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发布时间:2020-04-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Today, we are young, spirited, gathered in the campus that nurtures knowledge and cultivates sentiment and shapes soul; tomorrow, we will shoulder the heavy burden and walk around with luggage.


How can we decorate our bags today if we want to make the path full of sunshine tomorrow?


First of all, I will put in Wang Jinxi's "Iron Man" spirit, that unremitting spirit, and work hard. He led his team members to camp on the vast prairie. When they were short of food, they ate wild vegetables with salt water. There was no road, no means of transportation, Wang Jinxi led us to rely on people to pull the shoulders, unload more than sixty tons of drilling rigs from the train, and then transport them to the drilling site. When drilling a well, we need water. Wang Jinxi and everyone use a basin, with tens of tons of water coming from the end of one basin. As expected, the first well in Daqing Oilfield was drilled ahead of time and produced crude oil. It's not something ordinary people can do, but he can do it, his players can do it. Why is that? It turns out that this is the spirit of perseverance. Now many of our classmates are spoiled and can't bear hardships. This spirit is really worth learning. So the first thing I want to pack is perseverance.


Then, I will put in Ren Changxia's spirit of fighting against the dark forces. Ren Changxia is what I know on TV at home. I have forgotten what kind of official she is and what major deeds she has made, but I think she should be the honest official the people say, a good cadre of the country! Although she is a woman of the generation, but she does not allow men, take to fight with corrupt officials, for the people, for the country to do a lot of good. But most regrettably, she seemed to die in another big case. Ren Changxia's life is over, but her soul, the spirit of fighting against evil, is not over, and has been living in people's hearts. So I also want to take the spirit of fighting against darkness and put it into my "luggage".


Finally, I would like to put Wen Tianxiang's passion for the motherland into my "luggage". Wen Tianxiang has been dead for a long time, but his patriotism is still there. When he was captured across the ocean, he wrote a famous saying: "who has no death in life since ancient times, leave a heart to reflect history." In this sentence, there is not a word that does not show Wen Tianxiang's love for the motherland and his unyielding and righteous spirit. He never fell to the Yuan Dynasty and was finally killed. Therefore, this famous sentence has been left behind! What makes him so persistent? It's his patriotic spirit. Therefore, I will pack my patriotic enthusiasm into my luggage.


In my "luggage" of the future, I have put in perseverance, which is the foundation of my second package to fight against darkness, and the second one is the foundation of my third package of patriotism. With these three necessities in the luggage, I think a good man will be "ambitious"!


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