一台iPhone X售价近万元,高昂的价格让一般人下手之前都要思忖再三,而深圳一位程序员居然一口气买了25部,摆在地上相当壮观。
Chen Ming, a young video-game designer from Shenzen, China, recently sparked the envy of iPhone fans all around the world, after buying 25 brand new iPhone X smartphones and arranging them in a heart shape to propose to his girlfriend.
来自中国深圳的陈明(音译)是一名年轻的电子游戏开发员,最近,他因为购买了25台全新的iPhone X智能手机,并将其摆成心形向女友求婚,而招来全世界“果粉”的羡慕嫉妒恨。
To pull off the over-the-top marriage proposal, Chen Ming pre-ordered 25 iPhone Xs, and, on November 3, when the newest Apple handset officially launched in China, he arranged them all in the shape of a heart on a bed of red rose petals, with an engagement ring in the middle. To make sure that his girlfriend didn’t suspect a thing, Chen enlisted the help of her friends, asking them to bring her to the specified location of the surprise.
为了进行一场隆重的求婚仪式,陈明预购了25台iPhone X。11月3日,当iPhone X正式在中国开售时,陈明在一地的玫瑰花瓣上将这25台最新款的苹果手机摆成了心形,中间放了一枚订婚戒指。为了确保女友对此一无所知,陈明向女友的朋友寻求帮助,让他们把她带到这个指定的惊喜地点。
When the unsuspecting girlfriend – named only as Lee – arrived and saw the lavish display of luxury phones and Chen down on his knee holding the engagement ring, she couldn’t help but be touched by his romantic gesture and accepted his marriage proposal.
Chen and his girlfriend are apparently big fans of mobile video games. The two met two years ago through a game that Chen had developed and gaming has reportedly been a big part of their relationship ever since. But why 25 of them, though? The number was reportedly meant to symbolize Lee’s age.
So what is the lucky bride-to-be supposed to do with 25 new iPhone X smartphones? Well she and Chen decided that 25 is a bit too much for one person, so they gifted them to the friends that helped pull off the unique proposal.
那么,这位幸运的新娘要如何处理这25部全新的iPhone X呢?她和陈明认为,一个人用25部手机太夸张了。于是他们将手机送给了帮忙完成这场特殊求婚仪式的朋友们。
Photos of the romantic iPhone X display recently went viral on Chinese social media, leaving people wondering why anyone would spend so much money on a bunch of phones when they could have bought a new car or put a down payment on a house for the same amount. Prices for the iPhone X start at 8,388 yuan on the Chinese mainland, which means Chen must have spent at least 210,000 yuan ($31,500) on them.
这些浪漫的iPhone X照片近日在中国的社交媒体上走红,人们不禁要问:为什么有人会花这么多钱买一堆手机呢?他们本可以买一辆新车,或者用这笔钱付房贷首付。iPhone X在中国大陆的起售价为8388元,也就是说陈明至少花了21万元购买这些手机。
1. newly rich: 新富;暴发户
2. upstart: 柯林斯高阶词典的解释为You can refer to someone as an upstart when they behave as if they are important, but you think that they are too new in a place or job to be treated as important. 3. tasteless high roller: high roller的释义为a rich person who spends a lot of money,即挥金如土者,与tasteless(没品味的)搭配也可以用来形容财大气粗的土豪。
4. provincial tycoon: provincial是省的、地方的意思,也引申为乡下的、粗野的意思;tycoon是大亨的意思。地方上的大亨,这是在地域上定义土豪!
5. rural rich: rural意为乡下的,农村的,看来土豪永远摆脱不了浓重的乡土气息……
6. Beverly Hillbillies: Beverly Hillbillies是一部喜剧电影的片名,中文译为《贝弗利山乡巴佬》,Beverly Hills是好莱坞富豪云集的比佛利山庄,hillbilly是土包子的意思,合在一起就是聚集在豪华山庄的土包子们!
7. rich rednecks: redneck是“红脖子”的意思,在美国南方,没文化的老土常被人称为redneck,再加上有钱(rich),大概就是土豪了吧!
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