he Hong Kong-born photographer Liu HeungShing has long been known for documenting Chinaand pursuing media ventures from a perch inBeijing. For many years, he lived in a restoredcourtyard home near the Forbidden City and theleadership enclave of Zhongnanhai.
一直以来,香港出生的摄影师刘香成(Liu Heung Shing)最为人所知的是他对中国的纪录,以及身居北京多家媒体企业高层的身份。他在一座经过修缮的庭院里生活了多年,附近就是紫禁城以及中国领导人的驻地中南海。
Then last summer, he and his partner, Karen Smith,an art historian and curator, uprooted themselves and moved to Shanghai, where Mr. Liu hassince worked on building a photography gallery. He said he wanted to establish China’sequivalent of the International Center of Photography, or I.C.P., a well-known New Yorkinstitution.
去年夏天,刘香成和他的伴侣、艺术史学家兼策展人凯伦·史密斯(Karen Smith)一起搬到了上海,随后开始筹建一座摄影画廊。他说他想将之打造成中国版的“国际摄影中心(International Center of Photography)——一个位于纽约的著名机构。
On Friday, Mr. Liu is unveiling the first exhibition at his Shanghai Center of Photography. In aninterview, he discussed the new gallery and what he calls a growing appreciation fordocumentary photography among the Chinese. Following are edited excerpts:
Q. How did you come up with the idea for starting this photography center?
A. A rare occurrence happened in 2014, when the mayor of Shanghai’s Xuhui District and Ihad a discussion. He asked me if I would move my studio space to Shanghai. I was speechlesswhen presented with this opportunity. As a photojournalist, I don’t really work from a studio,but I thought of my previous visits to a small museum space in southern France called St. Paulde Vence.
The space available in Shanghai was designed by the American architecture firm of SharonJohnston and Mark Lee for the 2013 West Bund Architecture and Contemporary Art Biennale.Since the building is located in the newly designated Museum Mile along the Huangpu River, Ithought it would be an ideal home for an I.C.P.-like space. So I told the mayor that I would dosomething.
在上海可供我使用的场地,是莎朗·约翰斯顿 (Sharon Johnston)和马克·李(Mark Lee)的美国建筑事务所为“西岸2013建筑与当代艺术双年展设计的。由于这栋建筑位于在黄浦江边新规划的“文化走廊里,我觉得是个办国际摄影中心这类机构的理想场所。所以我告诉区长我会做点什么。
My friend Christopher Phillips of I.C.P. in New York encouraged me. We are now discussing howto curate an exhibition of Cornell Capa, who has photographed China. [Mr. Capa foundedI.C.P. in 1974.] In some ways, Shanghai reminds me a lot of New York, where I studied in the1970s and where I was inspired by I.C.P., which was first located on Fifth Avenue at East 94thStreet.
我在纽约国际摄影中心的朋友克里斯托弗·菲利普斯(Christopher Phillips)鼓励我。我们目前正在讨论如何策划康奈尔·卡帕(Cornell Capa)的展览,他曾用影像记录中国(卡帕在1974年创办了国际摄影中心)。上海的某些地方让我想起纽约,1970年代在那里求学,坐落在那里的国际摄影中心是我灵感的来源,它最初是在东94街和第五大道上。
Q. What kinds of exhibitions and activities will the center host?
A. We are planning to have works by people like Ukrainian photographer Boris Mikhailov, whohad a solo exhibition at MoMA [Museum of Modern Art in New York] in 2011 and one at theV.&A. [Victoria and Albert Museum] in London. His early works remind me of the Sovietdays, since I worked in Moscow for four years and witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union.We are also planning to show William Eggleston’s work, which will be curated by the NationalPortrait Gallery in London. That exhibition will travel to Shanghai next year. We are curating anexhibition of Chinese photography called “From Grain to Pixel, a survey of Chinesephotography from the early days of the People’s Republic to today’s vibrant works bycontemporary Chinese artists.
答:我们正计划展出的有乌克兰摄影师鲍里斯·米哈伊洛夫(Boris Mikhailov)的作品。2011年他曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)办过个展,在伦敦V&A(维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆[Victoriaand Albert Museum])也办过一次。他的早期作品让我想起在苏联的日子,因为我曾经在莫斯科工作了四年,见证了苏联的解体。目前我们还在计划展出威廉·埃格尔斯顿(William Eggleston)的作品,将会由伦敦国家肖像艺术馆(National Portrait Gallery)策展。那个展览将在明年来到上海。我们正在策划名叫“从颗粒到像素(From Grain to Pixel)的中国摄影展,展览将纵览从中华民国时期的摄影到当代中国艺术家们的生动创作。
Q. Many people associate the arts in China with Beijing. Yet after many years in Beijing, youmoved to Shanghai and chose to open your center there. Why Shanghai, and why thisparticular location in Shanghai?
A. I began my work in Beijing in 1976, when Mao died, and have lived in Beijing on and off fornearly 20 years. I have traveled to Shanghai a lot in the last 35 years. In the last couple ofyears, the human software, the strengths in commercial execution and the urbansophistication have distinguished Shanghai. It is suddenly the place that everyone is talkingabout.
Last year, Photo Shanghai sold 25,000 tickets in three days, and this fall it will hold its secondfair. Beijing certainly will retain its importance since lots of fine arts educators and artists are inthe capital. But at the same time, it is also a city that is home to literally thousands ofbureaucratic ministers. By contrast, along the Museum Mile, the West Bund has its ownbonded customs warehouse, which has one-stop service for importing artworks and takingcare of shipping and insurance.
去年,上海艺术影像展(Photo Shanghai)在三天内卖出了25000张门票,然后这个秋天会举行第二次展会。北京当然会保有它的重要性,因为很多优秀的艺术教育者和艺术家汇集在京城。但与此同时,它也是成千上万名官僚所在的城市。相较之下,在上海的文化走廊,西岸有自己的海关保税仓库,可以提供艺术品进口、运输和保险一站式服务。
Q. For your first exhibition, you chose to show photography of subjects from around theworld rather than photography of China. Why?
A. The first exhibition, called “Photography From the 20th Century, is a good way to introduceto Chinese visitors the breadth and depth of world photography and the rich genres ofdifferent styles of photography. I would like to impress on our visitors first the breadth anddepth of photography that was invented in the West. Photography had a head start of nearly200 years there.
Q.Tell us about the private collection from which these photographs are taken.
A. It was curated from a total collection of 1,600 works that represent a who’s who ofphotography. Charles Jin Hongwei, the collector, went to the United States from Shanghai as astudent and became a successful businessman. Now he has become a very serious collector ofphotography. With the rapid development of Chinese collectors of contemporary arts, I believethe time has come where many Chinese are viewing the collecting of photography as relativelymore affordable. The power of photography as a world language will enrich the lives of theChinese middle class, which increasingly looks to foreign travel and museum visits as moreviable options than conspicuous consumption.
Q. What is the state of documentary photography now in China? How widespread is theappreciation of it?
A. When I participate in juries of international photography awards, I see an increasing numberof fascinating works coming from Chinese photographers. Last month, I was a jury memberof a Sina.com photography contest, which had the participation of more than 2,000professional photographers. There were more than 24,000 entries. Chinese photographers aregaining more recognition at the annual World Press Photo contest. The younger generation ismoving away from the state-sponsored photographers’ associations that cast a long “formerSoviet shadow. More than 700 million Chinese consumers are turning to the Internet forinformation, and if we look at what people are looking at, most of it is actually photographs.
答:担任国际摄影奖项评委的时候,我看到越来越多来自中国摄影师的精彩作品。上个月,我是新浪网(Sina.com)一个摄影比赛的评委,有超过2000名专业摄影师参与。入围的作品超过24000件。中国摄影师正在一年一度的世界资讯摄影比赛(World Press Photo)上获得更多的认可。新一代正在从官办摄影家协会投下的“前苏联阴影中走出来。超过7亿中国消费者正在互联网上寻找信息,看看人们在找什么,大部分其实是照片。
The good news is a growing number of younger Chinese are viewing original works atmuseums and galleries. The photography scene today in Shanghai is lively. A Chinese beercompany hosted a photography contest for amateurs and received 2.5 million images. Chinesehave now turned to photography to connect with the world and to draw on ideas. There is ahunger out there after decades of self-imposed isolation under the Mao era. It is a hunger that Ihave personally photographed.
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