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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The EU is in an era of transformation. Meanwhile, the UK – or perhaps just England – is moving towards exit. The eurozone is being forced towards “more Europe, while the UK wants less Europe. The sensible option for the UK is to wait to see what happens. But its politicians may be unwilling, or not allowed, to be patient. Its partners are then likely to lose patience, too. Divorce may seem the better outcome, for both.


The UK has never been an enthusiastic member. When Harold Macmillan sought to join what became the EU, half a century ago, he did so because he saw no alternative: he thought that if the UK could not prevent the integration of the continent, it had to join it. Charles de Gaulle vetoed the request in 1963. Many continental Europeans must now agree with the French leader that the UK is unable to be a committed member of the club.

英国对欧盟从来就缺乏热情。五十年前,哈罗德·麦克米伦(Harold Macmillan)之所以寻求加入欧盟的前身机构,是因为他认为别无选择:如果英国不能阻止欧洲大陆的一体化,那它就必须加入其中。夏尔·戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)在1963年否决了这一请求。想必现在有很多欧洲大陆人赞同这位法国领袖的看法:英国无法成为“欧洲俱乐部的忠实一员。

Subsequently, in 1973, the UK joined what its people were told would be a European Economic Community. But it was always more than that. Over time, continental aspirations have become clearer and the discomfort of English Conservatives – once the more pro-European of the two big parties – greater. The UK stayed out of the currency union partly because of widely shared scepticism about the economics, but still more because of hostility to the politics. Sceptics pointed to these implications. They have been proved right on both points. And they know it.

之后的1973年,英国人得知自己的国家加入了欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community)。但事情远没有那么简单。时间一久,欧洲大陆的雄心越来越明显,而曾经在两大党中更亲欧洲的英国保守党也感到越来越不快。英国不加入货币联盟,部分是因为对加入其中的经济意义感到怀疑,但更大的原因是反感政治层面上的意义。怀疑人士指出了这两方面可能受到的影响,事实证明他们的看法是正确的。他们也明白这一点。

Now comes the transformational moment. If the eurozone is to survive, it will have to jump into a deeper economic and political union. Everybody now knows that the initial design failed. In a currency union, capital flows, current account imbalances, financial fragility, divergent competitiveness and fiscal policy are all matters of profound common interest. Moreover, stricter rules are not enough. Members also have to offer one another insurance. Otherwise, doubts about the durabilityof the union will, of themselves, drive it towards disintegration. This is why the European Central Bank has found itself forced towards its new “outright monetary purchases – purchase of government bonds of the member countries under pressure.

现在转型的时刻到了。如果欧元区要存活下去,就必须缔造更深层次的经济政治联盟。如今所有人都知道,关于欧元区的最初设想已告失败。在一个货币联盟内,资本流动、经常账户失衡、金融脆弱、竞争力各异和财政政策都是攸关共同利益的问题。而且,单单制定更严格的规则是不够的。成员国彼此间也应提供保障。否则,光是对联盟存续能力的怀疑就足以将联盟拖入解体。正是出于这个原因,欧洲央行才不得已推出了新的“直接货币购买(outright monetary purchases)计划,即购买有困难的成员国的政府债券。

The plan now emerging involves a “banking union, which means common standards and processes for supervision and resolution, alongside at least a limited “fiscal union, which means both tighter rules and greater support in a crisis. Such big shifts in decision-making from the member countries to the eurozone as a whole will demand, in time, far greater political integration. What form this will take is unclear. But the direction of change cannot be.


One possible outcome is that the eurozone solves its crisis by accepting deeper economic and political integration. The opposite possible outcome is that it fails to do so, whereupon it breaks up, wholly or in part. Nobody knows which possibility will materialise and in what way. We can all guess about the likelihood of each alternative. All we know is that neither survival nor disintegration is certain.


Assume, for example, that a more integrated eurozone emerges, with, notably, a banking union under the supervisory control of the ECB. That would have big implications for the UK. The worst, from the UK perspective, is that financial regulations would be agreed within the eurozone and then imposed on the rest of the EU. The UK might find itself permanently outvoted. The eurozone would surely seek to ensure that the UK cannot subvert its regulations. Moreover, such common eurozone positions might end up going far beyond financial regulation as the eurozone’s integration deepens.


If this were to happen, the UK might consider a number of radical options. True, it might stay inside, as it is. It might also seek to move into the European Economic Area. This would deprive it of a vote in decisions on the single market but it might believe that, by then, its vote would count for nothing, anyway. If this could be agreed – a big if, since the existing members are small countries such as Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein – this would spare the UK the costs of membership of the common agricultural policy and put it outside the common fisheries policy, both of which are potentially highly popular. However, the UK would continue to contribute to costs associated with the single market. If even this were too onerous, it might rejoin the European Free Trade Area, with Switzerland, thereby putting it outside the single market. Beyond that, it could leave everything and stand on its rights in the World Trade Organisation. Choosing among these alternatives and then negotiating over them with the members would be quite a business.

如果发生这种情况的话,英国可能将考虑采取激进措施。的确,它或许会维持现状,留在欧盟。它也可能寻求加入欧洲经济区(European Economic Area)。这样会使英国失去对单一市场的决策投票权,但英国到时或许会认为自己的一票已经无关大局。如果能经过协商达成这样的结果——这是一个很大的假设,因为欧洲经济区的现有成员是冰岛、挪威和列支敦士登这样的小国家——那么英国将不必再承受共同农业政策相关的负担,也将置身共同渔业政策之外,这两件事可能将深得民心。不过,英国仍将承担与单一市场有关的成本。如果即便这种负担也过于沉重的话,英国可能会重新加入成员国包括瑞士的欧洲自由贸易区(European Free Trade Area),从而置身单一市场之外。此外,它可能离开所有组织,坚持自己在世贸组织(WTO)中的权利。选择一条出路,并与相关组织的成员进行磋商,将是一项不轻的任务。

Yet sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. None of this needs to be decided now. The UK is a bystander at the eurozone drama. Its sensible policy is to keep its options open until the outcome is far clearer.


The question is whether domestic politics will allow it to be so sensible. A combination of Tory euroscepticism with Labour opportunism is generating a battle over the EU budget, in which the UK will alienate virtually every other member. Increasingly, the UK is viewed as a member of a club whose rules it rejects and norms it despises. A desire to repatriate powers is a rejection of existing rules. A refusal to compromise is a rejection of club norms. The British understand clubability. Eccentricity is usually acceptable. Obstructionism is not.


The relationship between an inward-looking eurozone, trying to resolve its problems, and a UK trying to become ever more detached, will be difficult. Indeed, it was always likely that the long-run consequences of the creation of the euro would be an EU in which the UK – or at least England – felt it did not fit. (Scotland might decide to leave England so it can stay in the EU.) No decision needs to be made as yet. But UK politics may not allow it to be a patient and co-operative bystander. As unnecessary irritation over relatively unimportant issues grows, the UK may be driven into a referendum over membership, even though neither the options nor the implications would then be clear. That referendum might lead towards exit. Would England at last enjoy being an offshore island off a united Europe? I strongly doubt it. But that outcome no longer seems distant.



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