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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Muslims pray each day:

穆斯林每天都祈祷:“安拉!求你引导我们上正路。做这个祷告是为了帮助我们远离极端、维持生活中的平衡。我们决不能被自己的反动本能左右;另一方面,在我们的价值观和信仰受到系统性诋毁时,我们也决不能一言不发。侮辱敬爱的先知穆罕默德(Prophet Mohammed)(愿他安息)遗产的行为,引发了暴力回应,进而打破了这种平衡。这种暴力回应是错误的,它偏离了正路。

“O Lord! Keep us on the straight path. It is a prayer to help us move away from the extremes and maintain balance in our lives. We must neither be hostage to our reactionary instincts, nor must we remain completely silent in the face of the systematic defamation of our values and beliefs. This balance has been upset by the violent response to the insults targeting the legacy of beloved Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). The violent response was wrong and strayed from the straight path.


Muslims should not be indifferent with respect to the attacks on the Prophet (PBUH). On the contrary, they must show the utmost sensitivity and caution. Those insulting Islam might be seeking to depict a negative image of Muslims, and hence justify discrimination, isolation, persecution or deportation. The deliberate instigation and creation of turmoil in the Muslim world is not new. Our sacred values were attacked in the past through cartoons, today it is done through a movie and cartoons in a French magazine, and tomorrow other means may be used. Muslims must not be beguiled or enticed but instead must speak out to prevent those who are more easily provoked from resorting to violence.


When any negative comment is made about the Prophet, however slight it may be, a Muslim should feel deep sorrow. Yet expressing that sorrow is a different matter. Irresponsible actions by individuals damage the image of Islam and destroy the very tradition they are claiming to defend.

由于这种情况关乎每一名穆斯林的权利、以及安拉、《古兰经》(the Koran)和先知穆罕默德,因此我们不能鲁莽行事,而是应该仔细考虑每一个行动可能导致的后果,诉诸集体判断的智慧。

Since the rights of every Muslim, as well as God, the Koran and the Prophet are at stake in such a circumstance, one cannot act recklessly. One should scrutinise the possible ramifications of each and every action, and seek the wisdom of the collective judgment.


The question that we should ask ourselves as Muslims is whether we have introduced Islam and its Prophet properly to the world. Have we followed his example in such a way as to instil admiration? We must do so, not with words, but with our actions.


If suicide bombers are the first things that come to people’s minds, how could they have a positive opinion of Islam? How is killing innocent civilians indiscriminately different from the barbarity suffered by Muslims in history? What is the rationale behind attacking an American consulate in Libya, killing an ambassador and consulate officers, who have nothing to do with this wretched movie? If it is Muslims who are carrying out these attacks, it means that they are entirely unaware of what Islam is all about and are committing the biggest crime in the name of Islam.


A Muslim must always be straightforward and consistent in his actions and words. He should respect the sacred values of Christians, Jews, Buddhists and others as he expects his own religion and values to be respected. In reacting, a Muslim should not sway from the proper middle path. Many correct forms of response can be found by appealing to the collective conscience of society and to the international community.

旨在煽动暴力的仇恨言论是对言论自由的一种滥用。它侵犯了他人的权利、尊严和自由,在一个拥有可怕武器的时代将人类推向冲突。我们不应成为他人煽动行为的受害者,而是应该诉诸相关国际机构,比如伊斯兰合作组织(Organisation of Islamic Co-operation)和联合国,来制止、揭露和谴责仇恨言论。我们可以采取一切法律允许的行动,来制止对所有备受尊敬的宗教人物的不敬,而不仅仅是对先知穆罕默德的不敬。

Hate speech designed to incite violence is an abuse of the freedom of expression. It violates the rights, dignity and freedoms of others while pushing humanity toward conflict in an age of horrifying weapons. Instead of falling victim to the instigation of others, we should appeal to the relevant international institutions, such as the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation or the UN, to intervene, expose and condemn instances of hate speech. We can do whatever it takes within the law to prevent any disrespect to all revered religious figure, not only to the Prophet Mohammed.


The attacks on the Prophet we have repeatedly experienced are to be condemned, but the correct response is not violence. Instead, we must pursue a relentless campaign to promote respect for the sacred values of all religions.

本文作者是研究逊尼派传统的穆斯林学者、伊斯坦布尔“记者与作家基金会 (Journalists and Writers Foundation)名誉主席

The writer is a Muslim scholar in the Sunni tradition and honorary chairman of the Istanbul-based Journalists and Writers Foundation


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