一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。新一期热词回顾出炉了。
1. 最严党纪
the strictest code of conduct
The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has published new rules on sanctions for those who violate the Party code of conduct. The new rules have been dubbed by many to be the most comprehensive and strictest code of conduct for all CPC members since the opening up and reform drive began.
新的纪律处分条例要求官员不仅要在政治上清明(to be honest in politics),而且要俭身养德(cultivate their own character),家庭和睦(run a harmonious family)。
党员要严格区分公众利益和个人利益,把公众利益摆在首位(put the public's interest first),无私工作。要崇尚简朴(champion simplicity)、杜绝奢靡(guard against extravagance)。
廉洁执政 clean governance
反腐行动 anti-corruption drive
将权力关进笼子里 power should be restricted by a cage of regulations
2. 炸鱼薯条
fish and chips
President Xi Jinping visited a traditional English pub on Thursday with British Prime Minister David Cameron and tried fish and chips - a dish that symbolizes Britain - during his visit to the UK this week.
提起英国,你首先想到的是什么?英女王(the Queen)、下午茶(afternoon tea)、威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)、披头士乐队(the Beatles),当然少不了炸鱼薯条。
炸鱼薯条是英国盛行的外带食品(take-away food),将鳕鱼(codfish)或比目鱼(flatfish),去骨(remove bones)、裹面(coat the fish with flour)、高火炸(deep fry)。吃的时候配上炸薯条(fried chips)和不同口味的调味酱,用报纸一包就能边走边吃,那滋味也不比牛排(steak)或鹅肝(goose liver)差,难怪能成为习大大点名想吃的英国国菜。
培根煎鸡蛋 bacon and eggs
巧克力松糕 chocolate trifle
烤牛肉 roast beef
鳝鱼冻 jellied eels
3. 国考
civil service exam
The number of candidates for the 2016 national civil service exam has surpassed last year's numbers, with more than 132,000 applicants on Tuesday-the most in a single day-deemed qualified for the exam.
截至23日,最热门职位(the most sought-after job)是中国就业培训技术指导中心的一个岗位,吸引了2036位报名者(has drawn 2,036 applicants)。同时,尚有549个职位无人报名(have not registered a single applicant)。
中央职位(jobs offered by central government departments and subsidiaries)倍受青睐。县(区)级及以下职位(jobs at or below the county or district level)则成为冷门职位(the least sought-after jobs)。
笔试 paper test
面试 interview
行政能力测试 administrative professional ability test
申论 argumentative essay writing
4. 贫二代
poor second generation
According to the college graduate employment report for 2013 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ordinary college graduates from rural families face the most difficulties job hunting, and the unemployment rate of this group is as high as 30.5%. Such a phenomenon has drawn wide public concern, and some media outlets have even started calling these graduates from rural areas the "poor second generation".
农村贫困大学生是"贫二代"中颇引人关注的群体。高失业率(high unemployment rate)意味着大学4年的书本知识并未给他们带来一份体面的工作(a decent job),意味着他们无颜面对父老乡亲,意味着"贫二代"中本来最有希望依靠知识改变命运(change their fate through study)的这一部分人,他们的梦想还未出发,在现实面前就已折戟。这是阶层固化(class solidification)的危险信号(dangerous sign)。
供孩子上大学(send their children to university)对农村家庭来说是一项沉重的经济负担(a great economic pressure for rural families)。如果农村大学生毕业后找不到工作,这些家庭也许会陷入贫困(fall into poverty)。同时,所谓的"贫二代"现象导致更多的农村人认为"读书无用"(study is useless)。有关部门和社会各界应该给这些农村大学生提供必要的帮助,以避免贫困代际传递(avoid the intergenerational transmission of poverty)。
富二代 rich second generation, silver-spoon kids
官二代 the second powerful generation, the officiallings
拼爹 competition of family background
炫富 flaunt wealth
5. 份子钱
franchise fee
Didi Kuaidi is cooperating with authorities and traditional taxi operators in Shanghai to launch a taxi driver service center, in a move to trial a new management system in which taxi drivers pay service fees instead of franchise fees.
入社驾驶员每月只需要缴纳50元服务费,服务社除提供驾驶员销卡(number cancellation)、发票管理(invoice management)等日常服务外,还将提供车辆更新(vehicle replacement)、车辆商业保险(commercial auto insurance)、线上代缴税金(online rate payment)等便利服务。
服务社还将给司机一定补贴:如顶灯设置(roof beacon settings)、计价器软件更新(taximeter software upgrades)的费用。
拒载 refuse passengers' requests
议价 negotiate the price
中途甩客 drop off passengers in the middle of the trip
6. 美国中考(SSAT)
Secondary School Admission Test
The Upper Level Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) results for a total of 357 students, who took the tests in China on Sept 19, were canceled by the SSAT Board.
SSAT考试是美国私立高中(private high schools)入学考试,相当于中国的中考。其考试难度和高昂的学费一直是阻碍普通家庭学生申请学校的门槛。这些一流的私立高中素有"小常春藤(Ivy League high schools)"之称,在美国也只有2%的学生能够就读(only admit about 2% of all American students)。
SSAT委员会决定取消成绩缘于"有充分理由质疑这次考试成绩的有效性(there is a reasonable basis to question the validity of scores)"。一些媒体解读,SSAT委员会的质疑可能缘于本次考试中中国考生的"大面积高分(suspiciously high scores)"。
美国高考(SAT) Scholastic Assessment Test
托福(TOEFL) Test of English as a Foreign Language
雅思(IELTS) International English Language Testing System
7. 扶老险
"helping the elderly" insurance
"Helping the elderly" insurance became available for purchase on Alibaba's payment platform Alipay recently. The new insurance product may offer new courage to do-gooders.
该险种保费(premium)为3元,保期一年(valid for one year),投保后如果发生"帮助老人(lend a helping hand to the elderly)反而被讹"的状况,最高可获得2万元的法律诉讼费用赔偿(pays up to RMB20,000 to cover legal fees)。
"扶老人险"的推出引发热议,有人认为此举可以帮助好心人(good Samaritans)讨回公道,有人则认为这非但不能解决问题,反而可能会助长"讹人"之风(encourage such extortion)。
老年人 senior citizen
纠纷 dispute
道德沦丧 declining morality
8. 老漂族
elderly immigrants
"Elderly immigrants" become a hot topic as more and more elderly are leaving their hometown, and settling down in cities with their children. Most of the elderly immigrants come to cities to help taking care of their grandchildren.
虽然"老漂"生活让老人们能够亲近儿女、共享天伦(spend more time with his family),但他们也面临气候、饮食、风俗习惯的巨大改变,还有语言不通(difficulties in language)、异地社保、医疗(seek medical treatment)等各种困扰。
"老漂族"背后,暴露的也不仅是飞速城镇化(urbanization)所导致的简单的人口迁徙问题,还有当前全社会所面临的养老服务(service for the aged)、异地医保(remote medical insurance)等综合问题。
基本养老保险制度 basic endowment insurance system
养老金"城乡并轨" unify the two separate pension systems for urban and rural residents
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