An 8-acre Cape Cod estate owned by Jim E. Feldt, the former executive vice president of Toys 'R' Us, will come up for auction next month. The home was previously listed for $12.5 million.
玩具反斗城(Toys "R" Us)原执行副总裁吉姆·E.费尔特(Jim E. Feldt)在科德角(Cape Cod)的一处八英亩(约49亩)产业将在下个月拍卖。此前的挂牌价是1,250万美元。
Located in Cotuit, Mass., the 8,000-square-foot, shingle-style waterfront home has four bedrooms and seven bathrooms, and was completed in 2010. The property includes an 80-foot-long pergola that connects to an adjacent carriage house with a guest suite. Inside the main house there are hand-painted, 100-year-old tiles, 200-year-old columns and reclaimed white-oak floors. The home has 18 antique chandeliers, a wine cellar and several fireplaces. There are two separate master suites, including one on the first floor and one upstairs with vaulted barrel ceilings.
Outside, an infinity pool overlooks the bay. The Feldts spent $1 million on landscaping and currently have two full-time groundskeepers on property, says Mark Troen, the chief operating officer of Sheldon Good & Co., who is handling the sale. They've decided to sell the property because they're planning to relocate.
室外有一个俯瞰海湾的无边际泳池。负责这次拍卖的Sheldon Good & Co.的首席运营长马克·特伦(Mark Troen)说,费尔特夫妇在造景方面花了100万美元,目前这套物业有两名全职管理员。之所以要卖掉,是因为他们准备搬到别的地方去祝
The sale is a sealed-bid auction with a bid-submission deadline of Nov. 28.
─Candace Jackson
Re-Rolling the Dice: Vegas Home Lowers Asking Price 30%
拉斯维加斯一套住宅调整挂牌价,从原来的1,400万美元降到990万美元,降幅30%。房主是杰克·萨默(Jack Sommer)和劳拉·萨默(Laura Sommer)夫妇。杰克是商业地产投资人,曾经是Aladdin赌场的老板。
A Las Vegas home previously listed for $14 million has relisted for $9.9 million, a 30% price cut. The home is owned by Jack and Laura Sommer. Mr. Sommer is a commercial-real-estate investor and the former owner of the Aladdin casino.
这套法式地中海风格的住宅位于封闭社区Spanish Trail,共两层,24,000平方英尺(约2,230平方米),卧室12个,卫生间15个。有正式餐厅,单独的佣人宿舍,精装地下室,1,200平方英尺(约110平方米)的主卧套间,还有1,000平方英尺(约90平方米)的厨房。另外还包括一个游泳池和修剪整齐的花园,以及一座120吨的冷却塔。附楼里面安装了一套给主楼供冷气、采用水源热泵的制冷系统。
Located in Spanish Trail, a gated community, the two-story, 24,000-square-foot French Mediterranean home has 12 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. There's a formal dining room, separate staff quarters, a finished basement, a 1,200-square-foot master suite and a 1,000-square-foot kitchen. It also includes a swimming pool and manicured gardens, as well as a 120-ton cooling tower, a detached building housing a cooling system with water-charged heat pumps that cool the house.
Mr. Sommer says he spent five years designing and building the home, which was completed in 1995. 'The house has a lot of commercial building techniques,' he says, including extra insulation and floors suspended over lightweight concrete for soundproofing. He says he is selling because his seven children are all grown and are no longer living at home. The home came on the market in 2010, and then it went up for auction in February. Mr. Sommer says the winning bidder didn't come through with the money, so he has put the home back on the market.
代理这栋房产的是洛杉矶房地产公司The Agency的科菲·奈蒂·纳尔泰(Kofi Natei Nartey)。
Kofi Natei Nartey of the Agency, the Los Angeles-based real-estate firm, is handling marketing for the listing.
For Auction: Six Houses on 34,430 Acres in Texas─Bring Your Own Cows
得克萨斯州圣安吉洛(San Angelo)一处占地34,430英亩(约139平方公里)的牧场将在下个月拍卖。此前的最高转手价是4,400万美元。
A 34,430-acre ranch in San Angelo, Texas, is hitting the auction block next month. The property has previously been shopped around for as much as $44 million.
这处产业名叫“核桃溪牧场(Pecan Creek Ranch),从圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)往北开车三小时可达,是得州中部最大的牧场之一。它包括一栋5,000平方英尺(约465平方米)、用石材建造的乡间别墅,另外还有五栋供牧场员工使用的住宅。这处经营性牧场(1,400头奶牛不属销售之列)享有白尾鹿、火鸡、鸽子和鹌鹑的休闲狩猎权,还拥有地下矿产一半的所有权,所以可以进行石油勘探。
About three hours north of San Antonio, it is known as Pecan Creek Ranch and is one of the largest ranches in Central Texas. It includes a 5,000-square-foot stone lodge and five other homes for staff. The working cattle ranch (the 1,400 cows aren't included) has recreational hunting for whitetail deer, turkeys, doves and quail. Also included are half of the property's underground mineral rights, which would allow for oil exploration.
卖方是全职牧场主詹姆斯·鲍威尔(James Powell)。据挂牌中介说,之所以要卖,是因为他想购买一处离他另一处得州牧场更近的产业。
The seller is James Powell, a full-time rancher who is selling because he wants to buy a property closer to another ranch he owns in Texas, according to the listing broker.
拍卖会将于11月2日在圣安吉洛举行。这处产业将分成多个地块拍卖,也可以整体购买。销售代理是Hall & Hall公司的斯科特·舒曼(Scott Shuman)。
The auction will take place Nov. 2 in San Angelo. The property will be auctioned in several separate parcels, or could be purchased in its entirety. Scott Shuman of Hall & Hall is handling the sale.
The 'Mount Vernon of Dallas': Historic Replica Formerly Owned By Oil Tycoon H.L. Hunt Lists for $24.9 Million
达拉斯一处具有历史意义的产业以2,490万美元的价格挂牌。它占地10英亩(约60亩),1930年完工,复制了乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的弗农山庄(Mount Vernon)。从1930年到2000年,它一直是石油大亨H.L.亨特(H.L. Hunt)及其子孙──包括超级碗(Super Bowl)创始人拉马尔·亨特(Lamar Hunt)──的住处。这处产业位于距离市区八英里(约12.9公里)的白岩湖(White Rock Lake)畔,有一栋面积10,500平方英尺(约975平方米)的乔治王时期风格住宅,住宅内有五个卧室、九个卫生间。另有4,800平方英尺(约445平方米)带空调的汽车陈列厅兼舞厅,5,000平方英尺(约465平方米)、拥有四条保龄球道的保龄球中心,还有一个灯光网球常面积2,400平方英尺(约220平方米)的半地下室拥有一个可存一万瓶的酒窖,可通过电梯进入。
A historic Dallas estate has listed for $24.9 million. Completed in 1930, the 10-acre estate is a replica of George Washington's Mount Vernon and was the home of oil tycoon H.L. Hunt and his children─including Lamar Hunt, creator of the Super Bowl─from 1930 to 2000. On White Rock Lake, eight miles from downtown, the property has a 10,500-square-foot Georgian Colonial with five bedrooms and nine bathrooms. There's also a 4,800-square-foot air-conditioned car showroom that doubles as a ballroom, and a 5,000-square-foot bowling center with a four-lane bowling alley and a lighted tennis court. A 2,400-square-foot lower level has a 10,000 bottle cellar, accessible by elevator.
目前的主人是约翰·阿门德(John Amend)和特雷莎·阿门德(Teresa Amend)夫妇。他们在2000年买下这处产业,后来进行了翻新和扩建,包括增加了一栋四卧客房。约翰是一位商业地产咨询师。这处产业挂牌已经有一年左右,当时没有给出报价。
The current owners are John and Teresa Amend, who bought the home in 2000 and have since renovated and expanded it, including adding a four-bedroom guesthouse. Mr. Amend is a commercial-real-estate consultant. The home has been quietly shopped for about a year without an asking price.
该产业由佳士得国际地产(Christie's International Real Estate)子公司Allie Beth Allman & Associates的阿利·贝斯·艾尔曼(Allie Beth Allman)代理。
Allie Beth Allman of Allie Beth Allman & Associates, a Christie's International Real Estate affiliate, has the listing.
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