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发布时间:2013-02-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

There are lots of myths about cigarettes: that 'lights' offer protection, for one, or that filters actually filter.


Yet another myth is that cigarettes are just tobacco rolled in paper. Nothing could be further from the truth. The cigarette is a surprisingly complex artifact, as we now know from the treasure trove of documents released in the course of litigation. The tobacco archives online at legacy.library.ucsf.edu contain some 80 million pages of formerly secret industry documents, almost all of which were unavailable before the Big Tobacco trials of recent years. Access to these archives has improved over time, and all are now full-text searchable, meaning that anyone with an Internet connection can pull up all documents containing expressions such as 'doubt is our product' or 'friends in Congress.'


What the documents also reveal is a witches' brew of ingredients used in cigarettes. A 1992 document drawn up by Covington & Burling, a leading tobacco law firm, lists 614 different additives in cigarettes. Here are some of the choicer items, along with poundages added to cigarettes in 1991:

这些文件还揭露了制造香烟所使用的神奇配方。1992年,一家龙头地位的烟草业律师事务所Covington & Burling在一份文件中列出了香烟中含有的614种添加物。下面列出其中一些主要添加物,以及在1991年当年所添加的总重量。

Glycerol 24,910,166

甘油 24,910,166磅

Propylene glycol 22,803,628

丙二醇 22,803,628磅

Cocoa and cocoa shells 9,302,784

可可粉和可可壳粉 9,302,784磅

Licorice 8,140,074


Diammonium phosphate 6,065,511

磷酸氢二铵 6,065,511磅

Urea 2,376,000

尿素 2,376,000磅

Menthol 1,564,759

薄荷脑 1,564,759磅

St. John's Bread 979,780

角豆胶 979,780磅

Chocolate 841,405

巧克力 841,405 磅

Potassium sorbate 296,984

山梨酸钾 296,984磅

Prune juice and concentrate 156,093

西梅汁和西梅浓缩液 156,093磅

Levulinic acid 13,413

乙酰丙酸 13,413磅

Angelica Root 5,128

欧白芷根 5,128磅

Nutmeg powder and oil 2,359

肉豆蔻粉和肉豆蔻油 2,359磅

Dandelion root solid extract 2,044

蒲公英根固体提取物 2,044磅

Twenty years later, the exact formulas of cigarettes on the market remain trade secrets, but the companies now publicly disclose the chemicals they add. On their websites, Philip Morris lists more than 100 different additives, Reynolds lists 158 and Lorillard lists 137. Many of these are flavorants; that is presumably why the list includes bergamot oil, fenugreek extract, geranium bourbon oil, ethyl vanillin, tangerine oil, sandalwood and something called 'immortelle extract.'

20年后的今天,香烟的实际成分依然是一个行业秘密,但烟草公司现在公布其在香烟中添加的物质了。在公司网站上,菲利普莫里斯公司(Philip Morris)列举了超过100种添加物,雷诺兹公司(Reynolds)列举了158种,罗瑞拉德公司(Lorillard)列举了137种。这些添加物中很多都是香料,因此出现佛手柑油、葫芦巴提取物、波旁天竺葵油、乙基香草醛、红桔油、檀香油和所谓的“不凋花提取物等名字也就不足为奇了。

Under 'c' alone we find cardamom oil, carob bean extract, cinnamon oil, coffee extract, coriander oil, corn syrup and an oil made from camomile flowers. Gone, apparently, are some that appear in earlier lists: 'civet absolute,' for example, which turns out to be a secretion from the anal gland of the civet cat, and castoreum, a comparable secretion from the Siberian beaver.


Some compounds are added for physiological effects. Menthol adds a cool, minty taste, for example, but also has anesthetic effects, helping starters start and smokers get a 'medicinal' feeling. Sugars are added to produce a milder, more inhalable smoke -- but also because, when burned, they generate acetaldehydes, boosting the addictive potency of the resulting smoke.


Nicotine per se isn't typically added, apart from what is already found in precision-bred and blended tobacco leaf, but ammonia is used in abundance -- millions of pounds per year in fact -- to push the nicotine molecule from a 'bound' into a 'free base' state, creating a kind of crack nicotine. Levulinic acid is similarly added to increase the efficiency of nicotine binding in the brain. Cocoa is added for aroma but also for its impact as a bronchodilator: Cocoa contains the alkaloid theobromine, which helps open up the lungs to 'receive' smoke.


Of course, whenever you smoke a cigarette you are also smoking cigarette paper, which contains bleaches and glues and sometimes burn accelerants (typically sodium or potassium citrates). Chemicals are added to adjust the color of the ash or the optical qualities of the smoke.


The archives are also full of complaints from ordinary smokers finding oddities in their cigarettes: A 1994 Philip Morris document records contamination from rubber bands, machine belts and lubricants, ink and tax stamp solvents, glass fibers and plastics, and color stains 'consistent with blood.' Smokers also complain about finding bugs or worms, sometimes dead, sometimes alive.


Global consumption of cigarettes has now reached six trillion sticks a year, which turns out to be more than 300 million miles of cigarettes -- enough to make a continuous chain from the Earth to the sun and back, with enough left over for a couple of side trips to Mars. On that long journey, smokers deserve to know exactly what's in their cigarettes, and why.



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