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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Trust companies, a major component of China*s ※shadow financing§ sector, could soon leapfrog the mammoth insurance sector to become the country*s second-largest industry for financial services.


Trust companies are unique to China, and can be described as part asset manager, part bank, and part private-equity firms, funneling money from companies and high net worth individuals into a wide range of investments. They play a key role as a conduit of capital in China, particularly as businesses have been starved of credit in the last year or so, as they are less regulated than banks.


Assets under management in the trust sector sharply rose by 58.25% to 4.8 trillion yuan by the end of 2011, compared with three trillion yuan at the end of 2010, according to China Trust Association data, with the assets spread among 66 trust companies.

据中国信托业协会(China Trustee Association)统计,截至2011年底,66家中国信托公司管理的资产规模增长了58.25%,达到约人民币4.8万亿元,相比之下,2010年底的规模约为3万亿元。

Profits in the trust sector grew 47% in the same period, with much of that growth driven by an increase in fee and commission income, making up 73% of the total sector income, up from 58% the year before, ※transitioning trust companies into becoming professional third party wealth managers,§ said a report by consultancy KPMG.


The sector*s rapid growth has attracted foreign investors, with J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Macquarie Group Ltd. and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust & Banking Co. among those who have invested in Chinese trusts.

中国信托业的快速增长吸引了大批外国投资者。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)、麦格理集团(Macquarie Group Ltd.)和三井住友信托银行(Sumitomo Mitsui Trust & Banking Co.)等均对中国信托公司进行了投资。

Real estate trusts have been especially popular with clients, according to the report, as they provide yields of up to 15%. However, these products saw a sharp slowdown in issuance at the end of 2011 due to tightening restrictions on lending to the sector by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, as China*s real estate sector faces serious liquidity and funding issues.

毕马威的报告显示,房地产信托因高达15%的收益率尤其受到客户青睐。不过,2011年底这些产品的发行速度大幅减缓,这是由于中国房地产业面临严重的流动性和融资问题,中国银行业监督管理委员会(China Banking Regulatory Commission)因此加强了对房地产开发商的放贷限制。

Data from the China Trustee Association also showed outstanding trust financing to the property sector at the end of March was down from the end of 2011, the first ever decline since early 2010 when data first became available.


In cases of distress, some trust companies have seized the underlying collateral of the trust and sold that to a strategic third party investor, said the report. They can also impose a forced asset sale on the developer to raise funds to meet payment obligations.


To diversify away from real estate, some trusts have been turning their attention to other sectors, particularly mining and commodities said KPMG, with new trusts such as Minmetals Trust, backed by China Minmetals Corp., being launched. The number of mining and commodity trust products increased 162% to 157 in 2011 on-year, according to the report.

毕马威报告显示,为摆脱对房地产的依赖,使投资多元化,一些信托公司将目光投向了其它行业,特别是采矿业和大宗商品领域。受中国五矿集团公司(China Minmetals Corp.)支持的五矿国际信托(Minmetals Trust)等新信托公司就此成立。毕马威的报告显示,2011年与采矿和大宗商品有关的信托产品数量同比大增了162%,至157个。

KPMG says trusts that are focused on the business of their parent and provide financing to that sector are ※better placed to understand the investment and credit risk in their industry.§ Another example cited by the report is Cofco Trust*s ※pork investment§ fund, backed by state-owned commodities house Cofco Group. Bank of Montreal has a 19.99% stake in Cofco Trust.

毕马威说,主要关注其母公司业务并向该业务提供融资的信托公司能更好地理解该行业的投资和信贷风险。报告提到了中粮信托(Cofco Trust)旗下的“生猪投资信托,该信托公司受中国国有大宗商品公司中粮集团(Cofco Group)的支持。蒙特利尔银行(Bank of Montreal)持有中粮信托19.99%的股份。

However, trust companies are facing increasing competition, and not just within the industry as the number of players and products increase. China*s financial services industry is liberalizing and offering more wealth management options, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange starting to allow companies to sell high-yield bonds this year, for example.

不过,信托公司面临的竞争日益激烈,由于参与者和信托产品的数量不断增加,这种竞争并不仅仅局限在行业内。中国金融服务业正在经历自由化的阶段,提供的理财选择也越来越多。例证之一是,上海证交所(Shanghai Stock Exchange)今年开始允许企业出售高收益债券。

KPMG adds that risk management is going to become more important for trusts, particularly as competition within the sector escalates, as well as rising cost pressures. Last year, operating costs in the sector rose by 95%, said the report.


And Beijing could decide to turn on the taps again at any point, particularly as economic growth has slowed to its lowest level in the second quarter this year since 2010. In that case, trusts, which right now enjoy being able to choose from a ※wide range of projects to finance,§ could see a slowdown just like the rest of the Chinese economy.



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