一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 联合国大会
the United Nations General Assembly
Premier Li Keqiang wound up his visit to the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York on Wednesday in a fruitful diplomatic package which included attending the UN General Assembly, the UN conferences on refugees, immigration and on sustainable development.
李克强总理18日赴纽约联合国总部(the UN headquarters in New York)出席第71届联合国大会(the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, UNGA)系列高级别会议(high-level meetings)。这是李克强担任我国总理后首次出席联大(the first time for Li to attend the UNGA since taking office as Chinese premier)。
李克强此行的首场活动是19日出席联大解决难民和移民大规模流动问题高级别会议(high-level meeting on solving the problem of mass movement of refugees and immigrants)并发言。会后,李克强与美国总统奥巴马举行了双边会见(bilateral meeting),双方就中美关系和共同关心的重大国际和地区问题(major international and regional issues of common concern)广泛、深入地交换了意见。当天下午,李克强主持2030年可持续发展议程(2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)主题座谈会并发表重要讲话。19日晚,李克强赶赴联合国秘书长(UN secretary general)潘基文的官邸与其会见,并参加潘基文为他举行的家宴(family dinner)。
20日,李克强会见法国总统奥朗德、出席难民问题领导人峰会(leaders' summit on refugee issues),还在纽约下榻酒店与美国经济、金融、智库、媒体界重要人士(figures in the fields of economy, finance, think tanks and media)进行了广泛交流。座谈中,李克强对几位与会者就中国经济改革(economic reform)、经贸合作(economic and trade cooperation)、人文交流(people-to-people exchange)、地区安全(regional security)等方面提出的问题一一回应,解疑释惑。李克强当晚还出席了纽约经济俱乐部(the Economic Club of New York)、美中关系全国委员会(the National Committee on US-China Relations)、美中贸易全国委员会(the US-China Business Council)联合为其举行的欢迎宴会(welcome banquet)并致辞和回答提问。
21日,李克强出席了联大一般性辩论(the general debate of the UNGA)并发表重要讲话。这是李克强总理联大"首秀"(debut/first/maiden appearance at the UNGA)的压轴戏。本届联大一般性辩论以"可持续发展目标:共同推动全球变革(The Sustainable Development Goals: A Universal Push to Transform Our World)"为主题。李克强就如何推动可持续发展(promote sustainable development)、应对全球性挑战(cope with global challenges)等提出了"中国方案",赢得国际社会的赞誉(win applause from the international community)。
联合国创始国 founding member of the UN
联合国安理会常任理事国 permanent member of the UN Security Council
轮值主席 rotating presidency
双边关系 bilateral relations/ties
多边合作 multilateral cooperation
深入交换意见 exchange in-depth views
达成广泛共识 reach broad consensus
2. 取消农业户口
cancel rural hukou
Beijing will no longer distinguish between urban and rural residents, but establish a unified household registration system, according to a guideline released by the city government on Monday. One of the most important issues of public concern is whether the cancellation of rural hukou means rural residents have to give up their rights to homestead and farms.
《北京市人民政府关于进一步推进户籍制度改革(further reform of the household registration system)的实施意见》近日公布。根据意见,北京市将取消自上世纪50年代开始实施的区分城市居民和农村居民的二元户籍制度(put an end to the dual-household registration system, which has categorized people into urban or rural residents since the 1950s),统一登记为居民户口,所有北京居民将享受同等的教育、医疗、就业、社保和住房等社会福利(social welfare including education, health, employment, social security and housing will be equal for all Beijing residents)。目前,我国大陆31个省份均已出台户籍制度改革意见。改革意见中,各地普遍取消农业与非农业户口性质区分,部分地区放宽落户条件(relax restrictions on settlement)。
我国自1958年开始划分农业户口和非农业户口,由此带来社会权益和保障(social rights and social insurance)的不同。据北京大学社会学系教授陆杰华介绍,农业户口的权益主要是责任田(responsibility farmland)和宅基地(homestead),而非农业户口的权益主要体现在教育、医疗、就业、保险、住房等方面。取消农业户口是否会影响到农民的既有权益(accrued/existing rights)?农村问题研究专家、哈尔滨工业大学管理学院副教授林亦府指出,此次户籍制度改革不是"农改非",而是全面取消农民的农业户口身份,不会影响附着在农村居民背后的集体土地(collectively owned land)承包权(contract rights)、农村宅基地使用权(the right to use rural homestead)、农村集体经济(rural collective economy)分配权(distribution rights)。
专家称,统一身份仅仅是个标志,户籍改革能否取得成效的关键在于各项配套政策(supporting policies)的跟进与落实,消除依附在户口性质上的医疗、就业、住房保障等方面的差别待遇(differentiated treatment),逐步实现基本公共服务对农村的全覆盖(full coverage of basic public services in rural areas)。随着各地落户门槛的降低,城乡居民社会保障的并轨(social insurance system unification),未来全国居民有望享受平等的身份和待遇。
户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy
积分落户制度 points system for/merit-based household registration system
农村土地流转 rural land transfer
常住人口 permanent population
流动人口 mobile population
城市/城镇化 urbanization
农民工 migrant worker
社会差距 social disparity
3. 中考改革
reform of the high school entrance exam
A pilot program will be set up to promote reform of the high school entrance exam, according to a guideline issued by the Ministry of Education Tuesday.
20日,教育部(the Ministry of Education, MOE)发布《关于进一步推进高中阶段学校考试招生制度改革的指导意见》。根据意见,我国将进一步推进中考改革(reform of the high school entrance exam),改革的目标是逐步建立一个"初中学业水平考试成绩(exam scores)+综合素质评价(a comprehensive assessment of students' qualities)"的高中招生录取(enrollment)模式。中考改革试点将于2017年启动,在2020年左右推广至全国。
此次中考改革,在考试科目(exam subjects)构成、考试内容(content of the exam)、成绩计算(calculation of scores)等多方面均有变动。改革之后,在语文、数学、外语三大基础录取计分科目之外,体育(physical education)学科也将纳入录取计分科目,引导学生加强体育锻炼(participate more in sports/exercise more)。在考试内容方面,改革后的中考考题将减少单纯记忆(memorizing)、机械训练性质的内容,转而考查学生分析问题和解决问题的能力(the ability to analyze and solve problems),增强学生创新精神(spirit of innovation)和能力素质。此次改革明确要求试点地区将综合素质评价作为高中招生录取的依据或参考,将思想品德、学业水平、身心健康、艺术素养和社会实践(morality, academic performance, mental and physical health, artistic tastes and social activities)这五个方面作为评价内容和要求。
此次改革的另一个重点是大幅减少、严格控制加分项目(the circumstances in which bonus points will be given)。取消体育、艺术等竞赛类加分项目,相关特长和表现等计入学生综合素质评价档案,在招生录取时作为参考。高中学校的自主招生(independent recruitment)政策也将继续完善,将给予有条件的高中一定数量的自主招生名额(quota),招收具有学科特长、创新潜质的学生,鼓励发展学生兴趣特长(hobbies and talents)。
高考改革 gaokao/college entrance examination reform
统考 unified examination
替考者 surrogate exam-taker
争抢生源 poaching of talented students
应试教育 exam-oriented education
死记硬背 rote memorization
4. 电子证据
electronic evidence
Information stored in electronic media, such as online conversation records, blogging, texting and even electronic signatures, can serve as electronic evidence in criminal cases, starting from Oct 1.
"电子证据"可以用electronic evidence表示,所谓电子证据就是被作为证据研究的,能够证明案件相关事实的电子文件(electronic files)。此前电子文件与信息并未被法庭认定为证据,极大地减慢了审判过程(trial process)。
为规范电子数据的收集和审查(regulate the collecting and reviewing of digital data),最高人民法院(the Supreme People's Court)、最高人民检察院(the Supreme People's Procuratorate)、公安部(the Ministry of Public Security)三部门联合制定(co-formulate)并下发规定,称执法部门(law enforcement authorities)有权利在调查过程中收集和提取电子数据(collect and retrieve digital data),包括电子邮件、手机短信以及发布在微博、微信(WeChat)、网络硬盘、网络论坛(online forum)上的信息。不过,收集、提取的电子数据(the collected and retrieved electronic data)若涉及国家秘密、商业秘密(national and business secrets)、个人隐私(personal privacy),则必须保密(keep secret)。
网络案件 Internet case
视听资料 audio-visual material
电子签名 electronic signature
网络诈骗 online fraud
电信诈骗 telecom fraud
5. 准生证明
birth permission certificate
Chinese couples no longer have to get birth permission certificates before they want in vitro fertilization. In most regions of the country, the permission is part of a family planning service certificate which will be checked in a series of procedures: pregnancy test, child delivery, maternity insurance application, etc.
为贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于实施全面两孩政策(universal two-child policy)改革完善计划生育服务(family planning service)管理的决定》和《国务院办公厅(the general office of the State Council)关于简化优化公共服务流程(simplify and improve public service procedures)方便基层群众办事创业(make it easier for people at the grassroots level to get things done and start up businesses)的通知》精神,本着减少环节,精简办事程序、方便群众的原则,国家卫计委决定简化人类辅助生殖技术(human assisted reproductive technology)治疗时准生证明(birth permission certificate)查验程序。一、经批准开展人类辅助生殖技术的医疗机构(medical institutions)在实施人类辅助生殖技术治疗时,不再查验患者夫妇的生育证明,由患者夫妇作出符合计划生育政策的书面承诺(a written commitment to the family planning policy)即可。二、各级卫生计生行政部门(health and family planning administrative departments at all levels)要加强事中事后监管,依法依规查处政策外多孩生育(investigate and punish childbearing which breaches the universal two-child policy),维护正常生育秩序。
患者夫妻双方如果想做试管婴儿,要求必须出示的证件(required documents that must be presented)包括身份证(ID card)、结婚证(marriage certificate),并在承诺书上签字,无需办理准生证。准生证是有关部门控制人口的一项举措(a way for the authorities to control the population),是夫妇可以合法生育(couples are allowed to have children legally)的证明。申请准生证的程序非常繁琐(applying for the permission can be a very cumbersome procedure),尤其是对于不在家乡居住、工作的夫妇来说,家乡通常是他们的户籍所在地(especially for couples not living and working in their hometowns where they are usually the registered as permanent residents)。
生育登记服务制度 birth registration service system
试管婴儿 test-tube baby
备孕 plan for pregnancy
自然怀孕 natural pregnancy
准妈妈 expectant mother
6. 提交离婚申请
file divorce paper
Angelina Jolie has filed divorce paper from husband Brad Pitt on Monday, citing irreconcilable differences.
法庭文件(court documents)显示,这对夫妻于2017年8月结婚(tie the knot),两年零一个月后,于9月15日分居(separate)。朱莉要求获得对他们六个孩子的监护权(physical custody of their six children),并请求法庭给予皮特探访权(ask the court to grant Pitt visitation)。知情人士称,朱莉提出离婚的原因和皮特教育孩子的方式(the way Brad was parenting the children)有关,称她对他的方式感到极其失望(extremely upset)。该知情人士还称,朱莉受够了皮特吸食大麻(be fed up with Pitt's consumption of weed),她还认为皮特存在脾气暴躁方面的问题(anger problem/issue),对孩子很危险。朱莉的律师说,她做出这个决定是为了"家庭的稳定"(make the decision "for the health of the family")。
据报道,皮特对朱莉申请离婚一事非常恼火(be furious at Jolie for filing for divorce),称这么做会伤害到孩子。皮特方面的知情人士称,皮特非常恼火朱莉编故事(spin stories)说他有脾气暴躁的问题、滥用药物(substance abuse),对孩子构成潜在威胁。据称,皮特称朱莉"引来了灾难",因为现在全家都成了狗仔的目标(become targets for the paparazzi)。消息人士称,皮特表示,为孩子着想,希望使离婚保密(keep the divorce under wraps)。然而,朱莉却把他描述成一个危险的老爸(paint him as a risky dad),还要求获得单方面监护权(sole physical custody)。
不过据《第六页》(Page Six)杂志报道,朱莉最终决定与皮特分手的原因(split from him)是发现皮特对自己不忠(he was cheating on her),与新片《联盟》(new film "Allied")中演对手戏的玛丽昂·歌迪亚(Marion Cotillard)关系暧昧不清。有消息称,在过去一年里,朱莉和皮特矛盾重重、冲突不断(fighting between the two got so bad),为此皮特专门逃去了法国(flee to France)。朱莉非常嫉妒歌迪亚,在影片《联盟》拍摄现场拒绝与这位法国女星交流。
不过,据两人的一位朋友称,他俩婚后不久,其长达12年之久的关系就出现了裂痕。2013年,朱莉做了预防性双乳切割术(undergo a preventive double mastectomy)后,健康和生命成了她最看重的事情(health and life became a priority for her)。她不再是过去那个狂野(wild)、爱玩的(fun loving)朱莉,她待人接物的态度变得更为严肃(take things a lot more seriously)。朱莉对孩子和家庭以外的事情都不太感兴趣,但皮特却仍然迷恋着她最初吸引他的那种无拘无束、充满刺激的生活(wanderlust, adventure-filled life)。这位朋友称,皮特和朱莉分道扬镳的根本原因(underlying reasons behind the Pitt-Jolie split)其实与皮特劈腿珍妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)的原因一样——皮特已厌倦了现在这种波澜不惊的生活方式(be bored stiff with the sedate, quiet lifestyle)。
和平分手 cordial breakup
婚前协议 prenuptial agreement
配偶赡养费 spousal support
爱情骗子 love-rat
家庭暴力 domestic violence
限制令 restraining order
双语:情人节表白秘籍 教你写封甜蜜情书
这个情人节 送什么给“他”?
伊索寓言——老 鬣 狗
约翰尼-德普被曝与女友争吵不断 恋情告急
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