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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe – H.G. Wells

人类历史日益演变为一场教育与灾难之间的竞赛——赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(H.G. Wells)。

Sick and tired of the supposedly “negative propaganda being pedalled against hardline Muslims by a 14-year-old girl, members of the Pakistani Taliban decided to do something about it. They shot her in the head. Malala Yousafzai’s “crime was to advocate girls’ education. That, and her admiration for US President Barack Obama, led the Taliban’s chief spokesman to describe her as “a symbol of the infidels and of obscenity. His organisation has in the past busied itself blowing up dozens of girls’ schools and beheading ideological opponents, presumably in the cause of piety and decency.

巴基斯坦塔利班成员对马拉拉·优素福扎伊(Malala Yousafzai)针对强硬派穆斯林的所谓“负面宣传感到憎恶和厌烦,于是决定做些什么。他们开枪击中了她的头部。这位14岁女孩的“罪是提倡女童教育。这一点再加上她对美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的仰慕,使得塔利班的首席发言人把她形容为“离经叛道与下流的象征。过去,塔利班忙着炸毁几十所女子学校,斩首意识形态的敌人,打的恐怕就是虔诚与正派的旗号。

The attack on Malala, who has now been flown to Britain for emergency treatment, has galvanised moderate opinion in Pakistan. Mass rallies have been held to pray for her recovery and many of Pakistan’s leading religious groups have joined in condemning the attack. The outpouring is reminiscent of the national shock that greeted images of Taliban flogging women in the Swat valley three years ago and support for a subsequent military assault against extremists.


Before she was flown to the UK, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the chief of army staff, visited Malala in the Peshawar hospital where she was being treated. Gen Kayani, who called the attack “a heinous act of terrorism, said: “Islam guarantees each individual – male or female – equal and inalienable rights to life, property and human dignity. Given the circumstances, he would have done well to add “education.

马拉拉在被送往英国之前曾在白沙瓦的一所医院接受治疗,巴基斯坦陆军参谋长阿什法克·帕尔韦兹·卡亚尼将军(Ashfaq Parvez Kayani)对她进行了探望。卡亚尼将军将攻击称为“凶残的恐怖主义行为,他说:“伊斯兰教保障每个人——无论男人还是女人——拥有平等、不可剥夺的生命权、财产权和尊严权。鉴于当时的情况,他加上“受教育权可能更好一些。

It has taken the bravery and eloquence of a 14-year-old girl to highlight a crucial development issue: female education. A 2004 study on girls’ education* found that Pakistan ranked bottom of 17 Asian countries. The study measured four criteria, including girls’ enrolment and five-year “survival rates at primary school. Of a possible rating of 100, achieved by Japan, South Korea and Singapore, Pakistan scored just 20. That put it below Laos, at 26, and Myanmar, at 34.


The study had some interesting conclusions. First, Asia is divided into two fairly distinct groups, with one half doing well, the other badly, and not much in between. Among the better performers, China, Thailand and Indonesia are grouped with the advanced countries already mentioned. India is firmly in the lower half. It has a score of 41 compared with 89 in China.


There is a correlation between girls’ education and national wealth, but some poorer countries – notably China and Sri Lanka – do much better than their per capita income would predict. Countries with strong basic education often go on to do well economically. Japan’s remarkable success after the Meiji Restoration drew much of its vigour from an educational push that made it almost fully literate by 1910.


Countries with a history of communism or central planning tend to do better than those without. China, Vietnam and the central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union do well. The correlation is not perfect: communist Laos fares abysmally. Countries that have experienced a recent conflict do badly, though they can buck the trend. Vietnam does well and Sri Lanka, whose 30-year civil war only recently ended, does even better, with a score of 94.


Does female education matter? Study after study shows that it does. Female literacy improves health and enables women to assert their legal rights. A recent study in Mexico, Nepal, Venezuela and Zambia found that literate women are far more likely to understand and act on health messages.**


Education also affects fertility rates. Literate women tend to marry later and have smaller families. There can be marked differences within countries. Amartya Sen, a Nobel economist, says that in the Indian state of Kerala, where girls generally go to school, women have, on average, 1.7 children against more than four in many other parts of India.

教育还影响生育率。识字的女性往往婚龄较晚,家庭规模较校同一个国家的不同地区可能会存在显著差异。诺贝尔经济学奖得主阿玛蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen)说,在女童普遍接受教育的印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala),每名女性平均生育1.7个子女,而在印度其他许多地区,女性平均生育子女数超过4个。

There appears to be a correlation, too, between educated women and a decrease in sex-selective abortions. Putting more girls in school is the single best remedy to the tragedy of millions of “missing women, though the link breaks down in China where the one-child policy has distorted the picture.


Prof Sen also warns against what he calls “illiberal and intolerant education. He argues that religious schools – including madrassas, the Islamic schools that flourish in Pakistan – often spring up to fill a vacuum left by the lack of state education. Schools in the Arab world, he points out, have a rich tradition to draw upon beyond religion, including “the great secular accomplishments in mathematics, science and literature which are part and parcel of Arab history.


Parents and children in poor countries understand the intrinsic value of learning and the tangible benefits that can follow. Anyone who has seen children trekking miles to school along dirt roads knows it, too. That was – and is – Malala’s message. More than her hero Mr Obama, hers is a conviction worthy of the Nobel Peace prize.


*A Scorecard on Gender Equality and Girls’ Education in Asia 1990-2000

*《1990-2000年亚洲性别平等与女童教育评分表》( A Scorecard on Gender Equality and Girls’ Education in Asia 1990-2000)

**Literacy and Mothering: How Women’s Schooling Changes the Lives of the World’s Children. New York: Oxford University Press

**《识字能力与教养方式:女性教育对世界儿童生活的改变》(Literacy and Mothering: How Women’s Schooling Changes the Lives of the World’s Children), 牛津大学出版社(New York: Oxford University Press)纽约出版基地出版


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