The town of Medicine Bow, Wyo., population less than 300, has become the unlikely location for the next phase of China's advance into the U.S. energy market.
美国怀俄明州的梅迪辛博(Medicine Bow)是一个人口不到300人的小镇,但它却不可思议地成为了下一阶段中国进军美国能源市场的选址所在地。
An arm of state-controlled Sinopec Group, also known as China Petrochemical Corp., is planning to build an advanced facility there that will convert coal into gasoline, which will capture and reuse carbon dioxide otherwise emitted into the atmosphere.
中国国有企业中国石油化工集团公司(China Petrochemical Corp., 简称:中石化集团)的一个下属企业计划在梅迪辛博建造一个先进的煤制汽油厂房。这一项目将捕捉并重新利用本会直接排放到大气中的二氧化碳。
Sinopec brings to the potentially expensive and complicated project less pricey Chinese components and materials. It may also open up the doors to attractive Chinese capital.
'What's important obviously is their ability to source internationally components here,' said Bob Kelly, executive chairman of Houston-based DKRW Advanced Fuels, which contracted Sinopec and will own and operate the plant through a unit. 'They have one of the most competitive procurement arms I think world-wide.'
总部位于休斯顿的能源企业DKRW Advanced Fuels的执行董事长凯利(Bob Kelly)说,很明显,最重要的是他们(中石化集团)有能力从国际上将零部件采购到这里。DKRW Advanced Fuels已经同中石化集团签署了合同,并将通过旗下一个子公司拥有并经营这家工厂。凯利说:我认为中石化集团在全球范围内拥有一个最具竞争力的采购部门。
The company declined to disclose terms of its deal with Sinopec. It has previously said the project would cost about $2 billion.
Sinopec, in a written response to questions, said high investment levels in the refining and petrochemicals sector would present strong overseas business opportunities in the coming years as it seeks to build up a unique Chinese engineering brand. 'We expect to offer the U.S. energy market high technology value and high-quality engineering services for both sides to achieve a mutually beneficial win-win,' the company said.
Sinopec, already involved in developing energy refining, transport and storage assets from Indonesia to Saudi Arabia, has its eyes set on the U.S. It comes as companies including Dow Chemical Co. DOW +1.04% plan new U.S. petrochemical facilities resulting from the country's natural gas glut. DKRW's Mr. Kelly said he believes his company is at the forefront of a bigger U.S. engineering push by Chinese companies.
中石化集团已经参与开发能源提炼,并涉足从印度尼西亚到沙特阿拉伯的运输和存储资产。眼下它将目光瞄准了美国。现在由于美国天然气产量过剩,包括陶氏化学公司(Dow Chemical Co.)在内的美国企业计划在美国投资新的石化项目。凯利说,他相信自己的公司目前处于由中国企业所推动的势头更大的美国工程浪潮前沿。
Chinese energy firms are already active in North American oil-and-gas exploration. In January, Sinopec agreed to pay $2.5 billion to Devon Energy Corp. DVN +0.05% of Oklahoma City for a stake in drilling property in Michigan, Ohio and elsewhere. Rival Cnooc Ltd. 0883.HK -0.37% reached a $15.1 billion deal in July to purchase Canada's Nexen Inc., NXY.T -1.67% which holds sizable oil-and-gas assets in Canada and the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
中资能源企业目前在北美的石油和天然气勘探领域已经非常活跃。今年1月,中石化集团同意向总部位于俄克拉何马城的戴文能源公司(Devon Energy Corp.)支付25亿美元,收购其位于密歇根州、俄亥俄州及其它地区钻探资产的权益。中石化集团的竞争对手中国海洋石油有限公司(Cnooc Ltd.)今年7月达成了一笔规模达151亿美元的交易,收购加拿大能源企业Nexen Inc.。Nexen在加拿大和美国墨西哥湾拥有可观的石油和天然气资产。
But their growth prospects in that area for now are limited because Chinese companies lack sophisticated extraction skills, while political concerns limit the opportunity for bigger stakes. Experts say those companies have more to offer the part of the energy industry called downstream─the business of refining, processing and distributing the fuels.
'You don't have expertise in unconventional oil, you certainly don't have a cost advantage and you come with political risk,' said Trevor Houser, a partner at New York consulting firm Rhodium Group who previously advised the U.S. government on energy issues. 'On the other hand, Sinopec could potentially have a cost advantage when it comes to downstream.'
约咨询公司Rhodium Group的合伙人豪泽(Trevor Houser)说,中资企业缺乏非传统石油方面的专业技术,显然没有成本优势,而且还有政治风险;而另一方面,中石化可能在下游业务有着潜在的成本优势。豪泽此前曾为美国政府提供能源问题方面的建议。
The work by Sinopec Engineering Group helps satisfy a key requirement of the Chinese government: developing new overseas markets to prop up domestic materials and component producers. A booming Chinese economy and high public-spending levels for decades supported industrial production, but Beijing worries those companies could suffer as economic growth moderates.
中石化炼化工程(集团)股份有限公司(Sinopec Engineering Group,简称:炼化工程集团)的项目可以帮助满足中国政府的一项重要要求:开发新的海外市场以提振国内材料和组件生产商。几十年来,飞速发展的中国经济和高公共支出水平支持了工业生产,但北京担心随着经济增长放缓,这些企业可能遭受冲击。
China has 'so drastically built up domestic production in recent years they will need an outlet for industrial capacity,' said Lin Boqiang, who runs the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University. Mr. Lin, who has advised the Chinese government on energy policy, said Sinopec winning engineering work in the U.S. was important to establishing itself as a global brand. He said moves up the U.S. value chain would continue, and believed Chinese oil majors such as Sinopec could establish retail gas stations in the U.S. in the next few years.
'When you become more competitive you go into places with more competition,' Mr. Lin said.
In the Wyoming project, some materials potentially including things like steel could be sourced from China as a way to keep costs down. 'To compete in the world-wide market for this type of project you've got to be able to source it at the lowest cost,' said DKRW's Mr. Kelly.
The company says the Medicine Bow project will also benefit the local economy, creating up to 2,300 construction jobs and 400 full-time jobs when the facility goes into operation. 'Clean coal' facilities can be complicated by high project costs and promising but at times unproven technologies.
Sinopec has previously pursued similar work in the U.S. power industry. In September, Seattle-based Summit Power Group LLC said Sinopec Engineering will manage construction of a critical portion of the Texas Clean Energy Project, a planned power-generating facility near Odessa. The facility will be funded by state-owned Export-Import Bank of China, and is in line to receive $450 million in U.S. federal funding.
中石化此前曾在美国能源行业寻求开展类似的项目。今年9月,西雅图Summit Power Group LLC说,炼化工程集团将管理得克萨斯清洁能源项目一个重要部分的施工工作。这是一个计划在敖德萨(Odessa)附近修建的发电厂。这个发电厂将由国有中国进出口银行(Export-Import Bank of China)提供资金,并将获得4.50亿美元的美国联邦资金。
Proponents of U.S.-China cooperation on energy and power projects argue even though some components will be sourced internationally instead of from U.S. workers, lower upfront costs to construct facilities could transfer into cheaper electricity and other end-products for consumers.
It's not clear whether a Chinese bank will help fund the Wyoming project. Mr. Kelly said DKRW hoped to finalize financing by the end of the year, and for construction work to begin in Medicine Bow in early 2013.
'It's important for us have banking relationships and investment relationships that have capital coming in to develop resources here and industries here,' Mr. Kelly said. 'And it's important for China as they grow their markets.'
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