President Barack Obama turned his focus Wednesday to how he will work with Congress in his second term, while also preparing for the expected departure of many senior administration officials.
美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周三将关注重点转向如何在第二个任期内与国会合作,同时也在为预计中的很多高层政府官员的离任做准备。
Mr. Obama already has scheduled meetings with his senior staff to map out a path for the coming days, including one Thursday to discuss personnel. He immediately faces a fiscal crisis looming at the end of the year, with limited time to bridge differences between the parties over taxes and spending plans.
At the same time, he is preparing for the departure of nearly half to two-thirds of his staff at the highest levels of the White House and across the administration. His top advisers have been working on a plan for filling posts expected to be vacated by senior White House aides, ambassadors and the secretaries of State and Treasury.
One of Mr. Obama's chief goals is to accomplish what he was unable to do in a first term─make major policy strides while working with Republicans, who retained control of the House in Tuesday's election. People close to Mr. Obama said he was looking to send a message to congressional Republicans and to members of his own party, some of whom may see his re-election as a mandate for commitment to their own approach, that he is willing to reach compromises on major initiatives.
'He wants to effectively demonstrate that as early in this process as possible to try to set a new tone,' said a person who has been advising the White House.
'If anything, he wants to reduce the sense of dysfunctionality that exists in Washington today by resetting the stage, and this is a reset opportunity,' this person added. 'You'll certainly see that as early as next week.'
Mr. Obama's staff is trying to arrange meetings with congressional leaders this week, while engaging with Democrats and Republicans more heavily next week before he leaves for a trip to Asia.
Mr. Obama is hoping to apply lessons learned from his failed attempts last year to cut a sweeping budget deal with Republicans. He was criticized for most of his first term for not reaching out to members of Congress from either party.
Mr. Obama called congressional leaders from both parties Tuesday night to discuss 'finding bipartisan solutions' to deficit-reduction, taxes and jobs, a White House statement said. In his victory speech in Chicago, he identified his priorities as deficit-reduction, an overhaul of the tax code, 'fixing our immigration system' and energy independence. He spent most of Wednesday in Chicago, site of his campaign headquarters, before returning to Washington late in the day.
The developments came as the size of Mr. Obama's election victory became clearer. He won no sweeping mandate in the popular vote, carrying about 50% to Mitt Romney's 48%. With 99% of precincts counted, an Associated Press tally showed the president with more than 60,367,000 votes, to about 57,573,000 for Mr. Romney.
这些事都发生在奥巴马的胜选优势变得更加清晰之际。他在普选中并没有获得压倒性的多数票,他和罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的得票率分别为约50%和48%。在99%的选区已经统计投票的情况下,美联社(Associated Press)的一项统计显示,奥巴马赢得了逾60,367,000张选票,而罗姆尼赢得了约57,573,000张选票。
But Mr. Obama's lead in the Electoral College was far larger. The president held 303 electoral votes to 206 for Mr. Romney, and he was ahead in the one state whose result was uncertain, Florida, which carries 29 electoral votes.
Mr. Obama's lead in Florida as of Wednesday afternoon was barely outside the 0.5% margin that would trigger a recount, according to the division of elections.
White House aides are closely watching GOP leaders for clues about whether there is an opening for an agreement on fiscal issues and are trying to determine both the approach and tone Mr. Obama should take in engaging Republicans─in particular, how tough a public posture he should take. Mr. Obama believes his re-election gave him a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthy as part of any deficit-reduction deal.
But even beyond Mr. Obama's challenge in negotiating with Republicans, it's not clear how enthusiastically congressional Democrats will back his agenda, especially if it involves compromising with Republicans on longstanding positions on entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. Democrats have long complained that Mr. Obama's White House rarely reaches out to them, and many House Democrats believe the president expended little effort helping them in the recent election, a sentiment that is not likely to make his outreach any easier.
Mr. Obama's promise in his victory speech early Wednesday that he would move forward on an overhaul of immigration laws was seconded later Wednesday by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), who said immigration would be at the top of the Senate's agenda. 'The only thing we need, to get immigration reform done, are a few Republican votes,'' he said. 'I get 90% of the Democrats; couldn't we get a few Republicans to join us? So it's high on our list, and we're going to have some votes on it.'
奥巴马周三早间在胜选演讲中承诺,他将推进移民法的改革。周三晚些时候,参议院多数党领袖、内华达州民主党议员里德(Harry Reid)对此表示支持,他说移民问题将是参议院的首要任务。他说,要实现移民法的改革,我们唯一还缺的就是几张共和党的选票,我能确保获得90%的民主党议员的支持,我们难道不能让一些共和党议员也支持移民法改革吗?所以这是我们的首要任务,我们将在这个问题上进行几次投票。
Several Democratic victories Tuesday, including Mr. Obama's, were won with considerable support from Latino voters, and immigration advocates hoped that would pressure GOP leaders to back an immigration overhaul.
The goal of such legislation would be offering a path to citizenship for the 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally. Any attempt to pass it would come after the White House and Congress address the looming 'fiscal cliff,' the combination of spending cuts and tax increases scheduled to take effect in January.
改革移民法的目的在于为1,100万非法居住在美国的人提供一种入籍的途径。不过,任何通过移民法改革的尝试都必须要等到白宫和国会解决了即将到来的“财政悬崖(fiscal cliff)之后。财政悬崖指的是将于明年1月生效的减支和增税。
The White House has held quiet conversations with lawmakers in both parties about a sweeping immigration overhaul and is looking to identify Republican senators, in particular, who might be willing to cooperate. Past efforts to win cooperation from the GOP have failed. But with the election over, the White House is hopeful Republicans will be more amenable.
Last month, White House officials met with advocates of an immigration overhaul. In the meeting in the West Wing, advocates told the president that 'he has to lead in a way that brings conservatives and moderates to the table,' said Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, a nonpartisan immigration advocacy group. Mr. Noorani added that the president's victory speech early Wednesday 'was a pretty tremendous step in that direction.'
上个月,白宫官员与支持移民法改革的活动人士举行了会谈。无党派移民权益活动组织全国移民论坛(National Immigration Forum)的执行董事努拉尼(Ali Noorani)说,在白宫的总统办公室举行的会谈中,活动人士对奥巴马说,他的领导方式必须能够令保守派人士和中间派人士坐到谈判桌前。努拉尼还说,奥巴马周三早间发表的胜选演讲是朝着这个方向迈出的相当大的一步。
Candidates to succeed Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner include White House Chief of Staff Jacob Lew and Erskine Bowles, co-chairman of the White House's deficit-reduction panel in 2010. Whoever is selected for the post will have a much different portfolio than that of Mr. Geithner, who spent much of his time dealing with the aftermath of the financial crisis. His replacement likely will focus more on budget and tax-policy issues, requiring the ability to negotiate with Congress.
财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)的可能继任者包括白宫幕僚长卢(Jacob Lew)和2010年担任白宫减赤委员会联合主席的鲍尔斯(Erskine Bowles)。无论谁继任这个职位,其面对的问题都将与盖特纳大不相同。盖特纳大部分时间都在应对金融危机的后果,而他的继任者则可能将更多专注于预算和税收政策问题,需要有与国会进行谈判的能力。
Leading candidates to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are Sen. John Kerry, United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice and former Sen. Chuck Hagel. Mrs. Clinton has said she will remain in office until her replacement is confirmed, which likely would be next year.
接替国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的主要人选包括参议员克里(John Kerry)、美国常驻联合国代表赖斯(Susan Rice)和前参议员哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)。克林顿一直说,在接替她的人选确定之前,她会一直担任国务卿。她的继任者可能将于明年确定。
Attorney General Eric Holder's future in the administration is unclear. Mr. Holder has told administration officials he wants to stay on for a period into the Obama second term, as the Justice Department marks the 50th anniversary of important milestones in the 1960s civil rights struggle. A final decision on how long he stays hasn't been made.
司法部长霍尔德(Eric Holder)在奥巴马政府中的未来还不清楚。霍尔德一直对政府官员说,他希望在奥巴马第二个任期中留任一段时间,因为司法部将庆祝具有里程碑意义的民权运动50周年。不过他说还没有最终决定将留任多长时间。
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