If you learn anything in business school, it's to aim high. China Europe International Business School is doing just that.
如果说你在商学院学到了什么东西,那应该是把目标定高。中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School,简称:中欧国际)正在这么做的。
The Shanghai school, which opened 18 years ago, recently made clear its ambition to vault into the top tier of schools globally, alongside Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business and London Business School. The business school offers a full-time M.B.A. in English and executive M.B.A. and nondegree executive education in Mandarin Chinese.
18年前建校的中欧国际最近明确提出,其雄心是迈入全球顶尖商学院的行列,成为能和哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)、斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)和伦敦商学院(London Business School)比肩的名校。中欧国际开设以英文授课的全日制工商管理硕士(M.B.A.)课程,以及用中文普通话授课的高层管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)课程和不授予学位的高管教育课程。
Leading the charge is John Quelch, a former Harvard administrator and London dean, whom CEIBS brought on last year to raise its global profile. The 61-year-old Mr. Quelch has opened the school's pocketbook to lure coveted faculty from elite schools with large pay packages and generous housing stipends. His reasoning: 'Outstanding faculty' will draw 'outstanding students,' who will attract blue-chip recruiters, which then create a successful alumni body.
引领中欧国际实现这一雄心的是约翰·奎尔奇(John Quelch),他曾担任哈佛商学院管理人士和伦敦商学院院长,去年被中欧国际工商学院聘请来以提升该校的国际知名度。61岁的奎尔奇到任后不惜重金从国际上那些一流商学院吸引优秀教职人员,他给这些人开出高工资并向他们提供慷慨的住房补贴。奎尔奇阐述其这样做的理由说:杰出的教职人员将吸引来杰出的学生,这些学生将吸引来知名大企业的招聘人员,而学生们到这些企业就职后将使学校积累起包括大批成功人士的校友资源。
But it may not be so simple. Reputation and alumni networks tend to matter more than faculty in the eyes of prospective students, according to surveys of applicants by admissions consultants. And CEIBS is facing stiff competition from local institutions and Western schools making moves into Asia.
Henry Moon relocated to CEIBS from London Business School in January as a professor of organizational behavior. Before Mr. Quelch called with the offer, he admits, 'I had never even heard of CEIBS.'
亨利·穆恩(Henry Moon)今年1月从伦敦商学院跳槽到中欧国际,担任组织行为学教授。他承认,在奎尔奇邀请他前来任教之前,他从未听说过中欧国际这所学校。
Mr. Moon, 45, says the school raised his pay 'well north of 30%.' Tax breaks, a housing subsidy and funding for his four sons' schooling sweetened the pot.
Mr. Moon says he has been pleasantly surprised by the academic prowess of the more than 700 executive M.B.A. students, most of whom are Chinese executives, including some chief executives. His lectures, delivered in English, are simultaneously translated into Mandarin Chinese.
CEIBS's large executive-education arm accounts for about 85% of the school's revenue, says Mr. Quelch, adding that a large portion of that cash flow is reinvested in faculty hiring.
Faculty, however, only go so far. CEIBS has 'entered the conversation,' but prospective students aren't doing much more than talking, says Graham Richmond, co-founder of admissions consulting firm Clear Admit, which has offices in Philadelphia, Paris and Taipei.
但提高师资力量方面的力气也只能下到这个程度了。入学咨询公司Clear Admit的联合创始人里士满(Graham Richmond)说,中欧国际工商学院已经可以吸引到打算读商学院的人前来咨询,但咨询后真正决定前来就读的人目前还不多。Clear Admit在费城、巴黎和台北设有办事处。
Taiwan native Tzu-Kang Cheng considered joining the 203-student M.B.A. class at CEIBS this fall, but moved to Pittsburgh for Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business instead, saying he believes the U.S. institution has more brand recognition world-wide while CEIBS is still a 'regional' name. A 29-year-old robotics engineer now in his first year at Tepper, he plans to return to Asia to work in technology-industry product development or business planning.
来自台湾的程祖康(音)虽然曾考虑过今年秋季入读中欧国际工商学院的工商管理硕士班,但他最终还是去了美国匹兹堡的卡耐基梅隆大学泰珀商学院(Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business),他说自己认为泰珀商学院更具全球性品牌认知度,而中欧国际工商学院仍只是一家“地区性学校。这名29岁的机器人工程师目前正在泰珀商学院读一年级,他计划学成后回到亚洲,从事科技产品开发或企业规划工作。
Mr. Cheng also doubted he could practice his English skills at CEIBS. About 55% of the full-time M.B.A. class is Chinese; those who don't speak the language are required to take Mandarin courses and want to improve their own language ability. (Of the non-Chinese, half come from elsewhere in Asia, one-quarter from the Americas and one-quarter from Europe, a breakdown that hasn't changed much over the past five years.)
CEIBS touts its student quality by saying its pupils also apply to the best in the West, including HBS, Stanford, Columbia Business School and London Business School. But though students apply, they don't necessarily get in to those programs. For now, students and admissions consultants say, the school remains a fallback for many candidates.
One factor in its favor may be cost: The 18-month full-time M.B.A. at CEIBS costs $56,000 for international students and 336,000 yuan, or about $54,000, for Chinese students, thousands of dollars less than elite Western schools.
Western students who attend CEIBS may also consider it a possible gateway to Chinese business opportunities, or at least a strong résumé line if they want to work with companies expanding in the region. While many Western M.B.A. programs now offer weekslong trips to Shanghai, Beijing, Mumbai and other fast-growing hubs, Mr. Quelch says students really need at least six months 'to develop the depth of insight that's necessary to be culturally ambidextrous.'
But Asian immersion isn't unique to CEIBS, which vies for applicants with the region's other elite business schools, including Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore, Insead and Beijing-based Tsinghua University. The school is betting that its combination of depth in China and breadth of global business topics, thanks to its prominent faculty hires, will edge out competitors, Mr. Quelch says.
但让学生深入了解亚洲并非中欧国际一家独有的特点。它与亚洲地区其他精英商学院争夺学员,包括香港理工大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)、新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)、欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)和位于北京的清华大学。奎尔奇说,中欧国际是押注其在中国的深度和其知名教员团体带来的在全球商业议题上的广度能够胜过竞争对手。
And an influx of Western business schools has made CEIBS's mission no easier. Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, Duke University and others are opening in Asian business hubs or teaming up with existing programs.
而西方商学院的纷纷涌入令中欧国际的目标没那么容易达成。西北大学(Northwestern University)的凯洛格商学院(Kellogg School of Management)、南加州大学(University of Southern California)的马歇尔商学院(Marshall School of Business)、杜克大学(Duke University)以及其他一些商学院都纷纷在亚洲商业中心开设分支机构,或是与当地现有的商学院合作。
Business school HEC Paris has made inroads into the Chinese-language executive-degree market with an executive M.B.A. in Beijing and Shanghai, in partnership with Zhejiang University. Courses are given in English and simultaneously translated into Chinese.
巴黎HEC商学院(HEC Paris)与浙江大学联手,在北京和上海开设EMBA项目,以此进入了中文EMBA市常授课语言为英语,并同声传译为中文。
Another part of Mr. Quelch's plan, attracting top recruiters, may speed the process. DuPont Co., Johnson & Johnson and Standard Chartered PLC have hired students in recent years. State-owned enterprises are also appealing for students keen on staying nearby.
奎尔奇计划的另一部分可能加快进程,那就是吸引顶级雇主。杜邦公司(DuPont Co.)、强生(Johnson & Johnson)和渣打(Standard Chartered PLC)近几年都曾招募中欧国际的学员。国有企业也在寻求有意在华发展的MBA学员。
Microsoft China began tapping CEIBS talent last year and hired five M.B.A.s into its global rotation program in each of the past two years. Siemens AG, meanwhile, has hired a handful of students since starting its recruiting relationship with CEIBS in 2010.
微软中国(Microsoft China)去年开始利用中欧国际的人才资源,过去两年每年都聘用了五位MBA进入它的全球轮岗项目。同时,西门子(Siemens AG)自2010年开始与中欧国际展开招聘合作以来,也聘用了不少学员。
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