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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Forget b-school. These days, d.school is the place to go.


Stanford University's d.school-the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design-has gained recognition in recent years for introducing the trendy, but murky, problem-solving concept known as 'design thinking' to executives, educators, scientists, doctors and lawyers. Now other schools are coming up with their own programs.

斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的哈素·普拉特纳设计学院(Hasso Plattner Institute of Design)提出一种名为“设计思维的理念,在近年来获得了外界认可。这种设计思维是针对企业高管、教育界人士、科学家、医生和律师而提出的一种时尚、但相当模糊的问题解决方式。如今,其他学校也开始纷纷开设类似的课程。

Design thinking uses close, almost anthropological observation of people to gain insight into problems that may not be articulated yet. For example, researchers may study the habits of shoppers waiting to pay for groceries in order to create a more efficient checkout system that maximizes last-minute purchases while keeping customers moving quickly.


Traditionally, companies have relied on focus groups to get feedback on products that were already in development. With design thinking, potential solutions-products, processes or services-are modeled, often using simple materials like markers and pipe-cleaners, then tested and quickly adjusted based on user feedback.


The d.school was launched in 2005-one of the first of its kind-with help from a $35 million donation by SAP AG SAP.XE +0.49%co-founder Hasso Plattner, who has said he was inspired to spread the practice after reading a magazine article about global consultancy IDEO, a leader in design thinking.

斯坦福的这家设计学院是于2005年在SAP AG创始人之一哈素·普拉特纳(Hasso Plattner)3,500万美元的资助下创建的,属于最早的一批设计学院。普拉特纳曾表示,他是在杂志上看到一篇关于全球咨询公司IDEO的文章后,受到了启发,遂决定要让更多人了解这种方式。IDEO公司是设计思维方式的倡导者。

Designed to ignite creativity and collaboration, the d.school's interior looks like a preschool playroom for grown-ups: Colorful furniture, open spaces and neon Post-it Notes abound. The school said much of the lay out is for the sake of teamwork, as hard chairs and small tables encourage student groups to remain on their toes and work more closely with each other.


The d.school doesn't award degrees and isn't tied to any individual department, but two to four times as many students want to take its courses than there are seats available. It now enrolls 700 students a year, up from 100 in its inaugural year. Courses run the gamut from designing products for the world's poor to 'D.Compress: Designing Calm,' in which students design technology that 'enables calm states of cognition, emotion and physiology.'

这家设计学院并不授予学位,也不附属于任何一个院系,但是希望上设计学院课程的学生人数是学院所能接受学生数的两到四倍。目前该学院每年接收700名学生,比初创那年的100名学生多出不少。课程设置涉及领域相当广泛,有些课程要求学生设计出供世界各地穷人所使用的产品,还有一门名为“D.Compress: Designing Calm的课程,教授学生能够在认知、情感和生理上带来平静状态的设计技巧。

Organizations are taking note. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, game company Electronic Arts Inc., EA -0.08%JetBlue Airways Corp. JBLU +1.20%and the software firms SAP and Intuit Inc. INTU +0.65%have worked closely with the school, acting as test cases for courses or posting job openings on d.school boards.

众多机构对此相当重视。比尔与梅琳达·盖茨基金会(The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)、游戏制造商艺电公司(Electronic Arts Inc.)、捷蓝航空(JetBlue Airways Corp.)、以及软件制造商SAP和Intuit Inc.都与这家学院有过密切合作,比如提供案例供学院课程使用,或是在学院的广告栏里张贴招聘启事。

Still not everyone is an advocate. Peter Merholz, vice president of user experience at online database start-up Inflection LLC, of Redwood City, Calif., said slapping the design-thinking tagline on new initiatives is 'good marketing' because it is vague enough to apply quite broadly, but has little real meaning. 'Design is an act of making, so the idea of design thinking is paradoxical,' he said.

不是每个人都是设计思维的拥趸。在Inflection LLC担任负责用户体验业务的副总裁彼得·摩霍兹(Peter Merholz)认为,给新创意贴上设计思维的标签是个“不错的市场营销手段,因为这个概念足够模糊,能够在相当广的领域得到应用,不过这几乎没有什么实际意义。Inflection LLC是一家初创的互联网数据库公司,总部位于加州雷德伍德市(Redwood City)。摩霍兹说,“设计是一个制作的行为,因此设计思维这个概念本身就是自相矛盾的。

That hasn't stopped companies like Procter & Gamble Co. PG -0.94%, Google Inc., GOOG +1.12%Nike Inc. NKE -0.34%and Fidelity Investments from recruiting heavily for students with a design-thinking background.

然而,这并不妨碍诸如宝洁(Procter & Gamble Co.)、谷歌(Google)、耐克(Nike)和富达投资集团(Fidelity Investments)等公司大规模地招入具有设计思维教育背景的学生。

Executives at Fidelity became converts of design thinking after working on a project with a d.school class in 2006 that focused on getting people, especially younger people, to contribute more to their savings accounts, said Fred Leichter, a Fidelity's senior vice president and chief customer experience officer.

富达投资在2006年与斯坦福设计学院的一个班级合作完成了一个项目,这之后,富达投资的管理者们成了设计思维的忠实信徒。富达投资的高级副总裁兼首席客户体验长弗雷德·雷克特(Fred Leichter)介绍称,当时那个项目的核心是,让人们、特别是年轻人,将更多的钱存入储蓄账户。

In that project, students learned that baby boomers fondly remembered their first savings accounts and bankbooks, but younger savers didn't have such a tangible connection to banking. In response, Fidelity created an online feature that mimicked old-fashioned bankbooks.


Fidelity said the online feature helped users track their savings and provided positive reinforcement and motivation for savers.


Given corporate interest, other schools are adding integrated business and design offerings. The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and Maryland Institute College of Art joined forces in November to announce a new M.B.A./M.A. in Design Leadership, set to launch this fall.Blair Johnson, a Carey lecturer who helped create the program, said it's an answer to organizations' growing awareness of 'having to solve messy problems.'

由于企业感兴趣,其他学校也在课程设置中增加了融合商业与设计的内容。约翰霍普金斯大学开瑞商学院(Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)与马里兰艺术学院(Maryland Institute College of Art)于去年11月携手宣布新推出一个设计领导方向的工商管理硕士/文学硕士学位项目,该项目将在今年秋季开始。在开瑞商学院任讲师的布莱尔·约翰逊(Blair Johnson)参与创建了这个新项目,他表示,如今各种机构越来越清楚地意识到“棘手的问题必须解决掉,这个新项目就是为此提供的一个解决方案。

In similar fashion, Parsons The New School for Design will roll out a Master's in Strategic Design and Management this fall and Philadelphia University is unveiling a 16-month Strategic Design Executive M.B.A. program, which it has dubbed 'the M.B.A. for hybrid thinkers.'

类似的,帕森设计学院(Parsons The New School for Design)将在今年秋季推出一个战略设计与管理方向的硕士学位项目,费城大学(Philadelphia University)即将推出一个为期16个月的战略设计在职工商管理硕士项目,费城大学称这个项目是为多角度思维者准备的工商管理课程。

Some schools have been involved in design thinking for years. University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management has taught the discipline to students and executives via elective courses and its Rotman DesignWorks center since the mid-2000s.

一些学校提供设计思维课程已有很多年了。多伦多大学(University of Toronto)的罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management)自2005年前后就开始通过该学院的罗特曼设计中心(Rotman DesignWorks)向学生和企业管理者提供设计思维选修课程。

California College of the Arts saw 92 applications for the M.B.A. in Design Strategy in its first year, 2010. This year, it received 172 for the $40,000-a-year program.

加州艺术学院(California College of the Arts)于2010年第一次推出设计战略方向的工商管理硕士项目时,申请者只有92人。今年,有172人申请这个每学年学费为4万美元的项目。

Candidates are attracted to these programs by the prospect of landing at companies like P&G and Google. Plus, it gives students with art and design backgrounds a stronger business background, while offering business-minded people a more creative edge, according to students, school administrators and recruiters.


Adam Broidy, who just completed his first year at CCA, said the course 'transcends a plain business program' by integrating design-thinking topics across the entire curriculum, and said that makes it more than 'just a feeder for traditional finance or marketing jobs.'

刚刚在加州艺术学院完成第一年学业的亚当·布罗伊蒂(Adam Broidy)说,这个课程将对设计思维的探讨融入整个课程之中,“超越了普通的商业课程。他还表示,这使得这门课不只是为传统的金融和市场行销工作所准备。

Design thinking is becoming big business for schools targeting executive-level students, too.


A four-hour course on design thinking and innovation at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, which was held last fall, cost $495. At Esade, a business and law school at Barcelona's Ramon Llull University, a four-day Design Thinking for Business Innovation course costs 4,200 ($5,230), while Stanford's three-day executive 'boot camp,' run in partnership with the Stanford Graduate School of Business, costs $9,500 per person.

明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)卡尔森管理学院(Carlson School of Management)开设了一门关于设计思维与创新的课程,这门总计四小时的课程于去年秋季开课,费用为495美元。巴塞罗那拉曼鲁尔大学(Ramon Llull University)的Esade商学院开设了一门为期四天的名为“商业创新中的设计思维(Design Thinking for Business Innovation)的课程,学费为4,200欧元(相当于5,230美元)。斯坦福设计学院与斯坦福商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)合作推出了为期三天的管理训练营,费用为每人9,500美元。

Catherine Courage, vice president of product design at information-technology company Citrix Systems Inc., CTXS +0.41%took a five-day 'customer-focused innovation' workshop at Stanford's d.school in 2010. She said she was so inspired by the course and the school's physical setup that she helped redesign some of Citrix's workspaces to mirror those of the d.school.

在IT企业思杰系统公司(Citrix Systems)负责产品设计的副总裁凯瑟琳·卡里奇(Catherine Courage)于2010年参加了斯坦福设计学院开设的一个为期五天、名为“基于客户的创新(customer-focused innovation)的研习班。她表示,这个课程以及该学院的外观设计让她大受启发,此后她模仿斯坦福设计学院的装潢,协助重新设计了思杰系统公司的部分办公场所。

Citrix now runs employee training programs to introduce the tenets of design thinking to thousands of staffers. The training programs are held globally, last as many as five days and are so popular there is a waiting list, the company said.



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