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发布时间:2013-01-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

In recent days, the Bank of England has called for banks to produce more prudent accounts. It is worried that banks’ failure to recognise likely defaults – associated with so-called zombie companies – is holding back lending, and thus growth. Hewlett-Packard’s decision to write off 80 per cent of the value of its 2011 acquisition of Autonomy, the UK software company, highlights the vital role of robust accounts outside the banking sector. We, along with other investors, believe that prudence needs to be restored to accounting in all companies if we are to have confidence in the numbers and to support sustained economic growth.

英国央行(Bank of England)最近呼吁各银行编制更审慎的会计报表,该行担心,银行未能识别可能的违约——与所谓的僵尸企业(zombie companies)有关——会阻碍贷款活动,进而影响经济增长。惠普(HP)决定将其2011年收购的英国软件公司Autonomy的资产价值减记80%,突显出在非银行业领域稳健报表的重要作用。我们和其他投资者认为,如果想让我们相信报表上的数据并为经济的持续增长提供支持,审慎原则需要重新回到所有公司的报表上来。

As long-term shareholders, we depend on accounts to provide a reliable view of a company’s capital, to evaluate the performance of executives and to give managements incentives to create enduring value. Directors require prudent accounts to fulfil their legal responsibilities: to determine that a company is solvent and how much money can be distributed to shareholders without eating into capital.


To achieve this, accounts must emphasise realisable values and incorporate likely losses. They should provide a “true and fair view of a business, not exaggerated by shortlived market fluctuations.


The imposition of International Financial Reporting Standards in Europe in 2005 – and in particular the prioritisation of “neutrality over “prudence – has cast accounts adrift from their legal and corporate governance moorings. The move to “neutrality, or the “absence from bias, in accounting has been driven by the desire of international standard setters to converge with US standards. But the origins and aims of accounting in the US are very different from those in Europe.


In Europe, accounts were rooted in a governance system that emphasised stewardship and ownership, and depended on prudence and realisable values to ensure the protection of capital.


By contrast, in the US accounts evolved to facilitate trading in securities markets, which meant that more weight was given to neutrality and market valuations. It is not possible to have accounts that are both consistently prudent (emphasising judgment to avoid overstating capital or income) and neutral (emphasising current market valuations to eliminate “bias). The imposition of US-style “neutrality in Europe has removed the glue that binds together accounting and corporate governance.


IFRS has been particularly pernicious in banking. In the run-up to the financial crisis, banks were prevented under IFRS from provisioning for expected loan losses. They were instead required to implement an “incurred loan loss provisioning model, which only permitted funds to be set aside for loans that were already going bad. Under IFRS, because riskier loans are associated with higher interest payments, banks are able to “cash in higher margins up front without allowing for the costs of expected defaults. In effect, banks’ accounts fail to present a “true and fair view of their economic health.


Meanwhile, banking executives, whose bonuses are often tied to short-term profits, were incentivised to expand lending rapidly, often lending of the riskier variety. Mark-to-market (and mark-to-model) valuations of bank trading books, unconstrained by a high level requirement for prudence, added fuel to the fire.

与此同时,奖金往往与短期利润挂钩的银行业高管有动机迅速扩大贷款投放,而且通常是风险较高的贷款类别。根据按市值计价(Mark-to-market)——以及按模型计价(Mark to Model)——的方法对银行交易账簿进行估值,在不受高度审慎原则约束的情况下,让问题变得更加严重。

In principle, the banks’ auditors should have been able to override accounts that failed to deliver a true and fair view. In practice, the emphasis on compliance with IFRS has deterred company directors and auditors from using their professional judgment to invoke the “true and fair override. This has been exacerbated by structural failures in the audit market that have undermined auditors’ independence and their willingness to challenge company executives.


According to research by the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, UK banks that failed between 2008 and 2010 lost almost double their reported capital in 2007. In other words, shareholders’ equity was wiped out almost twice over. This scale of losses – and the concurrent bonus payments – could not have built up under a prudent accounting system.

根据地方养老基金论坛(Local Authority Pension Fund Forum)的研究,2008年至2010年期间破产的英国银行,在2007年的亏损额几乎是资本金的两倍。换句话说,股东权益被彻底消灭了近两次。在审慎的会计体系下,这一亏损规模——以及同时出现的奖金支出——原本不会形成。

As long-term shareholders, prudent accounts provide the basis for us to fulfil our responsibilities of stewardship. They are also vital to support economic stability, through their impacts on investor confidence and executive behaviour. It is time policy makers in the UK and the European Union re-examined whether IFRS rules are delivering the right results for shareholders, for companies – and for economic growth.


The writers are respectively head of UK equities at USS Investment Management and chief investment officer at Royal London Asset Management

本文作者分别是USS Investment Management英国股票部主管和皇家伦敦资产管理(Royal London Asset Management)首席投资官


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