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发布时间:2020-04-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Chinese has penetrated into our life in an all-round way, and there are more ways to learn Chinese. As it happens, we just accepted the teachings of Mr. Kong: "those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are not as happy as those who are good". Interest is the best teacher. And computer games are one of my major interests. To be honest, I can also learn Chinese in playing games.


As for the games with large amount of characters and plots, my biggest benefit is to know many words, and I still remember the words that I know through this way very firmly.


In the past, when we played the chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, there was an instruction in military and political affairs called "conscription". This word "conscription" is really difficult for us. Then when we discussed together, various nouns appeared: "huibing", "Weibing", "conscription" and so on. There are different opinions. At this time, we just opened the dictionary and knew that the word read "zh ng". It's funny to think about it. If we see this word in reading, who will be interested in looking it up in the dictionary? Maybe it still reads "micro", "Hui" and "Mu" in our mouth. Moreover, I remember this word very firmly since then, which is not like the forgetful me in the past!


The four famous titles are required for middle school students to read, but they are not comic books or comic books. It seems that classical Chinese is still very powerful. I think the romance of the Three Kingdoms is very attractive, but if you read it directly, you will still lose in classical Chinese. At this time, I played the game, which made it easier for me to accept. Soon, I had a question: how could Zhou Yu of Wu state, a man of refined culture and military skills, be angry? So I immediately turned out the romance of the Three Kingdoms. I couldn't help but understand the classical Chinese. All kinds of reference books also went to the battle. It was quite like "breaking the sand pot to ask the end". As a result, I read the battle of Chibi in one go. Maybe not playing games will not arouse my interest in reading the original, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" I do not know how long it will be sealed.


The most beneficial role-playing games are all kinds of role-playing games based on ancient China. In the games, you can learn about the historical time, anecdotes or folklore of those years. It's a little one-sided to say that it's just to know some famous things: seeing Wen Tianxiang's willingness to die rather than surrender, we can really understand the deep patriotic feelings contained in "who hasn't died since ancient times, and who keeps his heart and history", and we can really be deeply impressed by his national integrity; seeing Li Xiaoyao and Zhao linger's painful separation, we can understand how great love is, From then on, I will no longer be fascinated by the love between children and girls in reading; only when I saw the killing crime of Japanese army in China with my own eyes, did I have a resonance with Lu Xun, understand his indignation, and let me be surrounded by a sense of national mission


In a word, despite people's criticism of computer games, saying that they are harmful but useless, I still believe that in the game, it really makes me closer to Chinese and learn Chinese. In laughter, in thinking, in feeling and feeling


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