The Libyan government arrested four people Thursday in connection with the deadly attack on the American consulate Tuesday night as Libyan and U.S. officials mounted a manhunt for others believed to be involved.
Protests spread across the region, breaking out in Yemen and Iran and once again in Cairo, where Egyptian police in riot gear beat back crowds of young men in a street filled with tear gas outside the U.S. Embassy.
In Yemen's capital, San'a, hundreds of young men breached the outer security rings of the fortified U.S. Embassy. Evidently inflamed by a video mocking the Prophet Muhammad, one young man in Yemen, Abdullah al-Hashedi, shouted, 'Troops will not stand in our way in defending the honor of our Prophet.'' But there were indications some demonstrators were using the protests to put pressure on their own countries' governments as much as to assail the video.
在也门首都萨那,数百名年轻男子破坏了设有防御工事的美国驻也门大使馆外围安全防线。也门年轻男子Abdullah al-Hashedi因一个诋毁先知穆罕默德(Prophet Muhammad)的视频而怒不可遏,他高喊说:军队也不能阻挡我们捍卫先知的荣誉。但有迹象表明,一些示威者在通过抗议谴责那个视频的同时,也在向本国政府施压。
In the U.S., Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced both the anti-Islam video and the violence in Libya that took the life of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans earlier this week. Emphasizing that the U.S. government had no role in the video, she called it 'reprehensible' and said 'we absolutely reject its content and message.' At the same time, she said, there was 'no justification─none at all─for responding to this video with violence.'
美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)对反伊斯兰视频和本周早些时候夺去美国驻利比亚大使史蒂文斯(Christopher Stevens)等四位美国人生命的暴力事件均进行了公开批评。她强调,美国政府与这部视频没有关系,并说视频应受到斥责,美国政府坚决反对视频里的内容以及它传达出的信息。但同时克林顿也说,无论如何都没有任何理由以暴力作为回应这部视频的方式。
As U.S. officials struggled to gain a clear picture of who was behind the mob attack in Benghazi late Tuesday, U.S. intelligence agencies were increasingly skeptical it was planned in advance, a shift from an initial assessment by some. U.S. officials also were increasingly doubtful the militants had direct ties to al Qaeda.
The events continued to reverberate in the U.S. presidential campaign, in a more muted form than on Wednesday. Republican Mitt Romney didn't repeat his criticism that the Obama administration was 'effectively apologizing for the right of free speech' but said in Fairfax, Va., that the Libyan attack showed that 'a strong America is essential to shape events.'
这些事件继续对美国总统大选产生影响,不过其影响方式与周三相比更为沉寂。共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)曾批评奥巴马政府,说它实际上是在为言论自由的权利而道歉。但周三在弗吉尼亚的费尔法克斯(Fairfax),罗姆尼却没有重复这一批评论调,而是说利比亚的袭击事件表明,强大的美国对于影响事件结果起着至关重要的作用。
President Barack Obama, campaigning in Colorado, promised that 'no act of terror will go unpunished.'' Mr. Obama also has led a U.S. effort to moderate the reaction to the film in Muslim countries and stem protests in advance of Friday prayers, which often lead to new demonstrations in Muslim lands.
正在科罗拉多州为竞选造势的奥巴马(Barack Obama)承诺,任何恐怖行为都将受到严惩。此外,奥巴马也引导美国方面努力缓和穆斯林国家对这部视频的反应,同时试图在这些国家举行主麻日祈祷之前遏制此类抗议活动。在穆斯林国家,周五的祈祷活动常常会发展为新的抗议示威。
A Libyan official in charge of a task force tracking a militant group whose members led the first wave of attacks said his country was throwing all available resources into the hunt. Wanis al-Sharif, a deputy interior minister, said his team was using telephone taps, among other tools, to follow the group, hoping for a better understanding of its strength and structure.
追踪某激进组织的利比亚工作组负责人说,利比亚正在利用一切可用资源开展搜捕。该激进组织成员领导了第一轮反美攻击活动。利比亚内政部副部长谢里夫(Wanis al-Sharif)说,工作组正利用电话等工具跟踪该组织,希望对其实力和组织结构能有更多了解。
The latest information, pointing to the possibility of a more spontaneous assault, could deflect criticism of both the U.S. and Libyan governments for missing clues to an impending attack. An impromptu attack without clear ties to a major terrorist organization also could ease pressure on U.S. officials to respond aggressively.
'There is a group now that is under our custody, but there is a group we're following to know who's connected to them, and [we] are monitoring their phone calls,' Mr. Sharif said, declining to provide more details.
The U.S. role in the manhunt has remained low key, in part out of concerns that a heavy overt American role would inflame tensions. But the U.S. has ramped up intelligence collection in the region, using unmanned aerial drones and other sophisticated eavesdropping equipment, officials said.
The distinctive humming motors of drones could be heard in the skies above Benghazi Thursday. The U.S. has used drones and other intelligence-collection efforts since the fall of Col. Moammar Gadhafi to track militant camps and weapons caches in areas east of Benghazi known to be Islamist hotbeds.
周四,可以在班加西听到无人机马达在空中发出的独特嗡嗡声。自从卡扎菲(Col. Moammar Gadhafi)倒台以来,美国就一直在班加西以东被称为伊斯兰主义温床的地区通过无人机等方式收集情报,追踪激进组织营地和武器库。
The focus of the Libyan probe appears up to this point has been an Islamist rebel brigade called Ansar al Sharia, a group of fundamentalist religious men who banded together in a militia last year in the fight to oust Gadhafi. Members of the group were at the consulate attack and cars belonging to members were found abandoned in the area, according to Mr. Sharif. It isn't known whether the four men arrested are members of the group.
从目前来看,利比亚调查美国使团受袭的重点对象似乎一直是名为Ansar al Sharia的伊斯兰反叛部队。该部队由信奉宗教原教旨主义的男子组成,他们去年加入了一个民兵组织,曾为推翻卡扎菲而共同作战。谢里夫表示,袭击美国领馆时,有该组织成员在场,他们的车辆被发现遗弃在那个地方。目前尚不清楚被捕的这四人是否为该组织成员。
A spokesman for Ansar al Sharia, Hani Mansouri, said at a news conference Thursday that his organization didn't organize or participate in the attack.
Ansar al Sharia的发言人曼苏里(Hani Mansouri)在周四的资讯发布会上说,他的组织并没有组织或参与那次袭击事件。
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