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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编



Controlled by Japan. Called Senkaku by Japan, Diaoyu in Chinese.


The History:China's claim to the Senkakus is based in part on records dating to the early 15th century. Beijing claims the area was for centuries used by Chinese fishermen and for other purposes before it was taken by the Japanese during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95. Japan dismisses China's position, saying it had never claimed its sovereignty before the 1970s. The U.S. took over administration of the islands after World War II, but returned them to Japan along with Okinawa in 1972, a decision China has since contested. Taiwan also claims the islands. The dispute has grown with China's rapid naval expansion in the South and East China Seas, culminating in a standoff in 2010 that chilled bilateral ties for months. The latest flare-up was started by combative Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara's move to purchase the islands from a private Japanese owner., which pushed the central government into making its own offer to buy them.

历史:中国宣称拥有钓鱼岛主权的部分依据是上溯至15世纪初期的文献。北京称,在日本于1894年至1895年中日战争期间夺走钓鱼岛之前,中国将该地区用于捕鱼和其他目的已有数百年的历史。日本反驳中国的这一立场说,中国在20世纪70年代以前从未声称拥有钓鱼岛主权。美国在第二次世界大战之后托管钓鱼岛,但在1972年将其连同冲绳交还给日本。后来中国一直反对这一决定。台湾也声称拥有钓鱼岛主权。随着中国海军在南中国海和东中国海迅速扩张,中日围绕钓鱼岛主权的争端不断加剧,2010年达到最高潮时中日关系陷入僵局,双方联系经历了长达几个月的寒冬。中日钓鱼岛争端近日之所以再度升温,是因为生性好斗的东京都知事石原慎太郎(Shintaro Ishihara)要从一名日籍私人岛主手中购买钓鱼岛,此举促使日本中央政府提出了自己的购岛计划。

The Stakes:China's push for the Senkakus in the East China Sea contrasts with other territorial disputes it faces with Vietnam, the Philippines and others in the South China Sea. Oil-and-gas deposits in the East China Sea are believed to be much smaller than the potentially massive deepwater reserves in the disputed South China Sea.


The Senkakus do hold an important strategic position as a unique area where U.S. security obligations to Japan and Taiwan potentially overlap. The East China Sea and Yellow Sea have long served as an important buffer between China's advancing military capabilities and U.S. allies like Japan and South Korea.


Control over the Senkakus would be important as the military looks to expand China's security sphere. The East China Sea and the disputed areas near the Senkakus provide important shipping access to some of China's key ports, and Chinese leaders have long worried about direct U.S. influence there as well as proxy U.S. influence through the Japanese.


Chinese military strategy in part focuses on denying access to potential naval adversaries. Greater Chinese military control over the East China Sea, for example, would complicate U.S. efforts to intervene in the event of conflict with Taiwan.


Brian Spegele in Beijing

- Brian Spegele发自北京



Controlled by South Korea. Called Dokdo by South Korea, Takeshima by Japan.


The History:The dispute with South Korea over the Liancourt Rocks, a set of islets halfway between the two countries, can be traced back several centuries.


The islets have appeared on maps in both countries back to the 1600s. Korea says that texts dated as far back as the 6th century mention them. Japan questions the accuracy of Korea's assertions.


Japan assumed control of them in 1905, shortly before its 1910 colonization of the Korean peninsula. Japan's assertion today rests in part on the fact that the U.S. did not include the islets in a list of territory Japan was forced to give up after World War II. South Korea has disputed that since early 1950s and controlled the islet with a small detachment of police since 1954. The latest spat came after South Korean president Lee Myung-bak visited the islets in early August. Japan has since started a process to request conciliation at the International Court of Justice.

日本在1905年取得对独岛的控制,没过多久又在1910年对朝鲜半岛实施了殖民统治。日本目前宣称对这一岛屿拥有主权的部分依据是,美国没有将独岛列入二战后要求日本交出的领土名单。韩国从20世纪50年代初以来就反对这一说法,从1954年以来一直用一支小规模的警察部队控制着独岛。韩日围绕该岛主权的最新一次争吵发生在8月上旬韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)访问独岛之后。日本此后启动了要求海牙国际法庭(International Court of Justice)仲裁这一领土争端的程序。

The Stakes:The islets are surrounded by fertile fishing waters. In recent years, speculation arose of energy resources under nearby waters, but that hasn't been proven.


South Korea's state-run natural gas company says a 2007 survey found natural gas hydrate in waters near Ulleung Island, about 75 kilometers (40 miles) from the islets. Natural gas hydrate is a crystal compound that, when depressurized, converts to natural gas and water. Energy companies are still working on efficient ways to recover it.

韩国国有天然气公司说,2007年的一次勘探在距离独岛约75公里的郁陵岛(Ulleung Island)附近水域发现了天然气水合物。天然气水合物是一种结晶化合物,减压后就会还原成天然气和水。能源企业还在研究有效的还原办法。

In 2010, the South Korean national oil company, working with Woodside Energy Ltd. of Australia, identified geologic structures in the Ulleung area with significant volumes of gas or oil. But their first exploratory well came up dry and was closed earlier this year.

2010年,上述韩国国有石油公司和澳大利亚能源企业Woodside Energy Ltd.发现,郁陵岛地区的地质结构内拥有大量的天然气或石油。但它们的第一口勘探井一无所获,今年早些时候关闭。

Japanese experts question the existence of significant natural resources reserves in the area.


Evan Ramstad in Seoul

- Evan Ramstad发自首尔



Controlled by Russia. Called the Kuril Islands by Russia, the Northern Territories by Japan.

由俄罗斯控制。俄罗斯称之为“Kuril Islands(千岛群岛),日本称之为“北方领土(Northern Territories)。

The History:Japan claims the four islands based on the 1855 Treaty of Shimoda, the first Russo-Japanese agreement addressing the status of Sakhalin Island and the Kurils. The return of the islands is one of Tokyo's conditions for finally signing a peace treaty with Russia to end World War II.

历史:日本根据1855年签署的《日俄和亲通好条约》(Treaty of Shimoda)声称拥有这四座岛屿的主权。这份条约是日俄之间第一份有关萨哈林岛(Sakhalin Island)和千岛群岛地位的协议。日本将俄罗斯向日本归还南千岛群岛作为两国最终签署和平条约、结束二战的条件之一。

Moscow argues that the islands became part of the Soviet Union following the war and there can be no question about Russian sovereignty over them. A 1956 Joint Declaration signed by the Soviet Union and Japan that ended the state of war between the two countries raised the possibility of the Soviet Union returning the two southernmost Kurils, Shikotan and Habomai, to Japan once a peace treaty was concluded. But 56 years later, no peace treaty has been signed.


The Stakes:The islands would appear to be a minor economic prize. They form an 800-mile archipelago north of Japan that is said to contain considerable mineral wealth that has nonetheless gone undeveloped. Fishing rights in the waters around the islands appear to be their greatest asset. The population, which hovers below 20,000, lives mostly in poverty. Winters are long and severe, and summers short and foggy. Some in Japan say the islands could be turned into scenic resort destinations just a short flight away from big Japanese cities.



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