Asians face new economic challenges every day. The recent history of rapid growth, the contraction of traditional export markets in the West, and massive but on-again-off-again capital flows from Western investors, all are creating new dynamics across the region. Keeping up with these developments is a daily struggle for policy makers.
But Asia also faces an intellectual challenge. The old investment-led and export-led growth policies that seemed to work so well are rapidly losing steam for many Asian countries. Meanwhile, common─although not always accurate─perceptions about the causes of the financial crisis in the West have discredited free-market economics in some eyes. Many Asians are rethinking their theories about what spurred their earlier growth, and how to create more prosperity.
It's important for Asia to remember a few key points about its own recent history. Asians must recognize that an unprecedented expansion of economic freedom is at the core of the continent's genuine successes. Economies have prospered most when governments have eschewed interventionist policies in favor of unleashing the animal spirits of ordinary people.
China's greatest leaps forward have come when authorities instituted rural property rights, opened up domestic trade and exposed the economy to international competition, whereas industrial supports are contributing to serious and unsustainable imbalances within the economy. Japan and the other tigers prospered because they ensured macroeconomic stability, had relatively low price controls and subsidies, built infrastructure and opened up to international trade. But interventionist industrial and financial policies bred crony capitalism and were a drag on future growth. Meanwhile, Hong Kong and Singapore have become among the richest economies in the region on a per-capita basis thanks to their economic freedoms.
But there is much unfinished business, for economic freedom remains substantially repressed across Asia. Three areas in particular are ripe for an economic-freedom rethink.
One area is the financial market. In most of Asia, command-economy controls still restrict access to capital for all but the politically well-connected and do a bad job of turning savings into productive investments. The clearest example is China. The government's financial repression─suppressing interest rates for deposits to enable cheaper lending to borrowers─is at the core of unbalanced growth. Households lose any meaningful return on their savings, damping consumption. Cheap credit goes to inefficient state-owned firms, stoking malinvestment.
This pattern, repeated on different scales in many Asian economies, hinders the transition from 'catch-up' growth, which depends on mobilizing maximum inputs of capital and labor, to more sustainable growth based on productivity gains. Productivity-led growth requires the market to allocate capital to creative entrepreneurs. It is hindered by politicians and bureaucrats who direct capital to those who mimic technologies developed elsewhere.
To create a truly market-based financial system, policy makers must remove interest-rate controls; open their banking systems to new entrants, including foreigners; open bond and equity markets to broaden the capital base; and ultimately lift capital controls.
Financial liberalization is in ill repute after the 2010 crisis, but Asians should not misdiagnose that problem the way policy makers in Europe and America have. The fundamental problem was too much government intervention in the market─operating super-loose monetary policies, super-subsidizing banks deemed 'too big to fail,' and encouraging too much mortgage borrowing in the U.S.─not too little regulation.
Asia's trade- and foreign-investment policies also need a review. Earlier rounds of liberalization, both within Asia and globally, stimulated the region's manufacturers much more effectively than interventionist industrial policies. Yet the recent export slowdown shows that there are limits to relying on manufactured exports to the West for growth.
Leaders now need to open two-way trade and foreign investment to develop more sophisticated manufacturing supply chains, and also new services supply chains and domestic consumption. Tariff barriers are still a problem, but more serious are pervasive non-tariff barriers. Most of these are embedded in complex domestic regulation on property rights, contracts, licensing arrangements, paying taxes, opening and closing businesses, labor laws and customs procedures which stifle Asia's business climate.
Asian economic institutions are relatively weak and keep business costs high. Poor public administration and enforcement of property rights repress entrepreneurship, innovation and consumption. They also result in badly integrated regional markets that remain a far cry from the openness within Europe or in North America with Nafta.
Finally, leaders need to apply principles of economic freedom to energy policy. Energy consumption in developing Asia is expected to double over the next two decades. That translates into much more demand for fossil fuels. Asia could also exploit fracking technology to reap massive benefits from shale gas.
But energy markets are stunted by government intervention and state-owned enterprises. Price controls, subsidies, export restrictions and inward-investment restrictions are the norm.
China and India are attempting to secure energy supplies through command-economy rather than market instruments. They're sending out highly subsidized national oil companies to buy foreign firms and assets; striking long-term contracts with foreign governments; and pledging subsidized loans for oil. These measures make energy markets pricier and more volatile, and they exacerbate geopolitical tensions.
More energy freedom is required to cater to rising consumption; make energy supplies more stable, secure and cost-effective; and to preserve peaceful international relations. That means removing price controls and subsidies; encouraging private domestic and foreign investment; deregulating entrenched utilities; and freeing international trade.
Reforms to expand economic freedom raise the question of political reforms to expand civic and political freedoms. Catch-up growth is compatible with a variety of political systems. But unreformed autocracies, with unchecked vested interests inevitably at their core, are badly fitted to undertake the structural and institutional reforms that enable sustainable productivity-led growth.
Freedom and prosperity have bloomed on Asian soil because government interventions have been curtailed and markets unleashed. The Asian miracle is not the product of superior technocratic minds who concocted industrial policies to promote targeted sectors. Indeed, there is scant evidence that such social engineering worked.
Limited government─a strong but small state that performs its core functions well─and free markets at home and free trade abroad: These are the ingredients for a new Asian century.
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