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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Vintage 2012 will go down in history as quite extraordinary for all the wrong reasons. And, for the first time in half a century, the world may have a shortage rather than a surplus of wine.


Europe’s growing season has been horrible – unlike the west coast of America. Late January and early February, when many vignerons were in the vineyards pruning before the arrival of spring, came that viciously cold snap all over Europe. Temperatures were almost low enough to kill vines – most unusual in supposedly Mediterranean climates. Spring arrived tentatively, but without usefully plentiful rains to replenish water tables. And then, disastrously for quantity, there was extremely unsettled weather in June for the all-important flowering. The result was an exceptionally small, uneven fruit set and relatively few bunches.


Since considerable work in the vineyards on quality-conscious estates nowadays consists of snipping off surplus bunches in order to make the final crop more concentrated, you would think this could be a good thing. But the problem was that the uneven setting of the fruit resulted in berries of very different sizes on the same bunch that ripened at inconveniently differing rates, making it difficult to decide when to pick.


But that was far from the biggest problem. The flowering was followed by an extended period of muggy weather that was perfect for the development of the two mildews to which vines are perennially prone. It was a great year for agrochemical merchants and the vines needed close attention and multiple sprayings. Those hoping to visit Burgundian vignerons in late June found their appointments cancelled while their hosts frantically tried to keep the mildew at bay. On June 30 came hailstones the size of ping-pong balls that ravaged some vineyards in Volnay. This was an expensive and demanding vintage to make.


Some warm, dry weather was sorely needed but was in short supply in July. Leaves were stripped from around some bunches to maximise the ripening effect of what sunshine there was. August was a bit warmer but not nearly as hot as usual, and by mid-September red wine grapes still seemed a long way from full ripeness at a time when vignerons would often already be hard at work in the cellar instead of the vineyard. A major part of the problem throughout southern Europe was the drought, which always reduces volume anyway. The plants were gobbling up what little water there was for survival rather than using it for grape ripening. The result was that the grapes tended be short of the all-important phenolics that are responsible for flavour. In England’s much-vaunted vineyards, acid levels were generally still worryingly high and sugars way below the legal minimum to make wine.


Eventually, and much later than usual, most grapes have been picked, the only exceptions being those left in the (possibly vain) hope of being turned into top-quality sweet wine. But some producers have already announced that they will not be producing a 2012 vintage at all. Nyetimber, funded by the apparently bottomless pockets of Dutchman Eric Heerema, caused consternation in the burgeoning English wine industry by announcing that there would be no Nyetimber 2012. The owner of the Médoc Cru Bourgeois Ch Hourtin-Ducasse has done the same, citing rampant mildew as the culprit.

尽管比往年推迟了很久,绝大多数葡萄最终仍然得以采摘,与此同时,人们还故意在植株上保留了一些果实,希望通过刻意推迟采摘来酿造顶级的甜葡萄酒(不过从现在的状况来看,这希望最终换来的也只是失望罢了)。不过也有一些酿酒者已经宣布,他们的酒庄将不会酿造2012年份的葡萄酒:由荷兰巨富埃里克·贺雷玛(Eric Heerema)建立的尼丁博(Nyetimber)酒庄就表示在该年份将不会出品,此消息一出,英国葡萄酒界哗然一片;位于梅多克(Médoc)的中产庄园(Cru Bourgeois)雾亭-都卡斯(Ch Hourtin-Ducasse)也作出了与尼丁博酒庄相同的决定,酒庄主人将这一切归咎于肆虐的霉玻

Throughout Europe quantities are way down, with the head of the OIV, the United Nations of wine, announcing last week that in 2012 global wine production will be at its lowest level since 1975. Thanks substantially to a lack of rainfall, the amount of grape juice and therefore wine produced in virtually every European country is even lower this year than it was in 2011, itself not a generous vintage. All this just as global wine consumption has started to rise after decades of decline. The shortages will be most marked in basic blending wines, not least thanks to the effectiveness of the European Union’s policy of shrinking acreage of the most ordinary vineyards. But it is likely that the small crop will be used as an excuse for widespread price rises. Pricing of the 2012 vintage of Bordeaux en primeur will be an even more delicate art than usual, not least because of the lack of demand for the 2011s.

产量下降的其实不仅仅是整个欧洲——有“葡萄酒界的联合国(the United Nations of wine)之称的国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织(OIV)在上周称2012年全球葡萄酒产量将会达到1975年以来的最低点。因为雨水不足的关系,2012年份欧洲葡萄酒的产量将会低于本来就低产的2011年份——但愿从今以后的产量将会与消费量一样,结束已持续了数十年的低迷。产量的缺口主要集中在基础级别的混调酒上,出现这种情况的主要原因是欧盟非常有效地贯彻了一项政策,即消减那些质量最为一般的葡萄田。从目前看来,酒商们很有可能以低产量为借口而提高葡萄酒的价格,比如2012年份波尔多期酒价格的定位将会比以往年份受到更多复杂因素的影响,而首要因素就是去年期酒的需求呈疲软状态。

Americans can brace themselves for a return to robust pricing of California wine. The glut there is well and truly over and all West Coast vignerons, in Oregon and Washington as well as in the dominant wine state of California, report the best-quality harvest they can remember, with decent quantity too. But this is truly a global exception.

今年值得美国人欢庆,因为加利福尼亚葡萄酒价格已经重回坚挺状态,供大于求的市场状况已经如云烟般消散。包括了俄勒冈、华盛顿以及加利福尼亚的西海岸(West Coast)产区形势一片大好,种植者们纷纷表示2012是当地有史记载以来的最佳年份(当然产量也有所下降)。但不得不承认,这样的好情况全球独此一处。

In the southern hemisphere, where grapes were picked more than six months ago, there is also a shortage of volume. Crop levels were down 22 per cent for the biggest southern hemisphere producer, Argentina, thanks to frost, and rain at flowering time. Chile, which has been planting vineyards faster than any other country on earth, saw the results of this in an increase in wine production in 2012, but not by enough to compensate for Argentina’s shortfall. And an exceptionally hot, very dry summer caused many berries to shrivel and may result in wines that will be difficult to marry with the nation’s aim of making increasingly subtle, appetising wines (a phenomenon that is currently observable in just about every wine-producing country).


The South Africans, for example, are thrilled with their 2012s because not only was the crop 7 per cent higher than the previous year, and almost a record in terms of volume, but grapes reached full and rather glorious phenolic ripeness early, without having to wait for very high sugars that would have resulted in high alcohol levels.


Some Australians, on the other hand, suffered their own annus horribilis with rain blighting wine production throughout New South Wales, although quality was good in the much more important wine state of South Australia. Australia and New Zealand have both had their own glut of wine in recent years but the 2012 crop seems to have brought supply and demand, as in the rest of the world, into much improved balance.


Tasting notes on Purple Pages of JancisRobinson.com


Jancis’s pick


Robertson Winery Chardonnay 2012 is from the co-op in South Africa’s Robertson district. With its famous limestone, it may not be the finest 2012 produced in the world but it is surely one of the best value. Just £5.50 from The Wine Society (01438 740222) with very light oaking and lots of refreshing tension. For drinking, not keeping.

2012年份罗伯森酒厂(Robertson Winery)霞多丽(Chardonnay)白葡萄酒。生产者:南非罗伯森区酿酒合作社,该产区以石灰岩土壤而闻名。虽不能妄论此酒为世界上最好的2012年份产品,但将其称为最具性价比的产品之一则一点都不为过。特点:有轻微的橡木桶味道和充满张力的清爽感,适合现在饮用,不适于长期保存。该产品购于英国酒协(The Wine Society),价格为5.5英镑(联系方式为:01438 740222)。


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