肃地提到自己过去的关键时刻。他选择Foo Fighters乐队作为他最后的音乐客人,因为该乐队为了在他心脏手术后的首次节目上表演,取消了一次南美巡演。
As he has on many a night, Mr. Letterman made a humorous reference to his son, Harry,imitating his voice in a squeaky falsetto. He also paid a solemn, quite personal tribute to hisson and his wife, Regina, who were seated in the audience.
“Thank you for being my family, he said. “I love you both and really, nothing else matters, doesit?
Mostly, though, he did what he did best: make fun of himself. “It’s beginning to look like I’m notgoing to get the ‘Tonight Show,’ Mr. Letterman joked.
Mr. Letterman defined himself as the loser in his long, bitter battle with Mr. Leno. His rival got“The Tonight Show gig and higher ratings, but in the end, Mr. Letterman won the legacy.
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