According to TMZ, Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, citing irreconcilable differences.
While news of the separation has shocked fans of the Hollywood super-couple, it remains unclear exactly how their divorce will play out in financial terms. Jolie has not requested spousal support from Pitt.
In the meantime, here are the stories behind some of Hollywood's most memorable (not to mention costly) divorces.
本文盘点了好莱坞中几起最让人印象深刻 1. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp
Thirty-year-old Heard filed for divorce in May 2016, after just over a year of marriage to her Hollywood superstar husband, 52. The couple didn't have a pre-nuptial agreement. Along some sources suggested that their payout could be as high as £35 million, and Heard - accused of golddigging by some of Depp's defenders - donated the whole lot to a domestic abuse prevention charity and a children's hospital.
Married: 2017
Divorced: 2016
It was his: second marriage
Her: first marriage
He said: “Hopefully the dissolution of this short marriage will be resolved quickly.”
She said: "Money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and, in doing so, hopefully help those less able to defend themselves."
2. Guy Ritchie and Madonna
Global superstar Madonna had to say goodbye to an estimated $92 million after her divorce from director Guy Ritchie. Her publicist at the time described it as "one of the largest payouts ever in a divorce settlement”.
Married: 2000
Divorced: 2008
It was his: first marriage
Her: second marriage
He said: "I just wanted a regular husband and wife thing. But it was always a great song and dance just to do ordinary stuff. She's obsessed with her own public image, obsessed with being seen as some kind of global soothsayer….Our marriage was a three-ring circus in the end." (To The Mirror, in 2008.)
男方说:“我只想过平凡的夫妻生活。但最普通的小事却都要被高调宣扬。她疯狂沉迷于自己的公众形象,沉迷于被视为全球预言家的光环……我们最终成为了被众人围观的小丑。” She said: “When you start off, everything’s great and lovely, and the person you’ve married is flawless, and you’re flawless. Then time goes by, and you share a life, you have children, and there are cracks in the veneer. It’s not as romantic as it used to be. You think, ‘This isn’t what I thought it was going to be,’ and ‘How much am I willing to sacrifice?’” (2017, as reported in the Daily Mail)
女方说:“刚刚结婚的时候,一切都很幸福美好。你会发现无论是对方还是自己都完美无暇。但随着时间的流逝,我们感受到了生活的不易,有了自己的孩子,婚姻也开始出现了裂痕。一切都不再像之前那么浪漫美好。你会想,‘这并不是我想要的婚姻生活’,‘我还愿意为此牺牲多少?’”3. Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan
Actors Quaid and Ryan fell in love while filming their second film together, DOA. It all turned ugly after Ryan had a brief affair with Proof of Life co-star Russell Crowe in 2000, and the pair divorced after 13 years of marriage. Ryan also alleges that Quaid was unfaithful for years.
Married: 1991
Divorced: 2001
It was his: second marriage
Her: first marriage
He said: "It was eight years ago, and I find it unbelievable that Meg continues publicly to rehash and rewrite the story of our relationship. Also, I find it regrettable that our son, Jack, has to be reminded in a public way of the turmoil and pain that every child feels in a divorce. I, myself, moved on years ago and am fortunate to have a happy, beautiful family." (To the Daily Mail in 2008)
男方说:“那已经是八年前的事情了,但公众场合下梅格仍要旧事重提、编造我们的关系,真的让我难以置信。而且,最让我感到遗憾的是,我们的儿子杰克要一次又一次地看这段婚姻被曝光,被迫记起父母离婚带给他的痛苦和难过。多年前,我就已经放下了并选择继续前进,能够拥有现在这样幸福美满的家庭,我感到很幸运。” She said: "I am not a victim. I was there. I was in that marriage for a really long time. Some days you think, this is so crazy, and you are all intellectual about it. And other days, it's just really, really painful." (To the Daily Mail in 2008)
女方说:“我并不是受害者。但我曾经历过那一切。我曾有很长一段时间深陷在那段婚姻里无法自拔。有时我会想,这真的很疯狂,尽管我很理智地处理了。但有时,我真的会感到非常非常痛苦。”4. Reece Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe
Legally Blonde star Witherspoon met Philippe at her 21st birthday, but the pair, who starred together in the 1999 film Cruel Intentions (they were engaged at the time), split after eight years together amid rumours that Phillippe had had an affair with actress Abbie Cornish. Oscar-winner Witherspoon, who earned significantly more money than her ex-husband throughout the course of their marriage, asked the court to deny Philippe any spousal support. The settlement was $0.
《律政俏佳人》主演威瑟斯彭在21岁生日派对上遇到了菲利普,两人在1999年拍摄《致命性游戏》时走到一起 Married: 1999
Divorced: 2007
It was his: first marriage
Her: first marriage
He said: "I think more of the problem was age. When we got together we were so young. I think it can create issues with two people in this industry because there's so much noise that goes along with it." (To US magazine in 2017)
男方说:“我认为问题更多出在年龄上。我们在一起的时候都太年轻,在这行两个人很容易出问题,因为周围的谣言和议论太多。” She said: "I was so, so young, I learnt a lot though. It was an excellent opportunity for me to really find out what it means to be a partner and to be in a marriage and it's not anything that I thought it was." (To Elle Magazine in 2011)
女方说:“我那时真是太年轻了,但我学到了很多。它让我明白伴侣和婚姻的真正意义是什么,我以前想得太天真了。”5. Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
After 11 years of marriage and three children, Hollywood power couple Willis and Moore split in 2000. But to their credit, the pair have maintained an unusually friendly relationship: they still get on, and even go on holiday together. Then again, it sounds as if Moore was probably quite happy with the settlement: Willis allegedly paid her a sum of $90 million.
Married: 1987
Divorced: 2000
It was his: first marriage
Her: second marriage
He said: "I have to give Will Smith some of the credit because he helped me at a time when I was paralysed with despair. I felt I had failed as a father and a husband by not being able to make it work." (To the Daily Mail in 2007)
男方说:“我必须要谢谢威尔•史密斯,他在我一蹶不振的时候帮助了我。那时我觉得自己是个失败的丈夫和爸爸,因为我把事情搞砸了。” She said: "When their father and I decided to divorce it probably had the biggest impact on [daughter] Rumer." (To US Magazine in 2017)
女方说:“当我和他们的爸爸决定离婚时,最受影响的可能是6. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
Hollywood super-couple Affleck and Garner announced their divorce on June 30 2017 – the day after their 10-year wedding anniversary. The split was tarnished by allegations that Affleck had cheated on his wife with the couple’s nanny, Christine Ouzounian. But Affleck and Garner, who have three children together, have both denied the claims – and have remained amicable after the divorce (even continuing to live together for a period).
2017年6月30日,好莱坞明星夫妻阿弗莱克、加纳在他们结婚十周年纪念日这天发布了离婚声明。两人分手据称是因为本•阿弗莱克曾与保姆克里斯汀•乌祖尼安有染的传言。但这对共同养育了三个孩子的夫妻都否认了这一传言,并在离婚后依然往来友好 Married: 2005
Divorced: 2017
It was his: first marriage
Her: second marriage
He said: "Jen's great. She's a great person. We're on great terms."
She said: "I didn't marry the big fat movie star; I married him. And I would go back and remake that decision. I ran down the beach to him, and I would again. You can't have these three babies and so much of what we had. He's the love of my life. What am I going to do about that? He's the most brilliant person in any room, the most charismatic, the most generous. He's just a complicated guy. I always say, 'When his sun shines on you, you feel it.' But when the sun is shining elsewhere, it's cold. He can cast quite a shadow." (To Vanity Fair in March 2016.)
女方说:“我嫁的不是有名有钱的电影明星,我嫁的是他这个人。如果回到过去,我还是会做同样的决定。你不可能凭空拥有这3个宝贝,以及我们共同创造的那些回忆。他是我此生挚爱。我还能怎么做呢?无论何时何地,他都是最耀眼,最大方,最有魅力的那一个。他就是这样复杂。我总说,‘当他独宠你一人时,你会很幸福。’可是当他望向别处时,你就完了。他能掌控你的悲喜。”7. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Cruise and Holmes’s whirlwind romance led to the pair becoming engaged just a few months after they started dating, in the spring of 2005. Their divorce, six years later, was overshadowed by claims that Holmes was afraid that the couple’s daughter, Suri, was being pulled into Cruise’s scientology religion, and that the actress was desperate to escape the influence of the controversial Church.
Married: 2006
Divorced: 2017
It was his: third marriage
Her: first marriage
He said: "You know, I, I find it very offensive. There is no need to protect my daughter from my religion.” (Via Hollywood Life.)
男方说:“你知道吗,以保护为由不让我的女儿接受我的宗教信仰,我觉得这很无理。” She said: "I don't want that moment in my life [divorce and marriage] to define me, to be who I am. I don't want that to be what I'm known as. I was an actor before, an actor during and an actor now.” (To People Magazine)
女方说:“我不想让生命中的那段时间8. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston
Brad and Jen seemed to be the perfect Hollywood power couple, until Brad infamously fell for Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith in 2004. (He has always claimed that no infidelity took place, and that he and Jolie didn't before he and Aniston separated.)
布拉德和珍妮弗似乎是好莱坞的完美夫妻档,直到2004年,布拉德在拍摄《史密斯夫妇》时与安吉丽娜•朱莉擦出火花,当时颇为人所不齿。 Married: 2000
Divorced: 2005
It was his: first marriage
Her: first marriage
He said: "I spent the ’90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony. I started to get sick of myself sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. It started feeling pathetic. It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn’t living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage [to Aniston] had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t." (To Parade in 2011)
男方说:“九几年的时候我一直想躲起来,想避开娱乐圈的议论和喧嚣。我开始厌烦自己拿着一支大麻烟卷坐在沙发上,厌烦自己想躲起来。情况开始变得可悲。我很想找到一部讲述有趣生活的电影,但我正过的生活却谈不上乐趣。我认为这与我和安妮斯顿的婚姻有关,总在装出婚姻原本没有的样子。” She said: "There's a sensitivity chip that's missing (from Brad)...He makes his choices. He can do – whatever. We're (about to be) divorced, and you can see why." (To Vanity Fair in 2005)
女方说:“布拉德身上少了一种能感受他人情感的东西……他常一意孤行地想做什么就做什么。正因如此,我们9. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s divorce took two years to finalise: the couple initially split in 2011 after allegations that Kutcher had cheated in his wife. In 2013, after two years of negotiations, a judge decreed that Kutcher would not have to pay Moore any spousal support (at the time she was worth an estimated $150 million). But Kutcher, who in 2013 was the highest-paid actor on television, did eventually settle an undisclosed sum on his ex-wife, who was previously married to actor Bruce Willis. “There had been lengthy negotiations between lawyers for both sides about the financial settlement - in particular, how much he owed her from their marriage,” a source told Page Six, before alleging that the pair had been “fighting bitterly” over money.
黛米•摩尔和艾什顿•库彻的离婚案花了两年才落下帷幕:2011年库彻被指婚内出轨,分手大戏由此上演。经过两年谈判,法官在2013年宣判库彻无需支付赡养费 Married: 2005
Divorced: 2013
It was his: first marriage
Her: third marriage
He said: “I’ve learned that there are a lot of things in your life that really benefit from being private. And relationships are one of them." (To Elle Magazine in 2013)
男方说:“原来生活中很多事情对外保密会更好,感情就是一例。” She said: "As a woman, a mother and a wife, there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life." (To the Associated Press)
女方说:“作为一个女人、母亲和妻子,我严格地遵守着特定的价值观和誓约。也正是如此,我选择向前看。”10. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton
Hollywood's stormiest couple weren't content with tying - and untying - the knot just once: "Liz and Dick" married and divorced twice, although their second marriage (every bit as turbulent as the first) was relatively shortlived. Burton would be married a total five times in his life (twice to Taylor); Taylor eight.
Married: 1964, married for second time in 1975
Divorced: in 1974, for second time in 1976
It was his: second and third marriage
Her: fifth and sixth marriage
He said: "I might run from her for a thousand years and she is still my baby child. Our love is so furious that we burn each other out."
She said: "After Richard, the men in my life were just there to hold the coat, to open the door. All the men after Richard were really just company."
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