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overseas non-governmental organization (NGO)
A child attends an Earth Hour activity in Shanghai in March calling for environmental protection. The event was started in 2007 by the WorldWide Fund for Nature, an environmental NGO. [Photo/CHINA DAILY]
China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security.
《境外非政府组织境内活动管理法》共有54条,阐明了境外非政府组织(overseas non-governmental organizations, overseas NGOs)在中国运营的登记备案(registration process)、活动规范(operational rules)、法律责任(legal liabilities)以及监督管理。该法将于2017年1月1日实施。
该法所称境外非政府组织是指在境外合法成立的基金会(foundations)、社会团体(social organizations)、智库机构(think tanks)等非营利、非政府的社会组织(non-profit and non-governmental social organizations)。
境外NGO依照该法可以在经济、教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育、环保等领域和济困、救灾等方面开展有利于公益事业发展的活动。境外NGO在中国境内不得从事或者资助营利性活动(profit-seeking activities)、政治活动(political activities),不得非法从事或者资助宗教活动(religious activities)。
根据该法,公安部和省级公安机关(the Ministry of Public Security and provincial police departments/central and provincial-level police authorities)负责境外NGO代表机构的登记和管理工作(registration and regulation);发现境外NGO涉嫌从事危害国家安全(undermine state security)的活动,公安机关有权约谈境外NGO的首席代表以及其他负责人(talk with chief representatives and senior executives of overseas NGOs)。该法还规定,县级以上人民政府有关部门应当依法为境外NGO提供政策咨询、指导服务(policy consultation and guidance)。
非营利组织 nonprofit organization
政府间组织 intergovernmental organization
社会组织,民间团体 civil society
行业协会商会 industrial association
慈善机构 charity
replace business tax with value-added tax (VAT)
China will replace business tax with value-added tax, or VAT, from May 1 in what is seen as a major taxation reform.
营业税改征增值税(replace business tax with value-added tax),简称"营改增",是我国财税体制改革(fiscal and taxation reform)的一部分,是国家实施结构性减税(structural tax reduction)的一项重要举措。增值税(value-added tax, VAT)的主要特点是以销项税(output tax)减去进项税(input tax),让纳税人只为产品和服务的增值部分纳税;而营业税(business tax)则通常按照营业收入(business revenue)总额和适用税率直接征税,不能减除进项税额。"营改增"的减税原理,在于取消了重复征税(duplicated taxation)。
据财政部副部长史耀斌介绍,5月1日开始的全面推开"营改增"试点的主要内容是"双扩":一是将试点范围扩大到房地产业、建筑业、金融业和生活服务业,实现增值税对货物和服务的全覆盖(the pilot program of replacing business tax with VAT will be extended to four sectors - property, construction, finance and consumer services - to cover all goods and services),试点完成后营业税将退出历史舞台;二是将所有企业新增不动产所含增值税纳入抵扣范围(VAT deductions will cover all new immovable property of enterprises),比较完整地实现了规范的消费型增值税制度。
国家税务总局副局长汪康表示,此次"营改增"涉及的试点企业有1100多万户(this round of trial reform will involve more than 11m enterprises),试点企业的税收规模超过19000亿,减税规模5000多亿元(reduce the government's tax revenue by more than RMB500b),减税的力度是空前的(unprecedented)。
对于社会较为关心的个人二手房交易(second-hand home transactions)"营改增"问题,汪康表示,财税部门在研究个人住房征税问题时非常审慎,总体目标是确保个人二手房的交易在税收负担(tax burden)上保持基本稳定,同时保证"营改增"后,个人在交易二手房包括在办理二手房产权证(property certificate)过程中,涉及的相关税收问题及办税的流程、场所都保持不变。
针对近期多家国际酒店品牌(international hotel brand)以"营改增"为名进行涨价(raise prices),引发社会各层面对"营改增"的误解等问题,国家旅游局(the National Tourism Administration)携中国旅游饭店业协会表态称,包括饭店业(hospitality industry)在内的各类旅游企业不得以"营改增"为由借机涨价。
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform
宏观经济走向 macro-economic trend
个人纳税等级 tax bracket
个税改革 individual income tax reform
免税 tax exemption
salary/wage for student interns
The salary for student interns from vocational schools should be no less than 80% of the probationary wage for regular employees in the same position, said a regulation jointly released by five government departments, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. 教育部、人社部等五部门联合发布的规定提出,职业学校实习学生的工资不得低于相同岗位正式员工试用期工资标准的80%。
《职业学校学生实习管理规定》(规定)对实习协议(internship agreement)、实习报酬(internship pay)、禁止事项等做了强调和细化,对实习学生的权益(rights and interests of student interns)保护提出了明确要求。
规定明确了"无协议不实习",学生参加实习前,职业学校、实习单位、学生三方须签订实习协议(vocational schools, employers hiring interns and students must sign a tripartite agreement before the internship)。针对近年来屡屡爆出的"实习生成为廉价劳动力(cheap labor)"现象,规定首次提出顶岗实习学生的报酬底线(the minimum wage)——不低于同岗位试用期工资(probationary wage)标准的80%。
规定指出,在具体岗位顶岗实习的学生人数不高于同类岗位在岗职工总人数的20%(Student interns should account for no more than 20% of total employees in the same position in a company)。规定严禁安排学生到酒吧、夜总会、歌厅、洗浴中心(bath center)等营业性娱乐场所(entertainment venue)实习。
规定还要求,职业学校和实习单位不得向学生收取实习押金(charge internship deposit)、顶岗实习报酬提成(salary commissions)、管理费(management fees)或者其他任何形式的实习费用(internship fees of any kind)。
临时工 temp/temporary worker
兼职工 part-timer/part-time worker
全职工 full-timer/full-time worker
合同工 contract worker
失业 unemployment
试用期 probation/probationary period
工作量 workload
unregulated release of captive animals
Without strict regulation, albeit well-intended, release of captive animals could have serious consequences.
27日,十二届全国人大常委会第二十次会议分组审议野生动物保护法最新修订草案(deliberate the newest revised draft of the wild animal protection law)。针对不规范放生现象(unregulated release of captive animals),多位全国人大常委会委员表示,应规范管理合法放生(the freeing of captive animals)、禁止随意放生。
闫小培委员认为,不规范的放生活动可能会破坏当地的生态系统平衡(the balance of local ecosystem),甚至酿成生态灾难(eco-catastrophe/ecological disaster)。放生不当,反害动物,随意放生就相当于杀生(reckless release equals killing)。不规范放生也还可能间接助长偷猎和野生动物的非法交易(indirectly encourage poaching and the illegal trade of wild animals)等行为。
分组审议时,一些委员建议在草案中增加禁止不规范放生规定(a provision that bans unregulated release of captive animals should be added to the draft)的同时,增加相应的处罚规定(provision of punishments and penalties)。任茂东委员表示,有些人以保护动物为名(in the name of animal protection)随意放生,给他人和其他动物造成了极大的伤害。
闫小培委员进一步表示,放生是一项专业性的工作,应该由野生生物保护专业机构(wildlife conservation agencies)实施,并且对放生的生态影响(ecological impacts)进行评估。个人、民间机构和宗教团体的一般放生活动应当禁止。大规模的风险性较高的放生以及外来物种(alien/exotic species)投放活动,应由国家主管部门组织专家进行严格评估以后进行。
濒危物种 endangered species
本土物种 indigenous/native species
灭绝 extinction
生态平衡 ecological equilibrium
生物入侵 biological invasion/bio-invasion
野生动物走私 wildlife smuggling/trafficking
uncut version
No matter what platforms the TV series will be broadcast on, the version should be the same, there is no such thing as an "uncut version".
国家资讯出版广电总局《关于进一步规范电视剧以及相关广告播出管理的通知》(《通知》)近日曝光。《通知》对电视剧宣传行为(promotion of TV series)进行了严格规范,要求各电视台、视频网站(video websites)以及电视剧制作机构(TV production entities)不得以所谓"完整版(full versions)"、"未删减版(uncut versions)"、"被删片段(deleted scenes)"等概念进行炒作(hype)。
中国广播电视协会电视剧编剧工作委员会(the China Radio and Television Association TV-series Screenwriters Committee)副秘书长余飞表示,只要经过广电总局的审核,不管在哪个平台播出的电视剧内容应该都是一致的,"所谓的大尺度只不过是宣传噱头(publicity stunt)"。
此外,《通知》还再次要求电视剧中不得插播广告及其他节目(there should be no commercials and shows cut in the broadcast of a TV series),电视剧片尾播出演职人员表时(when an episode ends and the credits start to roll)不得插播广告。余飞表示,这一点尤为重要,"此前不少电视台在片尾随意插播广告(add commercials at free will),已经形成了行业陋习(become a bad habit for the industry),这是对演职人员的极大不尊重,现在是时候把属于演职人员的尊严还给他们了。"
黄金档电视节目 prime-time TV show
(书、剧本等的)缩略版 abridged edition
媒体炒作 media hype
播出许可 broadcast license
广告时间 commercial break
植入式广告 product placement
电影分级系统 movie ratings system
Olympic emblem/logo
The new official emblem of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics was unveiled by organizers Monday, seven months after an initial design was scrapped due to plagiarism accusations.
奥运会会徽可以用Olympic emblem/logo表示,2020年东京奥运会会徽可以用the emblem of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics或者the logo for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics表示。Emblem意思是"徽章、象征",如国徽(national emblem)。
东京奥运会会徽的产生可谓一波三折。去年7月,东京奥组委(the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Organizing Committee)公布东京奥运会和残奥会会徽设计方案,当时的会徽由日本设计师佐野研二郎设计,以简单几何图案组成"T"字形状。随后,该会徽因与比利时某剧场标志相似而遭剽窃指控,于去年9月被弃用(be scrapped last September over plagiarism accusations due to its similarity to the logo of a theater in Belgium)。
新会徽是从公开征集的14599件作品中的4幅候选作品中选定的(be chosen from a shortlist of four among the 14,599 entries submitted in a contest open to the public)。新会徽由46岁设计师野老朝雄设计,会徽色调为日本传统颜色靛蓝色(the traditional Japanese color of indigo blue),由矩形组合构成的"组市松纹"(checkered pattern called "ichimatsu moyo")下方是"TOKYO 2020(东京2020)"的英文字样,再往下是奥运五环(Olympic rings)标志。东京奥运会组织方称,新会徽由3种不同类别的矩形组成(be composed of three varieties of rectangular shapes),这一设计代表了不同的国家、文化和思维方式……传递出"多样性集合"的信息(the message of unity in diversity)。
对于新出炉的奥运会会徽,日本网友似乎褒贬不一(evoke mixed reactions from Japanese netizens)。有网友称这款会徽"太乏味"(what a dull emblem),就像"小酒馆的桌布(bistro tablecloth)"。不过,也有人对新会徽表示支持,称这款设计有日本元素(have a Japanese look)。
奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》 Olympic Hymn/Anthem
奥林匹克体育场 Olympic Stadium
奥运会主场地 main Olympic venue
奥运火炬台(塔) Olympic cauldron
奥运火炬 Olympic torch
火炬手 torch bearer
火炬接力 torch relay
On a wing and a prayer
Team player?
Place to blow off some steam?
Theater of the absurd?
Read the tea leaf?
At the water’s edge?
Hit the hay?
Herculean proportions?
Gold dust
What is an entrenched issue?
Earn your keep?
Con artist?
Donald Trump is “a…birther and bully”
Right side of history?
Gaming the system
Dog whistle politics
Soul searching
Is Donald Trump a choke artist?
Zero-hour contract
Political mumbo-jumbo
Object lesson?
Going back to the drawing board?
Career break?
Swan song?
Stop on a dime?
Close to the bone
Local democracy bites the dust
Old saw?
Rule of thumb?
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