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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

While investors of all stripes have had their confidence in the markets badly shaken, those sitting on a rollover from an individual retirement account, an inheritance or other windfall are in a particularly tough spot.


Should they invest the money all at once (so-called lump-sum investing) or dribble it into the markets in equal increments over a period of months or years (dollar-cost averaging)?


The answer depends, in part, on whether they are more concerned with maximizing their long-term returns or minimizing their short-term risk of losses─and the psychological pain that can come from diving in just before a market tumble.


Studies have shown that, mathematically, you are better off diving in. This is because, historically, markets have gone up more than they've gone down.


'So just playing the odds, you're better off getting the money invested right now because chances are prices will be higher later,' says Tim Courtney, chief investment officer of Exencial Wealth Advisors.

Exencial Wealth Advisors的首席投资长蒂姆·考特尼(Tim Courtney)说,“因此不妨碰碰运气,你最好现在就进行投资,因为很有可能股价以后会升高。

A recent study by Vanguard Group found this was true not only in the U.S. but in the U.K. and Australia as well. In all three markets, lump-sum investing would have outperformed dollar-cost averaging about two-thirds of the time, on average.

先锋集团(Vanguard Group)最近的一项研究发现,不仅在美国是如此,而且在英国和澳大利亚也是如此。在三个市场上,一次性投资法的平均表现在约2/3的时间中都优于平均成本投资法。

Vanguard compared immediately investing $1 million (and pounds and Australian dollars) in a stock and bond portfolio and holding it for 10 years, versus starting with the same amount in cash, investing it in equal portions over a period of months or years and then, once fully invested, standing pat through the end of year 10.


The comparison was repeated over rolling periods (starting in the U.S. with January 1926, then February 1926, and so on) and for various stock-and-bond allocations (ranging from 100% equities to 100% bonds) and various holding periods (from one to 30 years).


The results were similar across all three markets, regardless of how long it took the dollar-cost averager to become fully invested or the ratio of stocks to bonds in the portfolio.


For example, in the U.S., the average ending balance for a 60%/40% stock/bond portfolio following rolling 10-year investment periods was 2.3% more for the lump-sum investor than for someone who averaged in over 12 months. In the U.K. and Australia, lump-sum investors ended with 2.2% more and 1.3% more, respectively.


Even on a risk-adjusted basis, lump-sum investing won the day. The cash component of averaging in has the benefit of reducing your risk to some degree, but at the cost of an even greater decline in potential returns.


In the U.S., for example, the average annualized Sharpe ratio─a measure of how well a portfolio manager delivers return in relation to risk taken─for a 100% equity portfolio was 0.77 for the lump-sum investor but only 0.68 for the dollar-cost averager. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the manager you are.

例如,在美国,一次性投资者的100%股票投资组合的年均夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)──一种衡量投资组合经理在相应风险下的收益绩效的指标──为0.77,而采用平均成本投资法的投资者的夏普比率仅为0.68。夏普比率越高,说明你的业绩越好。

The only time that dollar-cost averaging outperformed lump-sum investing was during market downturns. This, too, is intuitive. If it pays to be fully invested when the market is going up, the opposite is true when the market is heading south.


Of the 1,000-plus 12-month rolling periods Vanguard analyzed for the U.S. markets, lump-sum investors saw their portfolios decline in value during 229 periods, or 22% of the time, with the loss during those periods averaging $84,000. Averaging in produced losses during just 180 periods, or 18% of the time, with the typical loss approaching $57,000.


Bottom line: Having some money in cash blunted losses in the short run, but in the long run it dragged down returns. If you average in, you are choosing to pay higher prices down the road for the protection it buys you against losses and regrets today, or you are betting on a paradigm shift where stocks and bonds won't continue to outperform cash.


Mr. Courtney has one solution for the risk-averse with a large sum to invest: Try investing one-quarter to one-half of the money upfront and the rest over six months to a year. That way, if the market does fall, at least you'll get some of your money in at the lower prices.


Note: No one is suggesting that you shouldn't invest part of each paycheck in a 401(k) or other automatic investment plan. Such 'periodic investing' fosters healthy savings habits, and is a good way to invest relatively small chunks of money as soon as they become available to you.


Think of it as lump-sum investing in miniature.



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