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发布时间:2019-11-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. Matthew McConaughey was voted the most handsome.


McConaughey played golf and tennis at Longview High School in Texas. He was also in the yearbook and Pan Am clubs.


2. Chris Pratt was voted class clown in high school.


Dave Bautista wasn't the only wrestler in "Guardians of the Galaxy." Pratt was someone who got along with all of his classmates, participating in wrestling, track, and football at Lake Stevens high in Washington. He even placed fifth in the state wrestling competition his senior year in 1997. When he wasn't playing sports, he was making burgers at a bingo hall part-time.


3. Halle Berry was prom queen in high school, but it didn't come easily.


According to People, Berry beat out a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and she and her friends were accused of faking votes. Only after a coin toss was Berry named queen.


Throughout high school, Berry was a good student. The actress was a cheerleader, on the honor society, and an editor for the school paper.


4. Reese Witherspoon went to an all-girls high school in Nashville, Tennessee.


Witherspoon went by her real name Laura Jeane in school and has described herself as one of the popular nerdy girls who loved books growing up and received good grades.


"I was a big dork who read loads of books," Witherspoon told The Times in 2006. "But I was a popular dork because I learnt how to be funny."


Witherspoon was extremely busy in high school. Not only was she dividing her time between cheerleading, Spanish club, and Amnesty International, but she also started acting. At 14, she tried out for a background role in "The Man in the Moon," but ended up cast as the lead, a tomboy teen who fell in love with her 17-year-old neighbor.


5. Will Smith got his Fresh Prince moniker in high school.

威尔•史密斯中学时就用Fresh Prince这个称号

Smith started rapping at a young age. When he was 16, he met Jeff Townes and the duo started rapping together under the names DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. His first album came out when he was a senior.

史密斯很小时就开始说唱。他16岁时遇到了杰夫•汤斯,两人用Fresh Prince和DJ Jazzy Jeff的名字组成说唱组合。史密斯高三(美国四年制高中的第四年,相当于中国的高三)时推出了首张专辑。

6. Blake Lively was quite the busy bee in high school.


"I was class president, on the cheerleading squad, in a competitive show choir, and in, like, six different clubs," Lively told Cosmopolitan in 2008.


Lively, who took AP courses, also found time to film "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" during her junior and senior years.


7. Her husband Ryan Reynolds, on the other hand, didn't make it through drama class.


The star failed his drama course in high school. Still, that didn't stop him from eventually getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


8. Amy Adams didn't really enjoy school, but she was always working.


One of seven children, Adams started working at the age of 12. In high school, she worked at a local dance company as she balanced her extracurriculars of choir and track.


She told The Hollywood Reporter her real passion was dance and she pursued that after high school instead of furthering her education before she began acting.


9. George Clooney was on the varsity baseball and basketball teams.


Clooney told Larry King he had bell's palsy, where half of his face was paralyzed, when he first started high school at age 13.


"It takes about nine months to go away," said Clooney who came down with symptoms after watching the film "The Pride of the Yankees." "It was the first year of high school, which was a bad time for having half your face paralyzed."


Clooney told NPR it forced him to make fun of himself which is an important part of being famous.


10. His buddy Brad Pitt was one of the popular kids and was voted best dressed.


According to "Brad Pitt, Biography of a Superstar," Pitt received good grades while playing tennis, golf, and being a part of the debate team. Pitt also acted in school plays and musicals. Despite being in the movie "Moneyball," Pitt wasn't a baseball player, but he did play a few other sports.


11. Oprah Winfrey was voted most popular.


Winfrey attended several different high schools growing up. She graduated from East High School in Nashville, Tennessee where she was in the Honor Society, National Forensic League, and was in the student government.


On an episode of her talk show, Oprah told her audience that she was voted most popular during the first year the school was desegregated with 80% white students.


12. Ben Affleck had nearly perfect SAT scores.


Though Affleck was a brainy kid, The New York Times says the "Batman v Superman" actor's grades varied because he was often absent and uninterested in school.


13. Julia Roberts was in her school band and played the clarinet.


Roberts told Access Hollywood she definitely wasn't one of the popular kids.


“[I was] just mediocre, just getting through the hallways with my girlfriend Paige," said Roberts in 2011. "We weren’t losers, but we weren’t popular, we were just coasting."


14. Tom Hanks was not popular in high school.


Hanks told Rolling Stone he was a "geek" and "spaz" as a kid. "I was horribly, painfully, terribly shy. At the same time, I was the guy who'd yell out funny captions during filmstrips. But I didn't get into trouble. I was always a real good kid and pretty responsible."


According to Matt Green's "The Amazing Life of Tom Hanks," he was in high school performances of "South Pacific" and "Twelfth Night" and won his high school's best acting award in 1974.


15. Jennifer Lopez went to an all girls Catholic high school.


According to "Jennifer Lopez: The Great Hispanic Heritage," Lopez said she wasn't the most popular girl.


"I had my friends, but I was comfortable with myself. There's always those most popular girls and I wasn't one of those," said Lopez.


While in high school, she landed a part in her first movie, 1987's indie "My Little Girl" where she played a teen who was being tutored.


16. Leonardo DiCaprio dropped out of high school.


DiCaprio left John Marshall High School in Los Feliz, California after his junior year. He got his GED later in life.


17. Meryl Streep was the homecoming queen when she was 17.


Streep went to Bernards High School in Somerset County, New Jersey, where she was a cheerleader, and participated in plays like "Oklahoma!" and "The Music Man." She also did gymnastics among a long list of extracurriculars, but in no way would she have considered herself the popular girl.


According to Michael Schulman's "Her Again: Becoming Meryl Streep," Streep said while young, kids would "chase me up into a tree and hit my legs with sticks until they bled" and thought she was "ugly."


Streep turned to magazines like "Seventeen" and "Vogue" to transform herself in high school and opened up about her evolution during a 2010 commencement speech at Barnard College.


"Empathy is at the heart of the actor's art," said Streep. "And in high school, another form of acting took hold of me. I wanted to learn how to be appealing. So I studied the character I imagined I wanted to be, that of the generically pretty high school girl."


18. Emma Stone dropped out of high school after one semester.


Stone started acting when she was 11 and after appearing in multiple theater productions in middle school, dropped out of high school in her freshman year to pursue acting.


According to an interview from 2009, she made a PowerPoint presentation to convince her parents of her dream to move to Los Angeles called, "Project Hollywood."


"I was like fourteen. It had the Madonna song 'Hollywood,'" said Stone. "I was trying to prove the point that I needed to move to Hollywood and be an actor in movies."


19. Nicolas Cage said he was a straight-A student until he lived with his famous uncle.


Cage told the New York Times in the early '90s he was a straight-A student until he moved in with his uncle Francis Coppola for a year after his parents divorced and he went to a small country school.


"I went suddenly from being the cool guy to the geek. My grades went from straight A's to straight F's," he said. "I was in this wonderful house with wonderfully generous people, but it wasn't my stuff, it wasn't my house. I didn't know why I was there. I was frustrated beyond belief."


20. Natalie Portman was a straight-A student and has some serious science cred.


Portman told Marie Claire in 2009 she wasn't one of the kids who went to high school parties. Instead, while at Syosset High School on Long Island, Portman competed in the Intel Science Talent Search, which is considered one of the most demanding research competitions for high school students. The Oscar-winning actress made it to the semifinals.


At the same time, Portman was balancing an early acting career. At 11, she had already starred in her first film, "Léon: the Professional." She wore a dress from the "Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace" premiere to her prom. Her life was anything but typical.


21. Ellen DeGeneres wasn't fond of school.


"I hated school," she told New Orleans magazine in July 1994. "I started college because everyone else was going. I majored in communications, I think. Or communications and drama. And I just remember sitting in there, and they were talking about the history of the Greek theater or something, and thinking, 'This is not what I want to know.'"


Classmates and teachers remember her as being "quiet in class," but having a positive attitude and "great sense of humor," according to "Ellen: The Real Story of Ellen DeGeneres." DeGeneres also played tennis and sang in choir.


22. Jack Nicholson was a bit of a troublemaker.


The actor told The Independent in 1993 he made a record out of getting in trouble at school.


"I was always against authority, hated being told anything by my teachers, by parents, by anyone," said Nicholson. "At school I created a record by being in detention every day for a whole year."


23. Kevin Spacey was co-valedictorian of his graduating class.


Spacey moved around a lot as a kid with his family growing up, but took an interest in drama and music. He went to several high schools, including Canoga Park High School, where, when he was in 11th grade, he had an epiphany during a performance of Arthur Miller's "All My Sons."


"Something happened as I walked off the stage that had never happened to me before. The audience applauded me in the middle of the play. It was the first time I realized I had an effect on people," Spacey told Parade. "It was puzzling, confusing, slightly frightening, and it was liberating. Finally acting gave me something to focus on, something I enjoyed that offered me a chance to go into different worlds. All these imaginary games that you played with your friends in the neighborhood — I didn’t have to put those games away. I just kept playing them onstage."


He then transferred to Chatsworth High School in California his senior year where he became co-valedictorian.


24. Renée Zellweger participated in a lot of school activities.


Her high school boyfriend, Rhett Baker, told the DailyMail in 2017 Zellweger was a well-rounded, popular varsity cheerleader and track runner.


"She was in multiple crowds because she was very good at multiple things," said Baker. "People respected that. She didn't flaunt that."


"When you put her on stage she had the biggest personality in the room," he added. "Beyond that she was much more reserved than a lot of people and that was one of the things even back then a lot of people would talk about."


25. Jessica Chastain dropped out of high school.


"I was not a hard worker. I was a terrible student. Eventually I got my adult diploma, but I did not graduate. And it wasn’t that I just dropped out and never went back—at the end of the year I had too many absences to graduate," Chastain told Entertainment Weekly.


Chastain said she often skipped school and sat in her car reading Shakespeare.


26. Robert Downey Jr. also dropped out of high school.


According to "Born to Be an Actor," Robert Downey Jr. had poor grades and school attendance coupled with drug and alcohol use. When he was told at the end of 11th grade he'd have to attend summer school to graduate, Downey Jr. decided to drop out to pursue an acting career in New York.


27. Robin Williams was voted least likely to succeed and most humorous.


The comedian was shy, but enjoyed high school. Williams played a variety of sports including football and wrestling. He also was on the track team and holds a relay record at Redwood High School in California.



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