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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

It has been the eurozone’s misfortune that governments become complacent the very minute the European Central Bank starts to act. We saw it last year when the ECB injected €1tn into the banking system, and when the crisis resolution process immediately stalled. You see it now in Spain, where Mariano Rajoy is refusing to make a formal application for a full rescue programme. The fall in bond spreads has taken the pressure away.

欧元区的不幸是,一旦欧洲央行(ECB)开始行动,政府就变得自满。去年,欧洲央行为银行体系注资1万亿欧元,危机解决进程便立即停滞,从中我们看到了这种自满。在如今的西班牙也能看到这种情绪——首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)拒绝为一项全盘纾困计划提出正式申请。债券息差的回落解除了压力。

But nowhere is the onset of complacency more evident than in the ongoing discussion about a banking union. I always suspected that Germany would turn out to be the stumbling block. And I was not surprised to read Wolfgang Sch?uble in the Financial Times on Friday arguing that the ECB cannot conceivably supervise 6,000 banks– which the European Commission will propose next week. Michel Barnier, finance commissioner, says it makes no sense to limit a system of bank supervision to the largest banks. Northern Rock, Dexia and Bankia would all have fallen outside the remit of a central European regulator. The largest eurozone banks are much less of a problem than the countless undercapitalised regional banks run by people with no understanding of the risks they are taking.

但自满情绪体现得最为明显的,莫过于目前正在进行的、有关成立银行业联盟的讨论。我一直怀疑德国最终将成为绊脚石。看到沃尔夫冈·朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Sch?uble)在上周五的英国《金融时报》上发表文章认为,欧洲央行无法令人信服地监管6000家银行(欧盟委员会(European Commission)将在本周对此提议),也并不意外。欧盟金融专员米歇尔·巴尼耶(Michel Barnier)称,将银行监督系统的范围限制为最大的几家银行,是没有道理的。如果这样做的话,北岩银行(Northern Rock)、德克夏(Dexia)和Bankia均将脱离欧洲中央监管机构的法眼。欧元区有无数家地区银行资本不足,其运营者对面对的风险一无所知。比起它们而言,大银行的问题要小得多。

Germany’s public banks, savings banks and mutual banks are lobbying hard not to fall under a European system. Their business models rely on a friendly neighbourhood regulator looking the other way. If you imposed stringent controls on the German banking systems, the cosy relationship between industry and banks would be disturbed. The Germans see Mr Barnier’s proposal as an attack on their economic model.


If the German position prevails – and it may well do – the project of a banking union will have irrevocably failed. There will be something called a banking union, announced and celebrated. The EU will congratulate itself, but it will be largely irrelevant to the workings of the financial sector. The eurozone will remain a monetary union with nationally supervised and crisis-prone banks for the foreseeable future.


Germany’s expressed preference to restrict centralised supervision to 25 banks reminds me of the debate about the EU mergers and acquisitions regime in the late 1980s. The disagreement between member states was solved through a size threshold. The European Commission would deal with large cross-border mergers, member states with the rest. Germany now applies the same thinking to the question of banking supervision. Mr Sch?uble and his colleagues are looking at this from the perspective of competition policy, not financial stability, which is absurd. They fear an erosion of their own competitiveness. Once again, national interests take priority over the eurozone-wide common good.


A robust system must give a clear and positive answer to this question: who takes the final decision over whether to force a bank to raise capital, or whether to close down a bank? If it is the ECB, then we are at the right side of a compromise.


If not, for example if the ECB has to consult with local regulators, nothing much will change, except to involve more people in a convoluted process. A proper banking union is the bare minimum for the eurozone to function, because the banking sector intermediates the imbalances that have arisen in the real economy.


In the absence of a fiscal union, this is where transfers can take place – through deposit insurance and bank recapitalisations. Ideally, you would have both. But without either, the system cannot function.


Mario Draghi reminded us in an essay in Germany’s Die Zeit that the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been closing down an average of 90 banks per year.

马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在德国《时代周报》(Die Zeit)中撰文提醒我们,美国联邦存款保险公司(US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)平均每年关闭90家银行。

The EU has a lot further to go in deleveraging and recapitalising.


And yet, the Spanish government continues to insist that there should not be a single bank closure. The purpose of a banking union is not symbolism, it is to restructure and recapitalise the banking system, and to share financial risk. The eurozone is not sustainable without it.


Even Mr Barnier’s proposal, far-reaching as it may be, will not be sufficient. A banking union requires more than just an agreement on a central regulator. It would have huge implications for national law. For as long as national insolvency and labour laws diverge, the central regulator cannot just walk in and fire directors, or close down a bank. The banking union needs to be backed by a harmonisation of commercial and labour laws as they apply to banks – or better still, it should take the banks completely out of national jurisdiction.


If I had one piece of advice for Mr Draghi, it would be this: do not accept an unlimited bond purchasing programme without an agreement on a credible banking union. The issues are not directly linked, but without a stabilisation of the financial sector, no ECB bond purchasing programme can succeed in the long run.



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