The Chinese have their own twist on the adage about not replicating past follies. Chengqianbihou or “Learn from your mistakes to avoid repeating them.
加拿大政府日前宣布,批准中国海洋石油有限公司(China National Offshore Oil Corp,简称中海油)以180亿美元收购加拿大尼克森公司的申请。
That seems especially apposite now, as China National Offshore Oil Corporation, the state-controlled group, awaits a final decision on its proposed $18bn take-over of Nexen, one of Canada’s biggest energy companies with assets around the world. For it is only seven years since Cnooc attemp-ted a similarly ambitious deal in the US, only to be spectacularly rebuffed.
加拿大政府同时批准了马来西亚国有石油公司Petronas对该国天然气公司Progress Energy Resources的收购。在对上述两项收购批复后,加拿大政府宣布,未来外国国企在收购加拿大自然资源企业方面将面临更加严格的审核。
In 2005, Chevron offered to buy Unocal, the ninth-biggest US oil company, for $16.7bn excluding debt. But Cnooc, largely unknown in the country, quickly trumped Chevron’s bid with an offer of $18.5bn. The surprise move caught everyone off guard. Energy executives were stunned to see China’s appetite for natural res-ources stretching so far, so fast. US regulators were driven into a rhetorical frenzy in the face of what they perceived as an aggressive Chinese acquirer. And Chevron, thinking it had secured a prized asset, was forced to go on the defensive.
A huge lobbying effort, led by the US group, swept across Washington and prompted congressional hearings, while Cnooc failed to muster a strong justification for its bid or reassuran-ces that its motivations were benign.
The House of Representatives quickly passed a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate investigation by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (Cfius), saying the deal “would threaten to impair the national security of the United States. Before that review could reach a conclusion Cnooc withdrew, paving the way for Chevron to ac-quire Unocal for a sweetened $17.4bn.
Memories of the fiasco remain fresh for Cnooc and its many advisers. A senior deals lawyer in New York says: “[Cnooc] have come to the conclusion that there are some deals they’re never going to get done, but there are some we should be able to get done.
美国众议院迅速通过了一项非强制性决议,要求美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment)迅速就中海油要约收购优尼科一事展开调查,并称该交易“可能危及美国国家安全。中海油未等调查得出结论就撤销了收购要约,将价钱加到174亿美元的雪佛龙因此得以完成对优尼科的收购。
Other state-owned res-our-ces companies have similarly focused on deals that they believe are likely to win regulatory ap-proval. Most overseas investments by Chinese oil companies so far have been minority stakes in projects that were seeking funding.
But with its bid for Nexen, Cnooc has shown it is looking to move on from Unocal. And it has worked hard to learn from past mistakes.
Central to its recent efforts have been savvy, western-educated executives, such as Yang Hua, president of Cnooc group, the state-owned parent of the listed Cnooc Ltd, who is viewed as one of China’s best dealmakers. Mr Yang was chief financial officer of Cnooc’s listed entity during the Unocal bid. So this time, rather than catch a target off guard, he took his time courting it to lay the groundwork for a bid.
One rainy day in July this year, Mr Yang walked into a west London hotel to meet oil industry veteran Barry Jackson, who chairs the board of Nexen. Cnooc officials had floated an offer at a meeting in Vancouver two months earlier and the Nexen board had rejected it as too low. But on that chilly Tuesday, Mr Jackson and Mr Yang struck an agreement that would pave the way for the acquisition effort and China’s return to large-scale, public market takeovers.
在中海油近期收购行动中,起核心作用的是一些富有见识、受过西方教育的高管,例如在母公司担任总经理的杨华,他被认为是中国最优秀的交易撮合家之一。在竞购优尼科期间,杨华是集团公司旗下上市实体中国海洋石油有限公司(Cnooc Ltd)首席财务官。因此这一次他花了大量时间向收购目标表达诚意,为提出收购要约打牢基础,而没有再像之前一样搞突然袭击。
Mr Yang’s delicate strategy, in which Cnooc made a friendly ap-proach followed by a higher offer, was crucial to getting the deal this far, with regard to both Nexen and to regulators, and just one of many ways in which the Chinese group adjusted its approach to deals.
今年7月的一个雨天,杨华走进了伦敦西区的一家酒店,与石油行业资深人士、尼克森董事长巴里·杰克逊(Barry Jackson)会面。两个月前,在温哥华一次会议上,中海油方面向尼克森提出过收购建议,被尼克森董事会以价格过低为由拒绝。但在那个寒冷的周二,杰克逊和杨华达成了一项协议,该协议不仅能为中海油展开收购尼克森行动铺垫道路,还有助于中国回归大规模公开市场收购领域。
Another was that this time Cnooc had an intimate knowledge of the target company’s market – and the target itself. In 2011, by which point Mr Yang was chief executive, Cnooc bought bankrupt oil sands producer Opti Canada for $2.1bn. Opti’s main asset was its 35 per cent stake in the Long Lake oil sands project in Alberta, in which Opti’s partner was Nexen.
Cnooc worked closely with Nexen to tackle the challenges at Long Lake. Handling the project for the Chinese group was Fang Zhi, general manager of subsidiary Cnooc International. Within a year of the Opti acquisition being announced, Mr Fang was working on buying Nexen, attracted by the Canadian company’s broad range of assets.
中海油的另一项调整是,它这次详细地掌握了目标企业所在市场以及该企业本身的情况。2011年,杨华担任中海油首席执行官时,该公司斥资21亿美元收购已经破产的加拿大油砂生产商Opti Canada。Opti的主要资产为其在加拿大艾伯塔省长湖(Long Lake)项目中所持的35%股份,该项目的另一持股方是尼克森。
“The key on the Nexen deal is understanding Long Lake, says a person close to the bid. “When Cnooc bought out Opti they showed they believed in Long Lake and believed they could fix it.
中海油在长湖项目中与尼克森密切合作,共同解决遇到的困难。该项目中方负责人是中国海洋石油国际有限公司(Cnooc International)总经理方志。中海油收购Opti的消息公布不到一年,方志已经开始为收购尼克森做准备了。这家加拿大企业吸引中海油的地方在于其资产分布广泛。
These experiences convinced Cnooc that Nexen was worth pursuing.
The final piece of the puzzle for Cnooc was to make sure it avoided the sort of political backlash that killed its Unocal bid. In the wake of the failed bid, the Chinese group revamped its approach to governmental and media relations, according to people familiar with the company. “Cnooc has been on a charm offensive ever since the Unocal deal, says a Washington lawyer familiar with the group’s operations.
To help garner Canada’s support, Cnooc decided to move its North American headquarters to Calgary, keep on all Nexen staff and even consider a secondary listing on the Tor-onto stock exchange. “It was a priority from the very beginning to understand not only what the [legal] requirements were, but also to understand what the government and the industries require, says a person close to the bid.
It was here that its work on the Long Lake oil sands project paid off. “They had already invested in Canada through Opti. They had gotten to know the provincial and federal regulators and spent some time to get to know the communities, says another person close to the deal.
Before the deal was announced on July 23, the Chinese group also informally approached officials in regions where Nexen has assets, including Canada, the US, UK and Nigeria, to prepare them. The responses were not definitive but were warm enough to be reassuring, according to one senior member of Cnooc management.
“Part of talking to people on Capitol Hill is not so much to win their support but to neutralise them, says the New York deals lawyer.
All that work looks to have been worth the effort. Nexen’s shareholders have almost unanimously agreed to accept Cnooc’s bid, which offered them a 61 per cent premium for their shares. At the same time, the political climate is less hostile.
Hurdles for the deal remain – both Canadian and US regulators have yet to clear the deal, with Cfius, which is involved because of Nexen’s assets in the Gulf of Mexico, having postponed its decision last week. A final decision from Canada is due by December 10.
Cnooc, some dealmakers say, was ahead of its time with Unocal. In the words of one oil industry adviser: “The problem with being on the front foot is sometimes you get your toes chop-ped off.
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