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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Apple Inc.'s sweeping court victory over Samsung Electronics Co. cements its dominance of the wireless industry and could force carriers and even Google Inc. to re-evaluate their product plans and strategies.

苹果(Apple Inc.)在与三星(Samsung Electronics Co.)的专利诉讼战中取得决定性胜利,这不仅强化了苹果在手机行业的领先地位,而且可能会迫使一些手机运营商、甚至谷歌公司(Google Inc.)去重新评估自己的产品计划和公司战略。

Interviews with jurors and legal experts reveal that Friday's verdict in the patent dispute did much more than order the South Korean company to pay $1.05 billion to its Silicon Valley rival.


The nine jurors also sent a signal that companies need to be much more careful in incorporating basic design elements in their electronic devices, particularly those affecting the way gadgets look and feel.


Samsung shares opened 6.8% lower Monday in South Korean trading.


The verdict, which comes just weeks before Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone, could complicate matters for wireless carriers already contending with Apple's market power. Apple has reaped more than $156 billion in iPhone-related revenue since 2007 and is now the world's most valuable company.


Patent lawyers predict the jury's decision will likely ratchet up an already heavy flow of patent suits in the tech sector, and could open new ground for litigation. More courtroom warfare could raise costs to makers of smartphones and tablets and reduce the number of gadgets on the market -- increasing prices to consumers, some lawyers and market watchers say.


More companies are likely to emulate Apple's approach of using the court system to defend the shape and style of their products, said Alan Fisch, an intellectual-property lawyer at Kaye Scholer LLP who isn't involved in the case.

与本案无关的凯寿律师事务所 (Kaye Scholer LLP)的知识产权律师费什(Alan Fisch)说,可能会有更多公司模仿苹果,利用法律武器保护自己产品的外形和设计风格。

During its second day of deliberations, the jury settled a debate over whether Samsung infringed an Apple patent related to on-screen icons by holding up an iPhone and a Samsung phone in the dark to determine whether they appeared similar when the colorful rounded buttons were all that could be seen, recalled juror Manuel Ilagan. He said he also was persuaded by comparisons between Samsung's smartphone designs before and after the iPhone arrived in 2007.

陪审团成员伊莱甘(Manuel Ilagan)回忆说,在讨论的第二天,陪审团把苹果和三星手机置于黑暗中观察,以确定在只能看到屏幕上色彩丰富的圆角图标时,两部手机的相似度,正是这一观察为三星是否侵犯了苹果一项与屏幕图标有关的专利一事画上了句号。他说,陪审团还比较了2007年iPhone推出之前以及这款手机之后三星智能手机的设计,这种比较也同样帮助陪审团做出了判断。

'It was obvious there was some copying going on,' said the 59-year-old Mr. Ilagan.


Not only Samsung but Google -- and other smartphone makers who use its Android mobile operating software -- could decide, or be forced, to drop or modify features to avoid running afoul of patents.


'The ones that are close to the look and feel of the iPhone will suffer,' said Robert J. Tosti, a partner with law firm Brown Rudnick LLP who specializes in patent law.

律师事务所Brown Rudnick LLP的合伙人、专攻专利法的托斯提(Robert J. Tosti)说,那些外观和手感与iPhone接近的产品要倒霉了。

Some developers say the verdict could lead to higher costs for writing Android software. 'We have built something for the [Android] system that may have to change,' said Howard Lindzon, an angel investor and entrepreneur who heads personal-finance app maker StockTwits Inc.

一些软件开发人员说,这个判决结果可能会增加开发安卓软件的成本。个人理财应用程序公司StockTwits Inc的负责人、天使投资人Howard Lindzon说,我们为安卓系统开发的一些东西现在可能需要修改。

Some lawyers argue just as strongly, however, that electronics makers are perfectly capable of coming up with more original products. Apple, they argue, isn't the only company that can come up with innovative designs─and its court victory could encourage more innovation by competitors.


Jorge Contreras, an associate professor at American University Washington College of Law, said the monetary damages in the case are a 'painful hit' to Samsung. But he argued that Android device suppliers, with relatively little effort, can keep pumping out new products. 'Apple's patents will not be that hard to design around,' he said. 'I don't see this verdict as an Android killer.'

美利坚大学华盛顿法学院(American University Washington College of Law)副教授孔特雷拉斯(Jorge Contreras)说,此案裁定的高昂赔偿金对三星而言是一个“痛苦的打击。但他又说安卓设备供应商不用付出很大努力就可以继续推出新产品。他说,想要绕过苹果的专利拿出自己的设计也并非难事,我不认为这一判决结果将致安卓于死地。

Shipments of smartphones running Android accounted for 68% of the smartphone market in the second quarter, according to market tracker IDC, compared with 17% for the Apple iPhone. The verdict is unlikely to change that momentum, several executives at large companies said.


Apple has chosen not to sue Google, for reasons it hasn't explained. But patent lawyers say it is easier to make a case for monetary damages against companies like Samsung that sell hardware to consumers. Google, which generates most of its revenue from online advertising, doesn't charge hardware makers for its software. A Google spokesman didn't respond to requests for comment.


Wireless carriers, who already pay hefty subsidies to Apple have voiced concern that their investment in faster networks could be threatened if devices are taken off the market or innovation is stalled by patent disputes.


They have been silent on the impact of Friday's verdict. But they have long sought to promote the development of iPhone competitors to gain more leverage in dealings with Apple.


For Samsung, there is a short-term cloud. The company, besides facing what is already one of the largest patent damages verdicts on record, could be ordered by federal Judge Lucy Koh to pay as much as three times that sum because the jury found five counts of willful patent infringement.

而愁云短期内还将笼罩在三星头上。美国联邦法官高兰惠(Lucy Koh)可能下令三星支付上述赔偿金额三倍的费用,因为陪审团发现三星被指犯下五项故意侵犯专利的罪行。三星所需支付的赔偿金堪称史上最高额度的专利诉讼赔偿金。

Apple, meanwhile, is expected by Monday to identify the Samsung smartphones and tablets that it will ask the court to block with a preliminary injunction. The products aren't the company's latest models, but Apple has another suit against Samsung in the same U.S. district court over more recent technology, as well as actions against Samsung in other jurisdictions.


'The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung's copying went far deeper than we knew,' said Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, in an email to employees following the verdict.

苹果公司首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)在判决公布后发给员工的一封电子邮件中说,庭审期间出示的大量证据表明,三星对知识产权侵犯的程度比我们此前知道的要严重得多。

Samsung filed infringement charges of its own that the jury rejected. The company vowed to fight on following the verdict─with post-trial motions and then through an appeal, if necessary.


'It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies,' Samsung said Friday, referring to some patents covering Apple's designs.



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