,供大家学习参考 The Wooden House小木屋 5人英语话剧剧本
The Wooden House
by Karen Kingsbury
Shirley Yang: lover
Ryan Chen: lover
Meg Chen: old woman
Ivy Hsieh: student
Aron Yeh: student
It was a nice day, and there were four college students who were taking a trip in a mountain. Unfortunately, they got lost. Suddenly, they found out a house and decided to stay in it. After they knocked on the door, there came an old woman to answer the door and agreed that they could stay in the house. What would be going to happen next between them? Let’s find out.
Ivy: Wow, what a nice day! It is not cloudy and the lovely sun is smiling in the beautiful sky.
Aron: Yeah, enjoy the breeze. How comfortable!
Shirley: I’ve been looking forward to this trip for so long.
Ryan: Me, too. Especially, with you, honey!
Shirley: Oh, my sweet. I love you so much!
Ivy: Ok! Let’s keep going, or we won’t get through the forest before the sunset.
Ryan: Are we there yet? My feet are sore.
Shirley: So are mine. How much longer till we get there?
Aron: Well, let me take a look. Umm…. Maybe one hour. Or…. more! Maybe…
Ivy: Maybe! Ok! Just go. Hurry up.
Aron: Strange! We should have arrived now. (Aron finds out that the map was upside down) What!
Ivy: Aron, what are you doing? Come on!
Aron: Well, nothing! I’m coming.
Ryan: Enough! I can’t take it any longer. I don’t want to walk anymore!
Shirley: Oh, my poor baby. I think we should stop! It’s dark everywhere! We can barely see the road. It’s dangerous!
Aron: Excuse me, guys.
Everybody: What?
Aron: I’ve got to tell you something. I think we are lost now…
Everybody: What!
Ivy: Are you kidding? We’re lost! And it’s dark…oh…. my goodness…
Ryan: We will die here.
Shirley: Don’t cry baby…oh…no…
Ryan: We’re dying! We’re dying!
Aron: Shut up! You fools! Calm down! Look! There is a small wooden house not far from here! Come on! Let’s hit the road.
Ivy: I don’t think anyone would be living in such a weird place.
Ryan: I don’t care whether it is weird or not. Hurry up! Just knock on the door. I want to get in. I’m so scared and tired.
Shirley: Oh, baby. I’ll protect you. Don’t worry. Is anyone going to knock on the door!
Ivy: Hey…. guys. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
(In front of the door)
Aron: Hello! Is anyone in? Hello!
(A woman shows up)
Aron: Excuse me! We are lost. And it’s dark…would you mind letting us stay here till morning?
Meg: Ok…you can stay here till morning. Come on in, everyone….
Ryan: That’s great! I can’t wait to take a break! Can I use your bathroom?
Ivy: Thank you so much! You’re so kind!
Meg: You can surely stay here……….forever!
(Everybody is in the living room)
Shirley: Look! There are so many beautiful pictures on the wall.
Ryan: I’m so hungry…. anything to eat?
Meg: I will prepare something to eat…. wait for a while…
Ivy: I think I should help out a bit.
(In the kitchen)
Ivy: Can I do anything to help? Wash the dishes?
Meg: Sure…you can help…to be a dish!
Ivy: What’re you doing?
Aron: Hey, guys! Where is Ivy? Why isn’t she here?
Meg: Oh, Ivy told me that she felt very uncomfortable, so she is taking a rest in the bedroom. Give her some time. She is really tired…
Aron: Is she ok? I think I should go check on her. And see if she needs…
Meg: No, please don’t!
Aron: What? Why?
Meg: Umm… Well, I think that she might need more rest. Don’t go bother her. Give her some time. That would be better.
Aron: Ok. Maybe I should wait till morning…
Ryan: Shall we start eating? I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse. I can’t wait to dig in. It looks so delicious!
Meg: Sure! Let’s dig in! Please make yourselves at home… Please help yourselves …
Shirley: What kind of meat is that? It looks a little bit strange.
Ryan: Yeah. It isn’t like chicken. What is it?
Ryan: Hey, it seems there’s a ring…. in it. I’m not sure! Can you see it?
Aaron: A ring? Let me see. Oh… It is Ivy’s ring. But why is it in the meat?
Meg: Oh, maybe Ivy took it off before she washed the dishes and it fell into it. Don’t worry, I’ll pick it up and give it back to her…
Ryan: She is always so careless! Silly girl!
Ryan: What’s that smell? Oh…gross!
Shirley: What’s this? It tastes like…blood! I’ve never drunk such a strange beverage before.
Meg: Oh, you are right! It’s blood… Ha! Ha!
Everybody: Hum… What!
Meg: Wait! I am just kidding. It is “blood berry” juice. It’s very precious!
Everybody: Blood berry?
Meg: Ha! Ha! Yes, it is a kind of special berry. It can make your skin nice and smooth, just like mine, and it also keeps you young. Don’t worry…it won’t harm your body… drink it!
Ryan: Really?
Meg: Good! Good! Good! Keep drinking…
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